One of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state (William Brennan)

On appeal, the Supreme Court invalidated the ordinance by an 8-1 vote.

Justice William J. Brennan Jr., who authored the Court’s opinion, wrote that “the First Amendment protects a significant amount of verbal criticism and challenge directed at police officers.”

He added that the “freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.” He reasoned that the ordinance could not be read only to prohibit disorderly conduct or fighting words.

Officer with Personal Animus makes “Trumped Up Charges” against Motorcyclist


  • “You’re blocking the alley.” Proceeds to park 3 police cruisers blocking entire alley for 30 minutes


  • The fact that officers can’t get in trouble for acting like this is horrendous

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  • Thank you, Garland PD for protecting citizens from dangerous alley-blockers whose motorcycles stick 3 inches into an alley for 2 minutes while attended by the owner. You are true heroes!


  • I used to be a cop. This young cop made a mistake and was desperately trying to save face but his his pride made it impossible for him to back off. I’ve seen this many times. The cop painted himself into a corner.


  • Crazy how ordinary citizens, know more about the law than the actual law officers. That is so so dangerous


  • It’s no longer protect and serve, it’s harass and assault.
    I’m just sick of it. We need to go back to the days of a sheriff and a couple deputies to enforce the big stuff (warrants, etc…). Let everyone protect themselves, cause police sure aren’t protecting anyone


  • My dad was Detroit police officer for 35 years. I’ll never forget when he told me that some police forget they took a oath to protect and serve, not bother and harass.


  • @Mark French they don’t teach law in the police training. If they don’t study up the law themselves then they don’t know it.


  • “There’s a disturbance in the area but we’re gonna have 3 officers stand here for 30 minutes while I try to illegally acquire your ID for your bike sticking out 6 inches” what a joke


  • “You know how this works.”
    “No i dont.”
    “Well maybe you need to be trained better.”


  • The insanity of all this is that they presumably stopped him for “blocking the alley”, even though he wasn’t, but they COMPLETELY blocked it for at least a half hour.


  • I love how the dad said “this is exactly why there’s a divide between the law and citizens”!


  • This is why civilians must be on all police review boards. Want this behavior to stop, this is the way. There should be no reason for police to resist this ,unless there covering for there own.


  • Regardless of the jaw dropping ignorance cops have of the law, there seems to be another very disturbing aspect to this.


  • It’s obvious that police are under huge pressure to run as many people through the system as possible.


  • The police are not motivated to serve and protect, but to meet quotas, and police will do anything to get them.


  • Police are not judged by how good they are at their jobs, their use of logic and knowledge of the law. Instead they are rated purely on the number of victims they can push through the system. The more victims they can run through the system the more likely they are to be protected by the system.


  • The fact the cops says “You think you’re in charge, you are not in charge right now” says all you need to know, this was a “Respect my Authority” moment.


  • The refusal of the Chief to meet up and the refusal to turn over the bodycam and dashcam footage tells us all we need to know, doesn’t it?


  • “I could arrest you, but I’ll write you a ticket instead!” Laugh-a-minute buffoon! Disabled motor vehicle is not an arrestable offence, just a lawsuit-able one! Ka-ching! Three thug cops down the drain! 🤣


  • Who oversees police certification in Texas? I’ve seen way too many videos of improper training by Texas officers for it to be a “department by department” problem at this point.


  • @J dER let alone none of them have knowledge of 38.02. yet people all over the world can quote 38.02 because of this. great call out


  • This is a textbook case of the cop doing EVERYTHING wrong! He starts off by lying and harassing this guy for no reason. He clearly doesn’t know much about the law that he’s been hired to enforce. He clearly was absent many times in training and doesn’t understand de-escalating a situation. From everything we see in this video, the problems appear to be from the top down The dad is right, it’s guys like this that cause a divide between police and the public. This video needs to be used in police training on what NOT to do as an officer. I’m not anti police, I actually think they have a very tough job, but there’s just too many “cowboys” out there that cause more issues than they fix!


  • @Robert Steele it wasn’t a traffic violation it was a parking violation so no he is not required to provide identification. It’s those little details that ARE relevant 😉


  • Ryan’s bodycam also captures the audio of his heartrate. It’s incredible how nervous people can be around police, our servant protectors. Police do not emanate safety vibes… They emanate terror.


  • Ummmmm… When the officer said “I’ll be seeing you again” it was an open threat and could mean anything . Now this young man and his family must live in fear of this officer and his department. Both he and his family should file protection orders against him and demand his dismissal as well as his arrest . Civil suits should ensue . If the body cam footage isn’t released at the hearings then thier superior officer should be fined as well .


  • Look how long it takes these officer to leave his property. Wow. Hope his attorney has a field day with him court.


  • Completely amazed that they have the perceived right to trespass citizens from public property and arrest them for not moving fast enough, yet move slower than molasses uphill in Winter time when they are on private property owned by that very citizen?!?


  • What a big man he is, he definitely was having a power trip. Stay strong and careful, always record. Much love from Queensland Australia 💜


  • Sad to say I guarantee that this poor guy is going to be hassled constantly around town in the future. It’s sad.


  • Great work by lackluster as normal. I want this guy in the Senate.


  • This is exactly the type of tactics that, left unchecked, open the door to a police state… they need to be challenged at every turn and people need to be fully aware of and well versed in their constitutional rights!


  • Biggest problem is that the other officers are standing there and not stopping this from happening.


  • It’s amazing the other 2 officers knew this was all wrong but went along with it. I used to have the most respect for officers, but these videos show what tyrants they are


  • I have had run in with pigs like that. And I have talked to real cops. That was just a show of power abuse of the badge. It didn’t get him anywhere. Glad you stood your ground bro.


  • Great job standing up for yourself bro. This little tyrant lives on intimidation. It might have gone badly for you without your camera and witnesses on the phone. What pissed me off more than the threats of violating your rights was the other 2 cops letting him get away with it. Keep that law suit going.


  • Once again, ignorant corrupt cops escalating and turning nothing into a crime. Sue them all.


  • I like how he’s polite to the other officers. I think treating people with the same respect they give you is very respectable


  • Cops have been getting away with too much ever since even the 50’s, 60’s, like getting into my friends car and pushing the gas pedal to the floor because he said he had loud pipes, (the cop failed) and got away with it.
    One of my friends got a ticket for not having his rear view mirror adjusted so the cop could see himself through the rear window while in his car. Cop got away with it.


  • Is it any wonder people hate the gestapo police.
    And then they have the nerve to call themselves the area (wherever they are ) as the so and so finest. I lived in a bad neighborhood a long time ago (large city) called the police and they finally came 5 hours later and the cop only walked down the street 80 feet with a large vest and a gun and went back to his car. Scared as hell. But when it comes to a ticket they are brave.


  • If a cop refuses to ID, you already know you’re dealing with a terrible person who doesn’t deserve their badge.


  • Had this happen to me in Bernalillo, NM. This is how a lot of police are acting now. Not serving and protecting but harassing the elderly and law abiding citizens. Glad I sewed the police department and won.


If You Come To This Neighborhood, This Officer Wants To Know Why…

He does important work, life coaches are awesome.
“I have to follow the law to some extent” Wait. What?
When I was a kid, we were taught how evil the Soviet Union was because they had to show their papers everywhere they traveled.
“I’m not accusing your of anything” then again officer… why are you pulling me over?
I see this more and more. A cop pulls you over because he doesn’t think you belong there. This is America and we have the freedom to go where we want. This guy just had his rights violated and he shakes the cops hand for doing it. This is what’s wrong with America
Looks like profiling to me… And people still deal with this today
But he never communicated why he stopped the man. Did I miss this? He stopped him because his boss wants to know who’s coming in and out of that neighborhood. That may be the case, but the cop still needs probable cause to stop individuals. He managed to disarm this man through pleasant conversation. He still took his ID to run him for warrants even though he never articulated a clear reason for why he was stopped. The cop got exactly what he wanted. He got a compliant and happy victim, a license check for warrants, and a sob story about his boss wanting to know everyone coming in and out of that neighborhood so that’s why I’m violating your rights now that actually worked.
So he said in so many words, he wanted to inhibit your 4th Amendment right to travel freely…regardless of how he feels how bad a neighborhood is…it is up to the citizen to decide whether or not to travel there.  He couldn’t stop him until he got some reason to do so…
The cop ran the plates prior stopping the guy. The cop knew exactly who he was pulling over, he changed his story one challenged!
He’s totally playing that game and he definitely is that guy! Foh. FTP
This officer has literally confirmed that there are bad cops when he says “i’m not that guy”.
  • And is one but knew he had no moves so he played good cop….until next time
  • Believe me when I tell you, he is that guy!.
“I have to fallow the law… some extent “ Well that sums it up right there…
Omg did you guys see it? The cop actually did deescalate the situation. The argument is valid, but still. Not like that lady cop that pulled the gun on the one guy arguing.
I don’t see how this is anything but a good stop. Well explained.
“I don’t like playing games”… as he frantically shuffles his pieces around the board.
I’m not that guy””” mmmmm…yes you are that guy, making bogus statements ” creating problems, not fixing them, this guy got caught red handed so he play the good cop. Always record.
I pulled you over because i have a quota. But im not allowed to admit that, so i shuffle through arguable reasons that are quite transparent.
Freedom of autonomy is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected RIGHT…it does not matter if he is from around there…He has a the Right to be there….Period…
Officer’s duty is to give safe passage through their jurisdiction. Suspicion is not a crime. Extortion is!
  • They enforce laws. Not provide safety.
  • .. Police officers are not trained to handle people who know their rights.
No cop has any right to question why your there in any neighborhood. This ain’t nazi Germany . You don’t need permission nor papers to travel through any neighborhood regardless if you live there OR DONT!!!
  • Getting us ready for that “Where’s your Papers” world we are fastly approaching. “I’m not that guy”, what the hell, you are that guy that pulled me over for nothing.


“Our Chief says zero tolerance in that neighborhood. Cars coming and going that don’t live there, why are they there?” Good to know the chief gets to decide if the 4th amendment, 5th amendment and 1st amendment (freedom to assemble) applies in a neighborhood.
The chief has a zero tolerance on who comes in and out the area and why? I wonder what action they’d take when people refuse to answer their questions?
Much like the old Soviet Union, this cop is making rules for Freedom of Travel, especially for POC. THIS IS AMERICA!!!
You had no obligation to give ID.
Instead of stopping people coming and going out of neighborhoods.. See what houses have a lot of traffic and send a informant to buy drugs to get legit warrant. They do it on TV cop shows all the time.
Listen to what the officer said people the problem comes from higher-ups training their dogs to attack for no apparent reason so it seems that this cop is an honest good cop but he is being pressured by the chief to do the wrong thing question them why they’re they’re like if you’re not see Germany question and why they’re coming and going this is the stuff that we need to open our eyes too it’s not too much some of the cops that are out on the field but the higher-ups that are poking them to do stuff like like this
So he just admitted to violating people’s civil rights on a daily basis. And the chief of police is the one who told him to do it. Wow that place must have great insurance.
4:29 “if I had something on you, I’m the kinda guy that would be straight with you and tell you” is an indictment of his fellow officers, because he’s signaling that they don’t. It like in advertising, where you advertise something negative that you don’t do, because others do. You don’t just make up a random negative that has nothing to do with your product, and exclaim “we don’t do that shit!@.
He Definitely and Positively IS that guy.
Of course that officer is “playing that game”. Cops are looking for drugs or money to confiscate. The driver fit the profile, black man driving a nice car. The cop followed the car waiting for tiniest of reason to pull him over. The driver knew exactly what was happening but had to pretend that the stop was legitimate.
Profiling at its finest. Your in a BMW so you must be the drug supplier
“pulled over” (detained) with no crime suspected.
“I am not accusing of anything” But if you say the wrong thing I will pin it on you,,,,then …then….then we will start accusing!!!!!
Whatever happened to freedom of travel……or freedom in general?
Stop acting proud in the camera bro, he still ran your name for no reason, now you was in the area if /when something happen! Indeed, indeed, indeed, indeed! Indeedly know your rights!
now homie got a file that says that hes known to frequent high crime area with possible ties to gang members.
First, the officer changed his story from “you parked in a no parking zone” to “it’s a bad neighborhood. My boss is cracking down on if someone doesn’t live here why are they here” when the man called him on the BS stop. Second, this is a violation of this man’s 4th amendment rights. Just because a neighborhood is a “bad neighborhood” does not give officers the right to make traffic stops on people who have not broken a traffic laws. It is none of their business why you are there if they don’t have reasonable suspicion that you have committed, are about to commit, or are in the process of committing a crime. And, if I’m not mistaken, the Supreme Court has ruled that simply being in a “bad area” does not constitute reasonable suspicion.
“I’m not going to make something up to stop you if it’s not legal…even though I want to” Holy shit…that sure says an awful lot, doesn’t it?! Good lord, what an admission.
Officer handled that very well and the guy pulled over handled that amazing. Each side practiced de-escalation.
For someone who doesn’t like playing games or doesn’t want to bust any balls, he sure has a whole lot of clowning going on.
When is this going to stop? “I’m not that guy.” Yes, you are exactly that guy. The fact that you say that tells us all we need to know about you.
“I have to follow the law to some extent” ??? @ 5:06 How about just following the law.
Atleast the cop didnt escalate the situation
When the cop splanin starts you know he’s that guy. Stay safe and carry daily
Instead of copsplaining, he should have just said sorry when he gave his ID back.
I appreciate that the officer admits that other officers play games. Video’s of smug police officer playing games are terrible for our country. Big egos with hair triggers are dangerous; therefore the videos will continue. The attitude and games need to stop.
Never talk to these revenue collector’s nothing ever came good out of talking to these criminals the the trust died years ago it’s us v them
He can access ALL of your information through your car tag… prior to making contact… so he is full of it.
he can only assess information on the vehicle, not the operator. Even then the cop needs reasonable suspicion of a crime
Oh yeah, he’s definitely the guy who just blew past the 4th amendment as clarified in Terry v. Ohio, Brown v. Texas, and Hiibel v. Nevada…..and engaged in an unlawful detention and fishing expedition by running the detainee’s license and registration. That’s called a civil rights violation in these United States. And he should have gotten for his trouble a federal lawsuit for that rights violation under 42 USC 1983.
If he wasn’t “that guy”, he would not have gone to his cruiser and run that man’s drivers license thorough the database. Which puts him in the system for that area. He would have just… (If he really needed to 🤷) Held his license in hand, asked questions, returned the license immediately after questioning, said have a nice day, then returned to his cruiser and left. Done. No running info, no intrusive searches, nothing. Just questions and release.
I’m pretty sure this would of gone differently if the cop had a partner with him. He would of been 10 times more of an asshole. But sinse he was alone he was a too scared to be a complete asshole. That’s usually how it goes. He also seemed to have a different tone before the camera got turned on but I still think he would of been worse if he had a partner with him.
I’m pretty sure this would of gone differently if the cop had a partner with him. He would of been 10 times more of an asshole. But sinse he was alone he was a too scared to be a complete asshole. That’s usually how it goes. He also seemed to have a different tone before the camera got turned on but I still think he would of been worse if he had a partner with him.
He has no legal right to pull people over because they dont live in the neighborhood thats crazy that guy needs to take this to court
The way things are looking. Pretty soon any person of color is going to have to register themselves at the local Town Hall. Because apparently cops “need to know everything” we do, from going to Walmart, or taking our poodle to the dog groomer :/ Zoinks!
Copsplaining he just wanted to see if you had warrants. And I promise you if you had anything he would try explaining and being nice after running ya names
My chief said we have to know everyone that is coming and going from that area????
question why a citizen is in any neighbourhood for NO legal reason what so ever IS “busting (citizens) balls” police are to enforce the law NOT determine who goes where or WHY
Sooooo did you commit a crime? Was he arresting you or detaining you?. Were you free to leave? Why does he have your licence? Suure your not, that’s why you profiled him and pulled him over on a bogus stop! Legal reason yet you didn’t get a ticket or arrested smh
Honestly, this is a god cop and they are rare!
NO PARKING means NO PARKING. Parking is
  1. stopping,
  2. turning the engine off, and
  3. exiting the vehicle.

It requires ALL THREE of those elements. If you stop and shut the engine off but remain in the vehicle, that is Waiting, NOT PARKING. If you stop, get out of your car and leave the engine running, that is WAITING, NOT parking. If I stop at a signal light or stop sign, don’t shut off my engine and stay in the car (like EVERYBODY DOES when WAITING for the light to change, IS THAT PARKING?

“I dont want play that game” but he came over with the game board with all the game pieces
So he admitted that he fabricated a reason to pull him over.
So it was an illegal stop. My chief told me to violate your civil rights.
‘I’m not that guy, but seriously, I’m that guy and there’s just nothing you can do about it’. ‘And also, I’m not going to apologize because that would mean I’d have to admit I’m capable of making mistakes’. ‘Actually all I wanted to do was get your name into our national databases as a negative contact because your car is nicer than mine. So now that I’ve done that, you can go on your way’.
Know the difference between parking and standing if you’re stopped in a no-parking Zone and you stay in the car that’s standing if the sign says no parking and you stay in the car you can’t get a ticket but if you park in a no standing Zone and leave the car you can get a ticket
a cop’s purpose in life is to accuse just like Satan does.
So now cops think it is illegal to drive on public roads unless you live on that road?
The worst part about this whole thing is that the cop thinks he’s justified in his profile-fishing and pointless stop because LP the Coach shook his hand a bunch of times. No respect for Nazis.
Its a pretext stop…. They get you on any little chicken shit violation they can to satisfy probable cause and then go on a fishing expedition to see if it leads to a big fish. It often does… but sometimes when you cast such a big net, you inadvertently rope in dolphin. Killing dolphins because you were trying to catch tuna isn’t a good look.
Driver way too friendly. He’s allowing this cop to continue being a tyrant.
OMG…cop makes sense with I’m not that guy, yet stumbles over why he pulled him over.…hope he picked up dashcam to mount the on rear windows…also why doors should be locked & windows be open 2 inches when interacting w/cops…..RECORD….as U calmly articulate the matter & simultaneously invoke constitutional rights.
Officer Tim Harting
If you have to say ” I’m not that guy ” that means you are that guy……
This is the exact reason we need MORE officers in our schools to keep the students under control, in class, school on time, and less drugs. He has no respect to this officer, thinks he can park where he wants and he doesn’t have to follow rules. All of this is YOUR fault ALL of it, showing the younger generation this crap and their thinking it’s normal to treat officials in this manner. Your a complete disgrace.
That fake friendliness annoys me more than anything else in this video.
Very professional but why are the state police here?
He essentially said, I needed to know who you were and why you were in this neighborhood. I am playing a little bit of a game because I have to have a legal reason to pull you over so anything, no matter how trivial, will do… like pulling in a “no parking” zone because I can’t make up something on you although I’d really want to. He IS definitely THAT guy.
The Nuremburg defense, “I’m just doing my job”.
Bullshit you know he was fishing
Zero tolerance
This is not a good interaction. That is not a legal stop. Don’t praise this officer. He’s infringing on people’s rights to travel freely.

Are Police Targeting Rural America for Mass Incarceration?

There has been an explosion of incarceration in rural communities across America. PAR explores the profit motive that has stimulated this rapid increase in our carceral complex with guest Otto the Watchdog, a first amendment auditor.