Good Trooper Stops Officer Misconduct


If this dude abuses authority he doesn’t have, I can’t imagine how much abuse his probationers are put through.


This PO should be charged with Impersonation by flashing a badge and detaining a civilian in a manner projecting authority of a LEO

Tbh I would’ve kept driving . The fact that he signaled with his hands to pull over just shows he didn’t have the authority to pull anyone over.


love the trooper being confused as much as the driver about what’s going on, that’s like straight off of a comedy skit

The officer knew exactly what what he was doing. He wouldn’t say the word “detained” because he knew he didn’t have the authority.

The probabtion office needs to be charged with impersonating a police officer. There needs to be accountability rather than just “we’ll look into it.” No. You can get away with that if it hasn’t come to the People ‘s attention of police misconduct. I think it’s pretty damn obvious that’s no longer the case, on a National level. Now there needs to start being prosecutions. The People are the one’s in charge, here. Not the government and it’s executive personnel

This is like getting pulled over by a mall cop


This man should be arrested and charged with clear falsely detaining this gentleman.

This one blew my mind….


I would have pressed charges on this man, if nothing else to keep him from remaining a probation officer

I can only imagine the ego that the Probation Officer takes to his own job. He should be investigated thoroughly on how he handles his caseload, if he gets triggered like this driving.

The fact that this ‘officer’ is willingly recording everything is hilarious. I’m guessing that at least 90% of that could be used against him in a lawsuit…?

<strong>The second I saw he was a probation officer and wouldn’t identify himself, I am moving on. He can role play with someone else.</strong>


The trooper’s interaction is probably my favorite good cop footage I’ve ever seen. He handled that like an ordinary, decent man would.


It’s amazing how respectful the officer is to him, this is how police should be trained: as social workers trained to de escalate


I would have asked the trooper to arrest the other guy for impersonating a cop.


The penalty for violating someone’s civil rights isn’t taken seriously enough here in the states. If it was, this wouldn’t happen.

I’d love to know what happened to this probation officer. He should be fired. I do not believe he was merely misinformed.


This dude knew his rights. It turns out the most powerful weapon you’re ever going to hold isn’t a gun. It is an education. Know what the law says, and how it applies to you. It’s a worthwhile endeavor. Be safe and knowledgeable. ❤️


Pure comedy…”when a real police officer gets here.” 😂😄


Isn’t the guy technically impersonating a peace officer?

>> No because he is an officer of law he isn’t impersonating one, But he is misinterpretating his job and the responsibilities

Yes, he was operating outside his jurisdictional authority. In my view <strong>what he did here is akin to a false citizen’s arrest.</strong> The minute he saw the officer was outside his authority I would’ve driven away hopefully after ID’ing the suspect. This is serious misconduct and the probation officer would likely have been pulled over for suspicious driving if a cop was in the area.


Can you imagine how poorly people who’re actually bound to his authority are treated
When you deal with overweight police officer, be even more cautious because you already know this man is not fully serious about being a good police officer, else he would be physically fit for this job….
I’m afraid I have to strenuously disagree with the Trooper’s grade. He absolutely covered for the PO’s illegal stop. An A+ grade would be taking him to jail
The wittiness of driver had me laughing. “We’ll find out a lot of things when the real police show up”. “Am I being detained? Do you not understand me?” 😂😂😂
I feel bad for the people he manages on probation. That badge has gone to his head.
If the driver had taken off, I wouldn’t be surprised if the PO took a shot at the driver with the argument “He was fleeing and he tried to run me down.” The PO has a big ego problem as well as he’s totally ignorant as what the PO badge allows him to do.
you had me at “Alabama”
“Are you a police officer?”
“I am an officer”
“Says right there you’re a probation officer. Bye”
Shoulda been as easy as that
I could just imagine how many false probation violation this guy has issued keeping the stats prison system beyond its capacity.
Nothing wrong with calling out your colleagues for making mistakes or doing wrong. More cops need to do this.
“Am I being detained” is a straightforward binary question. The fact that he refused to answer it accordingly indicates that he doesn’t have a clue if he is in the right or not.
Question – does the trooper really deserve an A+, I mean I get that his demeanor was stellar and his general prerogative to give the subject their due rights back was in line with his duty, should he not have also explained that impersonating a trooper is a felony and the subject has a right to press charges? If there’s one thing I learned from Jeremy Dewitte and others like him, officers really don’t like these sorts of games.
Since probation guy was operating outside the scope of his authority, he should have no qualified immunity. He needs to be taught a lesson where it hurts. His wallet
Having had the pleasure of being stopped by NCSHP, I can confirm they are one of the most professional law enforcement agencies out there
Corrections Officer knew enough to not say “detained”, that seems to me to be evidence that he knew he wasn’t within his authority and it was a case of ego.
My (now retired) cop relatives have told me: Never, ever pull over for ANYTHING other than a marked patrol car because there are lunatics who will impersonate cops.
The first thing that comes to my mind watching this craziness, is how many other illegal traffic stops this wannabe cop has executed on unsuspecting people, who may not have been as aware of their rights as this driver. This guy could have illegally detained young ladies and taken them to who knows where and violated them. He has obviously done this before, and it has turned out well for him, because he keeps doing it.
This seems all too common; members of law enforcement using their badge to intimidate and improperly detain citizens, most of whom don’t know their rights. I believe law enforcement officers are by and large good and decent people with a desire to protect and serve. The bad apples are the reason this channel and others like it exist. And they should exist so people can see and hear the explanation behind how and why they should behave during a period of questionable detention.
Honestly I can sum this up in one thing jurisdictional this guy is technically outside of his jurisdiction he is not even in his home state he has no authority to perform any duties as an officer of the law let alone a probationary officer
Imagine, just imagine the colossal, overwhelming and unjustified abuse of his authority that his parolees have to deal with.
I would have been interested to hear the trooper’s response if asked whether he thought a probation officer has the right to conduct traffic stops.
The reason he didn’t answer the detainment question was he knew he didn’t have the power to detain anyone
I love your channel. It’s very informative and it’s really nice/important that these things are exposed. But it corrodes my soul to see all the power tripping, abusive people getting no proper (or even not at all) punishment for their actions. Most of them continue their lives the same way victimizing many more in the future. And that will never change..
When I was a CO a few years ago, there were talks about probation and correctional officers getting the authority to pull people over end give tickets. This right here, is exactly why they wouldn’t do it. And I’m glad they didn’t. There were COs saying that they couldn’t wait to pull people over for no reason just to fuck with them.
I’ve worked with, trained or was trained by professionals. This probation officer may receive a pay check from public tax money but, he is no professional. He’s a thug and pettie tyrant, in my opinion. I’ve turned down promotions and awards in my life just so I spent more time where it counts, my family. Even when I don’t put in for it I’m lifted up and promoted! I can’t understand the mind of a thug or tyrant. How small they must be. My gold badge is tucked away and I’m retired from the Government. And I’m not going back yet still courted to come back! I’m sorry for that probation officer. He needs to find other work like in a fish cleaning house or coffee fetcher for a mall cop. And credible supervisor or administrator would see that this probation officer became a fish cleaner or coffee fetcher in private industry. In my opinion.
Lmao the guy that got pulled over was dropping zingers of truth and comedy the entire time. I’m happy he didn’t remain silent
That poor police officer was so sheepish, you could see the whole situation made him very uncomfortable 😳
“youre a probation officer im not even on probation, never have been” and they just kept coming 😂😂
Damn! 😜 I love the dudes accent. I did not know i sounded that way! I am from Alabama and we don’t take their bullshit. The Trooper did an excellent job and gives me a little faith in troopers!!
WHY DO THEY NEED TO KNOW WHERE A DRIVER IS GOING OR WHERE HE’S BEEN especially if the officer already admits there was no reason for him to be ticketed or detained anymore???
It’s amazing how much this guy was power tripping
The first tip off for me was that the office pulled in front of him several yards from the gentlemen. That’s not a traffic stop tactic that I’ve ever seen.
That is one of the best southern accents I have ever heard, and I live in North Carolina. He’s got the perfect nasal tone, all the right inflections… this guy should do voice acting as a “good ol’ southern boy”. Even 8n the foothills of NC this guy’s accent is notable. And I love it.
Never once did the trooper say “let him go right now” 😂😂 your captions are clickbait. There goes 15 minutes of my life
For the life of me…….it would be so much easier for a judge to adjudicate police misconduct if everyone would just plead the 5th and wait for a lawyer.
This guy needs to be an auditor. I could listen to him all day. Reasonable, cheery, clear voice, doesn’t get flustered or excited. Damn, get this man a body cam!
You see this shit in life all the time, give this type of person a little bit of authority, it will go beyond the pale almost every time.

Imagine having that perma-power tripping thing being your probation officer.
I’m a probation officer and I can guarantee you that if anyone here did something like this they would be A) fired and B) prosecuted. He should have been arrested. I hope the victim follows up legally. That guy is a moron and should not be supervising anyone at any level in any capacity.
“Don’t argue with idiots, they will drag you down their level and beat you with experience.” Author unknown (really). Not a law officer, drive off.
This is what I find infuriating about our law enforcement system, or what ever you want to call it. The probation officer had no authority to pull over that car, he’s not an officer, and he was out of his jurisdiction. I want to know, did the trooper tell him that? More then likely it’s the good old boy nonsense. Oh well it’s not like you shot him or anything, but be careful this could be considered kidnapping, you have a good day. EARNING THE HATE, EACH AND EVERY DAY.
I live in Alabama and all I can say is our cops here wave and anytime I’ve ever seen one in public they are always super nice, but Fl on the other hand, when I lived there most of the cops I’ve seen were as they thought, above the law!
Imagine being this dudes wife – you’re coming home from vacation, and your husband decides to make a random illegal traffic stop, and then wait around while he acts like this. Poor lady.
Pisses me off so much when officers use their authority illegally. It also pisses me off that other officers aren’t as outraged as I am about it.
Real question: could he have been arrested for impersonating a police officer? He had absolutely no jurisdiction in the state let alone zero jurisdiction to pull someone over in his own state.
As soon as I seen him holding a camera in his hand, I would have thought I was being punked. I would have left from the jump.
I am impressed with that mans wife, i got through that whole video believing there was 1 guy in the car, only for the audior mentioning his wife at the end i would still be oblivious to her existence
I would have been on the phone with 911. Absolutely no way I’m stopping for some guy flashing a badge out his window. People get killed that way.
Personally i work as an armed security guard. The fact this guy was filming with his PERSONAL phone is a huge no no. If i did that while in uniform i would be fired and black listed from the field within the week.
 @Wil Bing  that’s why I would be on the phone with 911 to confirm what was happening. Everyone is saying stop or don’t stop, I’m going down the middle. I’m calling 911 to confirm before I stop, and waiting on the phone with them until a patrol unit arrives.
If something like this ever happens, just call 911. Tell them you want a supervisor or watch commander to come to the location.

Civic-minded Black Family’s Kids would have been sent to Child Protective Services over Non-Existent Law


“Soliciting without a permit”
“soliciting what?”
“Whatever you’re soliciting…”
“you don’t even know what I’m doing?”
“what are you soliciting?”


  • They wanted to arrest him and take his kids to protective so the parents would have a case with CPS , any thing to destroy a family for no reason


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***CORRECTION*** Mr. Marshall would not have been legally obligated to present his ID unless he had been arrested at the time of the command. Michigan is not a stop and ID state, meaning that more than RAS is required to compel citizens to present ID.


  • Imagine if police officers could be personally fined for unlawfull actions.
  • I love how cops are like “we don’t know why people don’t trust us”


  • Man I can’t imagine how ruined this guy’s life would be been without this wonderful woman


  • How could the cops be expected to know about a civil law that’s been around for only 400 yrs?


  • They had no problem trying to ruin this man’s life with a felony. Sorry isn’t enough.


  • They wanted to arrest him and take his kids to protective so the parents would have a case with CPS , any thing to destroy a family for no reason


  • You can tell that cop who initiaties the whole thing is really a dangerous guy. Its all about flexing power for him.


  • Both deputies should be fired. I understand the deputy wearing the glasses was fired, but the other one that stood by, watched, and did nothing to protect the victim from an unlawful arrest is just as guilty as the other. Both deputies are guilty PERIOD.


  • Love how the homeowner knows that petitioning is a constitutionally protected right


  • I love how down for the cause this random woman is. She’s just like, ‘oh word Officer? It’s like that?’ lol she’s not cool with their Gestapo tactics


  • The irony of him trying to obtain signatures for fair rights and then illegitimately cuffed is kinda amazing


  • I’m really impressed by the lady filming. She knew her shit and certainly conveyed it effectively and coherently. I wonder why she has to know all this, looks like this type of shit happens often around where she lives and she forced to have to know all these things. Sue the crap out of the department.


  • Some cops demand a “yes Master” attitude from citizens.


  • Ms Totsky is incredible. just unrelenting. perfectly handled to how she addressed the child situation then right back on the attack. total pro.


  • “Don’t mess with my rights” . How is such a powerful statement like that so easily overlooked by these two people?
    • Unchallenged power is like a drug and it numbs people who wield it.
    • because your first amendment is just an illusion or something told to a toddler to feel special
    • Shout out to the neighbor too! Looking out for him and the kids.


  • The shitty thing about all these cases is that the money that is paid out in these lawsuits is taxpayer money. What needs to happen is the money comes off their budget & then will start seeing some results.


  • Funny how the average person, with absolutely no police training/education, can have a better grasp of the law and our constitutional rights than the officers that are supposed to enforce those laws and protect those rights.


  • My props to the neighbor lady. I’m glad there’s more of us who are becoming outraged over racist and/or power hungry cops! I think both played a role here. Just my opinion. We all need to stand strong with other folks who are being treated unjustly. It’s absurd and pathetic that cops like this even exist! Officers used to be heroes and now they’ve become villains.


  • That was literally the most racially profiling and unreasonable search and arrest of a citizen that I have seen on this yet! The audacity of these officers challenging somebody on their own property is mind-boggling!


  • The truly tragic part of this interaction — there are two small children who have the majority of their lifetimes to not trust and/or hate police. Great job tyrant thugs.


  • Ms Totzke also has every right to sue: the deputies were abrogating her First Amendment rights too by denying her the right to participation in the political process.


  • Once again, all this injustice starts with an anonymous phone call from a Karen…if wrongly detained, these officers need to be held accountable AND these no life having 911 callers who get scared when they see black people minding their business..


  • This arrest truly breaks my heart. What bothers me most is the cop without the cap KNEW what was happening was WRONG in every sense of the word. When a good cop won’t stand up against a BAD cop, all trust is lost in this institution of law enforcement. This was only an act being perpetrated by a BULLY!!! The cop needs to go. Unfortunately, he will just move on to another town. HEART BREAKING


  • I’ve lived in Battle Creek my whole life and had no idea of this incident. Thank you for sharing, I am currently involved with the protection of rights and civil liberties in this city and this is great information to have.


  • Its BLATANTLY obvious that this Cop made the decision to arrest this man when he approached him with handcuffs in his hand already. Then he dodges every legitimate statement and question that both of these citizens present to him. There REALLY needs to be more done whenhiring these cops to determine who is right and wrong for this type of work.


  • Just the look on the deputy’s face while talking… It takes a different kind of strength not to fight back.

    • of everything this lady did right, keeping those kids safe until she was able to personally deliver them to family, she is an angel.
    • Bless that homeowner for not backing down and sticking up for him!
    • A repeated theme I hear in these cases is officer lack of training. For most of these officers training has nothing to do with it. They let their ego and temper control the situation and abuse their power.


  • I love how the gal took complete ownership of her friend’s rights being trampled, and correctly viewed that as her own rights being trampled. If you observe wrong being done right in front of you and don’t speak out, how can you expect to have someone come to your defense when you’re the one being wronged
    • you need to institute an “F minus” mark for situations like this.


  • The lady is brilliant. They was wrong for this. They all stayed calm and made sure the children stayed calm too. It’s just disgraceful that this goes on so much. Smh


  • You go girl!!!! So proud of her. We all need neighbours like this lady.


  • Mr. Marshall was much more composed than I could have been in the same situation. I admire his patience and self confidence.


  • It amazes me that when you don’t obey their commands. All a sudden they egos steps a break their own laws by making up laws to put you in cuffs. It also seems that Officers hate being wrong ergo the the ego again.


  • Got to love how the sheriffs dept still defended him by claiming he was right just not in that county. Sorry but collecting signatures is legal in all jurisdictions. It’s called the 1st amendment.


  • Caller: “hey there’s a BLACK man out here trying to fight for our rights and make our community safer… can you come arrest him and let him know he has no rights and is not safe” Dispatcher: for sure I have the perfect pair of officers.


  • …it is clear from the video that the deputies had no interest in carrying out a legitimate investigation to determine the legality of Mr. Marshall’s conduct…🔥🔥🔥🔥💯


  • A 911 call was logged on the basis of suspected solicitation?! The energy levels of the deputies was way outta proportion to the situation from the very beginning. I might be able to go along with them trying to legitimately establish his residency on that property to eliminate trespassing concerns but that’s about it.


  • The hateful & arrogant look on that cops face, tells you everything about him.


  • Man, when AtA ends up going all the way back to the Magna Carta, you know you effed up.


  • I love how the second officer was so ashamed that he left without saying a thing


  • This one really pissed me more the usual. What a piece of trash. The cop literally went out looking to bully people. Hope he felt like a big man. Definitely deserves to lose his job and any benefits


  • “Transparency and honesty to our community is the foundation to all of our success.” This from the Sheriff … who will not release the name of the deputy. How is that transparency?


  • Thank you Mrs. Totsky for standing up for your neighbor. Also, I am so glad that the officer was terminated. However, I’m pretty sure he just went to another office and was hired. That ability to be rehired is a disservice to peaceful citizens.


  • Seriously this is why people have serious problems with cops. This shit gives me heartburn.


  • Can you give the deputy a double Z- for a lower grade than an F


  • After watching so many of these interactions the default response the police have is stating “hindering* whenever something doesn’t go their way.


  • Thank GOD for good neighbors and citizen’s who refuse to allow crooked cops to infringe on our rights!


  • There are so many of these videos that could have been resolved had the officers approached these non-violent situations with a little more understanding and a WILL to hear people out.


  • What is unbelievable is that without cameras this guy would be a convicted felon and that is why these police officers need to lose their badge and go to jail


  • That’s was awesome! And has the proper ending with the cop losing his job. That was ridiculous. Here is a man that is a good father, good role model, model citizen, pillar of his community and it was evident just by looking at things in front of the officer. Definitely a penis envy arrest. Every neighborhood should be so lucky to have a dude like this taking initiative and making the neighborhood safer, better, raising property value. What’s not to like?


  • What’s funny is that the second officer definitely did not want to do what they were doing. He was just caught up in it and had to go with his partner.
    • He didn’t have to go with his partner. he could have spoken up for what was right. The good cops need to control the bad cops, otherwise they are all bad cops.
    • You ppl at naive if u think that blue line of silence is going to be broken that easily
    •  @Gundawindy Ricketts  Exactly. This fraternity and blue line bullshit with garbage qualified immunity is all part of the problem. Start arresting and charging corrupt officers, DA, and judges with crimes as normal citizens and it will reform real quick. Being put on paid/unpaid leave is not a punishment, and they should not be allowed to be hired in other counties or cities.
    • This is why people say ACAB. You can’t say they’re a good cop if they stand by when this happens. The real good cops are fired, marked as snitches and chased out, or dead.
    • “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
    • No he didn’t. He could have pulled his partner aside and said…Man I don’t think this is an issue. Let’s let it ride…but he didn’t. And because of that he is at fault too.


  • Yet another example of what society gets when we encharge our law enforcement to individuals with only a high school level education and an academy that is the academic the equivalency of summer school for most 1st yr JC, college students.


  • this needs to keep on until it costs cities more in wrongful arrest compensation than they’re saving in under-training and under-educating their police.


  • I have been watching this channel for 2 days straight as I just found it and this case blows my mind more than most. A: He is being accused of soliciting B: He is being told by the person on whose property the police is on, confirming that he is not soliciting. That alone should have been enough. I could go on but this is a blatant case of power tripping in it’s finest. I am relieved to hear that this police officer has been fired. Excessive use of undue unlawful power in it’s finest.


  • I feel like so many of these officers would learn so much if their goal truly is, and stays throughout an interaction, to maintain the peace. This is a direct example of how police involvement led to an unnecessarily escalated conflict (likely due to their egos getting hurt)


  • I recommend that all cops from now on use a hiring method of any cop new or old to go through an ego and control evaluation and training to determine if they are even qualified to be around anyone on the field. Not all cops are this way but this cop on here has a control problem


  • These thugs have become so used to violating people’s rights that it becomes second nature to them. Qualified immunity needs to be removed.


  • One thing I’ve learned by watching a lot of these videos is how difficult it is for some cops to disengage once it is determined that no crime is being committed. I would bet that you could find that officers are less likely to disengage when the ‘suspect’ is a POC, especially if it the suspect is a black man. I think that this type of behavior is what fuels black mistrust of the police much more than the high-profile shootings / killing do. It sucks that Mr. Marshall had to go through this; however, I’m hopefully that, by recording these types of interactions will allow them to be used in training more even-minded and professional police.


  • “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power” – Abraham Lincoln


  • Police immunity should be removed from Law Enforcement for this very reason. Training should include Customer Service.


  • This is outrageous. I can’t believe they really did all this while knowing they were being filmed too. Chilling to think then how they behave when they know no one is watching. The nerve!! That man did NOTHING!


  • “we’ll figure that later” is the cherry on top of ingoring the request to give name and badge number. While being video recorded. I facepalmed so hard I now have a hand tattoo on my face


  • Watching these videos and thinking about my adolescence in Baltimore… makes me realize how many times my rights where violated by Baltimore city police. I’ve been cuffed, slammed on the hood, searched and detained three times just because I was well dressed.. literal words from the cops mouth.


  • I need you to read to me for nighty night time. 30% of the reason I watch these is how articulate, calm, and concise you are in these videos.
  • Too many times we see so called law enforcement getting an “F” because of ego tripping self righteousness.


  • Here’s my problem. More times than not, even AFTER the cities or counties have paid out huge lawsuits, these Bozo’s are more often than not, still LEO, somewhere.


  • The best part…”yall messed up, ya messed up.” Officer Pudgy’s expression was worth his weight of gold!!


  • “You’re under arrest!” – For what? “We’ll figure that out!”


  • I’m on the side of the police when they are right. In this video, the man being arrested is right.


  • Learn the Law Follow the Law Especially if you are supposed to enforce it!!!


  • “I’m dealin’ with him not you.” The goddamn arrogance and ego it must take to say that to someone on that person’s property is staggering.


  • Sad to see police officers in my own hometown be so bad at their profession


  • Two years to be a hairdresser. Six months to be a cop…. Where’s the problem here?


  • The officer should have been arrested for the felony of violating this man’s civil rights.
    •  Deprivation of rights under color of law.


  • This has been taking place since 1836 with the opening of the first full time police department in Boston Massachusetts. If this is going to change, the first step is to devolve all city police, place them under the Sheriff.


  • So this good samaritan is actually trying to improve his community with no expectation of compensation going above and beyond his civic duties and some cops come harrass him. This type of shit makes me seriously angry.


  • What it boils down too is having to record everything all the time. That’s why I have a phone holder on my dashboard. If I ever get pulled over, my camera is going


  • it really angers me how these cops do what ever they want with citizens i know we have rights but cops dont care


  • This proves why any contact with police should be avoided whenever possible


  • 6 months of training is not sufficient, they literally can destroy someone’s life with legal actions. END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY


  • Trying to do something good for his community and this is what happens. Absolutely disgusting turn of events. I’d love to have neighbours like him and the woman who was filming.


  • “put your hands behind your back”


  • “I’m not doing anything illegal”
  • “We don’t know that, put your hands behind your back”


  • “I’m getting signatures”


  • “You’re soliciting, put your hands behind your back”


  • “That’s not illegal”


  • “We can’t think of anything else to do, we’re very low skilled individuals”


  • In the cops mind, it’s too much work to investigate what crime has been commited. Even if no crime has been committed, as long as a person makes a call, and police make contact, you’ve commited a crime and are going to jail. No questions asked.


  • This is possibly the most disturbing video I’ve watched on this channel, and that’s saying a lot. I am so disgusted by the officers’ absolute disregard for the law, civil rights, police procedure and just all logic. Losing their jobs is not enough. They need to go to prison and this man needs to sue that police department into bankruptcy.


  • This is a prime example of why we should always video any and all interactions with the police. Things can go sideways quick.


  • “How many times I gotta tell you to turn around and put your hands behind your back?” You gotta keep saying it until it’s a lawful order silly billy.


  • Imagine all those victims before because no cameras or phones caught such pieces of shit.
    • I was one of those victims from the LAPD in the late 80’s….that’s why when the King recording came out, I was SHOCKED someone got it on video
    • Oh they were and are commonplace. It sucks because there ARE many police departments across North America which are exactly what you’d hope they’d be, but since policing is such a necessarily invasive act (not in a bad way, just objectively by nature), the failures and crimes of bad officers and departments often have especially serious impacts on individuals’ lives.


  • Good cops do a job that does need doing, and that most of us really don’t want to do ourselves. I still agree with nation-wide police reform, up to the federal level of police regulation, and not just in the US, but certainly there first.



  • @Smile & Be Happy  I think Ryleigh doesn’t understand that cops like these do dirty things to people of color because of qualified immunity. With video of them committing battery and assault they don’t fear any punishment at all.


  • General question: can you get police removed from your property, like trespassing?


  • What’s ironic is, the officers are refusing to provide their own personal information as they commit a crime and are arresting him for ‘obstruction’ of a crime that doesn’t exist.


  • As a former resident of BC, I’m telling you this is how this counties cops have always been…above the law and people are nothing. Especially if you have issues beyond your control, they treat you like dirt


  • We had such high hopes for the unnamed deputy, he graduated at the top of his class


  • And again , if there was no one recording this tyranny who knows what would have happened to this man.. felony resisting? Tf??!!??


  • 13:34 I find this very troubling, for there is no part of the LEO conduct in the video that could possibly be lawful anywhere in the U.S.A., so to say that he was enforcing ordinances that are valid in other areas is either the scariest thought possible or a flat out lie. I’m going to go with lie so the public does not scream for prosecution of yet another thug with a badge. 18USC241 seems rather appropriate. Administrative leave is more condoning the behavior than anything, it amounts to a paid vacation.


  • This happens way too many times and it needs to stop


  • The ‘silent’ officer in the background who bought the business card knew it was all wrong! His behaviour when he handed over that card to her statements spoke louder than any words!


  • “We have a caller” Translation: we can do what we want, and you have no rights unless we let you have them.


  • I feel so bad for the good cops who are being judged because of tyrants like this! The guy was doing nothing wrong!


  • When the interaction started, I would have requested a supervisor on the scene now.


  • These police are literally ignoring the property owner who they were basically trespassing. Wow this has me heated.


  • Even in states that “claim” to be stop and ID states still must have RAS of a crime to ID or detain you.


  • Another example of why I LOVE good cops.


  • What we need to remember also is the police are usually called in by a neighbor.


  • “I’m collecting signatures”


  • “Signatures for what?”


  • “It doesn’t matter”


  • “It DOES matter” — because if we don’t like what you’re collecting signatures for, we’re going to arrest you.
    • 100% …he didnt dare say what it was for…
    • The irony is amazing


  • I swear most of those videos could’ve ended in less than a minute if everybody did what that lawyer in Alabama did. When cops want to arrest you for false accusations just go with it, comply and remain silent. When they take you in, get a lawyer and congrats for the money you’re about to make. But making a scene and giving the cops a lot of points to argue with against you?!


  • “there was a phone call”
    • Apparently that line can have all your rights violated.


  • These seem like cops that have a very strong understanding of the impunity that the qualified immunity grants them
  • .. Yeah I think The cop did it right. That’s exactly how they do me every time. Tell me about the laws im breaking threaten to arrest me. And then ask me what I’m doing.


  • What I find even more frustrating is that “solicitation” is what the 911 caller said it might be, and nobody, from the dispatcher on down to the Barney Fife the idiot who arrested the guy neither knew nor bothered to look up if “solicitation” was even a thing in their municipality.


  • For the record: This didn’t happen in Battle Creek, it happened in Springfield, a small city completely surrounded by Battle Creek in the northern part of the city.


  • I live one county north, less than 30 miles away, and I’m familiar with the area.


  • 10:44 his silence spoke volumes….he knew they were done



Cop Retaliates by Asking Veteran to Step out of Vehicle

Mt. juliet police department

  • The reason that police officer asked you to get out of your car was a power trip and it made his ego feel bigger.


  • This gentleman just exposed what the public is up against and certainly is NOT the treatment we pay for. The fact that this supervisor can NOT be honest just further highlights the problem with cops.


  • As soon as a cop says, this isn’t a courtroom. You’ve proved they have no case.

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  • Really good way he went about doing this, instead of arguing with the supervisor he told him to talk to the cop who didn’t explain to him what he did wrong. This is a perfect interrogation question.
  • There was no reason for this man to get out of his car for a simple traffic stop. This supervisor is covering for this cop
  • The cop was angry because you used your rights to not talk and to record. So he had to do a power play and pull you out of the car. The cops can’t explain it any other way. Because we can….FTP
  • You decided to exercise your right and that’s suspicious to us
  • I LOVE how you turned their “officer safety” around on them!!
  • When an officer is vain enough to say I don’t care, they should automatically be liable to pay out of their pay for any lawsuits that come of the situation. They’re use to citizens paying for their mistakes
  • He was pulled out because this vet didn’t lick the cop’s boots. It’s their way of bullying and exerting power over citizens that don’t kiss their asses.
  • Like you said this is why there is a disconnect with the public and the police. Their ego over the law.
  • Why is he so clearly annoyed by a member of the public exercising his 1st amendment right to free press while he interacts with the officer. Honestly it’s infuriating to see a Public Servant annoyed at a citizen using rights. How unprofessional. Clear conduct unbecoming of an officer. Very rude and unprofessional.
  • You’re a very smart individual the way you manipulated that. You wanted to know so you don’t do that again was a genius move.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • Absolutely it was harassment there was no reason to pull him out of the car. That cop knows it anyone who watched this video knows it.
  • We can all clearly see he was butt hurt and wanted to some how gain back power.
  • He asked him to get out of the vehicle because he was hoping the man would refuse so then he could tase him, drag him out, and arrest him. All because he didn’t like the man invoking his 5th amendment rights!
  • Nice job with maintaining your composure while our public servants did not! This is a good example of egotistical tyranny in our cities. They earn the respect the get.
  • This gentleman is lucid, coherent, and makes good points. The officers should be embarrassed by their behavior and their ‘copsplaining’…
  • Isn’t it interesting how they always say “I don’t mind you recording its already being recorded by myself, that officer over there and this officer” what they DON’T tell you, is that you will have to PAY for THEIR recordings and that they will redact anything that shows them acting unlawfully.
  • You can do what you want to but you are gonna stand over there if I tell you to stand over there” ahhh, the double think and speak of a tyrant
  • It’s weird how some cops freak the f*** out if you get out of your vehicle on your own during a traffic stop because of “officer safety” … yet when they want to really assert their authority, they will demand you get out of your vehicle. Cops always tell you they are recording via their body cams, yet they get very defensive and confrontational when you (we) record them, because they only want ONE recorded version of the incident. They can mute their body cams on the spot, lose (delete) the footage when it’s requested. Any cop worth his weight would never, ever mind being recorded during any interaction with a member of the public. Ego should never play a part in how a cop performs his duties.


  • Cop got butt hurt do he had to show you who’s in charge. By pulling you out of the vehicle. BTW, never let a public servants to speak to you with an attitude. Especially being a veteran. 12:08 cop “you’re going to stand over there if that’s what I tell you to do”. That should’ve set you off. Law enforcement has no authority over you!
  • So I guess exercising your constitutional rights in the presence of a law enforcement officer is now a form of Defiance , or their absolute favorite saying , Uncooperative….
  • We all know that the driver was pulled out of the vehicle in order for the officer to passively control what the driver’s camera was able to witness.
  • LT has zero authority to tell this free citizen where to freaking stand if he’s not being detained. Absolutely ridiculous behavior.
  • What’s amazing to me is the cop showed Zero respect for the Veteran and treated him like an enemy
  • You go boy all I got to say is BOOOOM . He turned it all around when he asked that supervisor what he did wrong to make the officer feel unsafe.
  • you’re gonna stand right there if that’s what I tell you to do” who do these people think they are? Bloody low lives
  • Just imagine if we could treat cops the way they treat us.
  • “If you wanna go to court on it” That’s the truth right there, they KNOW the justice system is broken and KNOW they have zero accountability. “We do what we want, don’t like it, take it to court where the system will chew you up” “You’ve already filed your complaint” lol, yeah sure he was going to file paperwork on that and start an investigation.
  • 15:22 This is where the “supervisor” misquotes and thus misunderstands the SCOTUS ruling. Police have a wide range of description in where they conduct a traffic stop based on “officer and detained individual safety”. The auditor points out the officer has abused his entrusted authority to use this description as a bully tactic which is not related to officer (or detained individual) safety. It’s a far too common practice which needs to be eliminated in order to regain public trust in law enforcement.
  • Pennsylvania v Mimms says an officer can ask u to step out for “officer safety”. Not just because a cop “feels like it” or “wants u to”.
  • And still none of those Sovereign Citizens with Badges and Guns has given a REASON for why a Docile Law Abiding Citizen made that Supposedly trained and qualified Officer “feel unsafe”, and yet STILL failed to ensure his safety with a pat down. Because it obviously WAS a tactic to instill fear and blind obedience to his Tyranny. It’s also extremely disappointing to see the other two completely ignore their own oaths to the Law and Constitution. Bully with a Badge, afraid the camera is going to document his distain for the Citizens who pay his salary.
  • 15:20 the Corporal said is doesnt matter what he calls it! Oh! I very much DOESNT matter because when that deprivation of rights lawsuit comes and the other cops qualified immunity is on the line the jury will have to decide what a OTHER reasonable officers would have done in that same situation!
  • Cause I wanted to” isn’t a lawful reason to require someone to exit their vehicle. That’s something that is lawful for officer safety but “cause I wanted to” isn’t an officer safety thing.
  • The only reason he was asked to get out was to intimidate him for saying he wasn’t going to answer questions, as his right. That was the only reason.
  • Mimms v PA says they can pull you from the car if they fear for their safety. That’s it. Not because they “feel like it”



Recording police brutality: how one snap decision changed this town

Recording police brutality: how one snap decision changed this town
As Black Lives Matter protests have spread across America, more and more people have begun sharing clips of police violence online. It’s not just happening at protests, either: sometimes police violence is captured in everyday life.

On June 2nd, a traffic stop in Baytown, Texas turned violent when a couple friends began to question the arrest of a black man. One man recorded the clip and it went viral, but it didn’t end there. It set off a ripple effect across his life and the city of Baytown, Texas.

What happens when someone uses technology to glare back at police interactions? For Isaiah Benavides, it may have put him in harm’s way.

This video is part of a larger project at The Verge that looks at the power and consequences of filming police violence. Verge Science investigates what police body cameras don’t show you — check that out here: