Cops are trained to catastrophize and treat citizens as if it is a worst case scenario

Imagine being so insecure and cowardly that you treat others with such disregard. That officer is a disgrace.



Great job officer. You really have the publics trust now.
You are spot on. The majority of cops are children. Arrested Development. They are not professionals under any reasonable American definition under the purview of any professional state licensing board. They are not officers, because they are neither in the military or college graduates. Cops receive less than 1/3 of the state mandated training hours required of barbers and beauticians. And they come nowhere near the number of training hours required of every single tradesman (Electricians, Plumbers, etc.) in every state. Tradesmen measure their training hours in years; cops in hours.
The public are the enemy in the eyes of the law.
If these cops put all that energy they use to harass the cameramen into fighting crimes they would not have time to be harassing people over some bs. This cop is acting so childish and unprofessional.
Like I always say… We the people are guilty until proven innocent in the eyes of law enforcement
He just admitted that they have a confrontational mindset 100% of the time, that’s so dangerous for members of the community
Does anybody know the legal definition of the word de-escalation? Because from what I read and what I know the cops are doing just the opposite
What’s bothering me about this interaction is that this cop is acting so unreasonably this man did not bother the emergency worker because he assumed the man was attending to an emergency that would be the ambulance and fire and rescue so he went to the one vehicle who was standing alone outside of the situation looking for a human being in the car to speak with no one was there and deputy dog over there had a bar in his butt and instead of just approaching the Citizen and saying can I help you do you know we don’t want you too Close to the car or anything along those lines he begins immediately barking and then everything from that point forward is very sharp edged and testy rude and condescending. This is not how we mend community police relations cups like these need to be trained on how to speak to people if you’re immediate interaction with someone is rude and disrespectful or confrontational then the person you’re speaking with or at in this case is going to treat you with that same regard and that same energy. It all falls back to treat people the way you want to be treated. How can I trust someone who’s supposed to uphold the law and won’t even follow the policy of his own department. He has a job his employer says this is what I expect of you and he openly chooses not to fulfill that which is in his job description but I’m supposed to say even though he won’t do the simplest of things required by his job I should trust him to protect and serve my life and my community. That’s unreasonable
When they say “that’s great! I’m recording too” is an admission of either guilt or ignorance. They can’t wait to express how much they think know best. They don’t trust their own car locks, of course they don’t trust the community.
I was trained “treat everyone like your grandmother, but always have a plan to take them down.” But then again, my instructors were were cops back in the 80s in small towns so community policing was their forte.
“I’m a cop, we always assume the worst.” What a pitiful life he has.
.. This officer is highly unprofessional. He needs to understand who he works for and treat the citizens with respect. This is why officers like That earn the hate they get.

Cop: and this camera is recording too.
Auditor: we’ll see if that is true when I request it.
Here in the UK it was common for us military and the cops to be wary of anyone near our vehicles as we had plenty of colleagues murdered by car bombs fitted by terrorists – especially the IRA (that received quite a bit of funding and arms from America, but only a particular community knows that). By contrast the Americans haven’t had to examine their vehicles, personal or work, using mirrors and torches, but it’s something I still do despite having retired in 2008 after 30-years as a Royal Marine Commando!
There’s little to no reason for cops in a group to be paranoid especially to this degree. When was the last incident of an actual attack on a police car, let alone a police department? It hasn’t yet happened, but if the cops keep alienating the public there may come a time when the cops are considered to be the tyrants maintaining the status quo and thus justifiably a legitimate target.
It’s easy to foresee this, so why are the cops continuing to bully everyone they meet when a bit of civility, professionalism and empathy can prevent them from being the targets their deluded minds already believe them to be? Besides which, those targets on their backs were put there by themselves and there colleagues with every act of brutality, excessive use of force and killing of innocent civilians.
I’m pretty sure that cops are not taught (anymore) to treat the public with courtesy and respect. It would go AGAINST their training to treat every civilian as a potential threat.
These cops just show their true face every time they can’t get away with their intimidation. What is wrong with standing by a cop car? Or filming it? Then comes the officer safety spiel which they use as an excuse for their harassment. They forget the police cars belong to the people!
Lol mad about you putting that on replay. I’d like to add one more thing, them “recording” ISN’T reliable, even if the law states they MUST record, they can EASILY say they “lost” it, it was “stolen”, and/or use some other wack excuse to remove themselves from any accountability. I wish I would simply rely on them both in person AND on the phone, yes, I record that too.
What better way to escalate a forced contact where there is no controversy and blame the person that they contacted.
Wow, where do these people come from, that claim to be the guys in the white hats. I just don’t get it, these people really do think that they’re better than everyone else and that somehow we’re suppose to treat them as if they were the anointed ones.
The main reason most thug cops HATE to give their name and number is that would be taking a direct order from a lowly civilian. When you are strapped and badged, you do not answer to those lower life forms.

Cop Retaliates by Asking Veteran to Step out of Vehicle

Mt. juliet police department

  • The reason that police officer asked you to get out of your car was a power trip and it made his ego feel bigger.


  • This gentleman just exposed what the public is up against and certainly is NOT the treatment we pay for. The fact that this supervisor can NOT be honest just further highlights the problem with cops.


  • As soon as a cop says, this isn’t a courtroom. You’ve proved they have no case.

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  • Really good way he went about doing this, instead of arguing with the supervisor he told him to talk to the cop who didn’t explain to him what he did wrong. This is a perfect interrogation question.
  • There was no reason for this man to get out of his car for a simple traffic stop. This supervisor is covering for this cop
  • The cop was angry because you used your rights to not talk and to record. So he had to do a power play and pull you out of the car. The cops can’t explain it any other way. Because we can….FTP
  • You decided to exercise your right and that’s suspicious to us
  • I LOVE how you turned their “officer safety” around on them!!
  • When an officer is vain enough to say I don’t care, they should automatically be liable to pay out of their pay for any lawsuits that come of the situation. They’re use to citizens paying for their mistakes
  • He was pulled out because this vet didn’t lick the cop’s boots. It’s their way of bullying and exerting power over citizens that don’t kiss their asses.
  • Like you said this is why there is a disconnect with the public and the police. Their ego over the law.
  • Why is he so clearly annoyed by a member of the public exercising his 1st amendment right to free press while he interacts with the officer. Honestly it’s infuriating to see a Public Servant annoyed at a citizen using rights. How unprofessional. Clear conduct unbecoming of an officer. Very rude and unprofessional.
  • You’re a very smart individual the way you manipulated that. You wanted to know so you don’t do that again was a genius move.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • Absolutely it was harassment there was no reason to pull him out of the car. That cop knows it anyone who watched this video knows it.
  • We can all clearly see he was butt hurt and wanted to some how gain back power.
  • He asked him to get out of the vehicle because he was hoping the man would refuse so then he could tase him, drag him out, and arrest him. All because he didn’t like the man invoking his 5th amendment rights!
  • Nice job with maintaining your composure while our public servants did not! This is a good example of egotistical tyranny in our cities. They earn the respect the get.
  • This gentleman is lucid, coherent, and makes good points. The officers should be embarrassed by their behavior and their ‘copsplaining’…
  • Isn’t it interesting how they always say “I don’t mind you recording its already being recorded by myself, that officer over there and this officer” what they DON’T tell you, is that you will have to PAY for THEIR recordings and that they will redact anything that shows them acting unlawfully.
  • You can do what you want to but you are gonna stand over there if I tell you to stand over there” ahhh, the double think and speak of a tyrant
  • It’s weird how some cops freak the f*** out if you get out of your vehicle on your own during a traffic stop because of “officer safety” … yet when they want to really assert their authority, they will demand you get out of your vehicle. Cops always tell you they are recording via their body cams, yet they get very defensive and confrontational when you (we) record them, because they only want ONE recorded version of the incident. They can mute their body cams on the spot, lose (delete) the footage when it’s requested. Any cop worth his weight would never, ever mind being recorded during any interaction with a member of the public. Ego should never play a part in how a cop performs his duties.


  • Cop got butt hurt do he had to show you who’s in charge. By pulling you out of the vehicle. BTW, never let a public servants to speak to you with an attitude. Especially being a veteran. 12:08 cop “you’re going to stand over there if that’s what I tell you to do”. That should’ve set you off. Law enforcement has no authority over you!
  • So I guess exercising your constitutional rights in the presence of a law enforcement officer is now a form of Defiance , or their absolute favorite saying , Uncooperative….
  • We all know that the driver was pulled out of the vehicle in order for the officer to passively control what the driver’s camera was able to witness.
  • LT has zero authority to tell this free citizen where to freaking stand if he’s not being detained. Absolutely ridiculous behavior.
  • What’s amazing to me is the cop showed Zero respect for the Veteran and treated him like an enemy
  • You go boy all I got to say is BOOOOM . He turned it all around when he asked that supervisor what he did wrong to make the officer feel unsafe.
  • you’re gonna stand right there if that’s what I tell you to do” who do these people think they are? Bloody low lives
  • Just imagine if we could treat cops the way they treat us.
  • “If you wanna go to court on it” That’s the truth right there, they KNOW the justice system is broken and KNOW they have zero accountability. “We do what we want, don’t like it, take it to court where the system will chew you up” “You’ve already filed your complaint” lol, yeah sure he was going to file paperwork on that and start an investigation.
  • 15:22 This is where the “supervisor” misquotes and thus misunderstands the SCOTUS ruling. Police have a wide range of description in where they conduct a traffic stop based on “officer and detained individual safety”. The auditor points out the officer has abused his entrusted authority to use this description as a bully tactic which is not related to officer (or detained individual) safety. It’s a far too common practice which needs to be eliminated in order to regain public trust in law enforcement.
  • Pennsylvania v Mimms says an officer can ask u to step out for “officer safety”. Not just because a cop “feels like it” or “wants u to”.
  • And still none of those Sovereign Citizens with Badges and Guns has given a REASON for why a Docile Law Abiding Citizen made that Supposedly trained and qualified Officer “feel unsafe”, and yet STILL failed to ensure his safety with a pat down. Because it obviously WAS a tactic to instill fear and blind obedience to his Tyranny. It’s also extremely disappointing to see the other two completely ignore their own oaths to the Law and Constitution. Bully with a Badge, afraid the camera is going to document his distain for the Citizens who pay his salary.
  • 15:20 the Corporal said is doesnt matter what he calls it! Oh! I very much DOESNT matter because when that deprivation of rights lawsuit comes and the other cops qualified immunity is on the line the jury will have to decide what a OTHER reasonable officers would have done in that same situation!
  • Cause I wanted to” isn’t a lawful reason to require someone to exit their vehicle. That’s something that is lawful for officer safety but “cause I wanted to” isn’t an officer safety thing.
  • The only reason he was asked to get out was to intimidate him for saying he wasn’t going to answer questions, as his right. That was the only reason.
  • Mimms v PA says they can pull you from the car if they fear for their safety. That’s it. Not because they “feel like it”



Oops, They had to let him go. Wasilla Police 5/24/18

Wasilla Police 5/24/18 They had to let him go
Wasilla Alaska.

The worst part is not the takedown, not the detainment…it’s the lying, gaslighting, and twisting the story to save his own hide. He’s a coward and doesn’t deserve a badge. Period.


Wow the officer didn’t even give him a chance to comply before tackling him.
Cop said I’m arresting you because he was not cooperating. The cop grabbed him right away without commands or time to respond to demands. This pisses me off.
The officer said that he always has people being aggressive towards him – this is a sign that this officer escalates situations rather than de-escalate. He is a liability for his agency if this is true.
I like how he tells the by standing citizen, when questioned, “its none of your business”. Actually, it is, you work for the citizens and its our right to redress grievances under the 1st amendment as well as file a complaint at anytime with any officer under most department policies.
Notice how his attitude changed when he knew he was wrong. Was wrong in the first place he’s on public property. Tyrant scared cop. This idiot doesn’t deserve to be a cop. Then just leaves the scene like a coward or dog with his tail between his legs. Then the distain for the public when confronted by another citizen over his actions. What a disgrace to the badge. 11 yrs and still doesn’t know his job. Hope this guy sues this so called cop, and take his QI as well.
The copy who tackled the man for no reason needs to find a different line of work, nothing but a THUG. I hope someone filed an Internal Affairs complaint against this officer. It’s amazing after the Officer is told by the Sergent that the man had NOT trespassed and committed no crime, the Officer asked, what he wants him to do with the guy in cuffs. Perhaps, the officer had some drugs to plant. AMAZING.
The taxpayers of Wasilla won’t be happy with the lawsuit settlement or jury trial award. The cop needs to be fired. Eleven years of experience and he acts like this? He has been getting away with illegal crap far too long.
Cop – “I have people fight me all the time.”. If that is your typical approach, it is no wonder why. Walked up to the man, asked if he had any weapons on him, and immediately took him to ground.
This kind of treatment by the police will never stop until we abolish or at the very least modify the concept of qualified immunity. we have all Been watching this for years and it doesn’t change. Why should it? There is no incentive on the part of the police to change their behavior because the municipalities are picking up the cost. So we had all better just get used to this brutality from the police, because it’s not going to change it’s just going to get worse.
Gets out of the patrol car, asked if he has any weapons on him and then proceeds to assault him by throwing him on the cement. Walks him over to the patrol car and detains him. Then, and only then, does the officer conduct an interview. Guilty until proven innocent. Not only should he have never been given a badge, he certainly should have lost it after an internal investigation. Nor should ever be allowed to pocess a badge in the future. The only reason that man was treated so blatantly disrespectful was because he was black. Period. And it’s instances like this that CRT is meant to address. The protestors mistreatment occurred because of a lack of CRITICAL THINKING on the part of someone the public had put their trust in to uphold the rule of law. 🤬
Witness to police assault of another citizen demands name/badge and is told he does not deserve info…witness responds with “I am a citizen you are a police officer and you are required to provide name &badge upon request!”
Cops should not be able to turn off their sound or body cams!
This cop was wrong from the second he put his hands on this man who is exercising his first Amendment right to protest. The cop knew he was wrong and that is evidenced by the fact he lied to this man saying he tried to resist, then question the man without giving him his Miranda rights, gets butt hurt when he has to let him go and never apologized for the “miscommunication,” then lies again to the bystander who ask what was going on. You are a public servant receiving public funds to protect and SERVE the public. Your calls for that SERVICE and your conduct are public record and you know it. You’re a very thin-skinned white cop that assaulted a black man and couldn’t justify it. And when the black GENTLEMAN (who’s hella smarter than u) called you out on it, you stuck your tail between your legs and got tf out of there as quick as you could. Cops like you are the very reason people don’t and shouldn’t trust the police. The laws and rights of people are documented in books and case law. They are intentionally not left to the opinions of a ignorant and deluded policeman on a power trip. To the victim in this video… sir I sincerely hope this 8 minutes made you a millionaire.

Cops Try To Escalate Nothing Into Something For “Officer Safety”

If these cops are filling their diapers because a nice woman is looking out for her sister and child then they have ABSOLUTELY no business being cops. No courage, no integrity, no honor. Ged rid of thrm.


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  • Must be 2 car lengths
  • When an officer starts stuttering his words you know you’re in trouble because he’s trying to come up with a situation that does not exist so he struggles with the words to create it
  • That officer is so out of control with his emotions he is now a danger to the public because he has a gun
  • That looks like more than two car distance away. It’s like 5 car length away. Man there are so many cowardly cops out there, it’s a shame.
  • WOMAN: I served in the Military COP: I don’t give a Fuck !! That sums it up right there !!!
  • Who knows what they would have done without a witness! It’s amazing the tyrants’ recordings were available for release.
  • The entire Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Department is terrible. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • He knows exactly who she is. It’s on his computer. They never ask questions they don’t already know the answer to.
  • “I’m gonna make sure I go home every night.” I’d argue that that’s not in any way part of your duties to serve and protect your community!!! Not yourselves. This is why people HATE you
  • Everyone needs to call the sheriffs department and let us stand up for our veterans
  • As a citizen I would like to point out the most important thing to me when I get pulled over by the police is my safety. I have just as much right to protect my safety as they do I have just as much fear in me as they do and for them to take away our worries and concerns and only think of their others is just another drop in the bucket
  • So, this chicken cop can call for back-up, but her sister can’t wait to make sure she is safe, and if a cop has to worry about his safety all the time he needs to go work at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the only thing threatening is the chicken, that officer was rude the minute he walked up too the car I have seen those videos the whole objective is to kill and go home there is no bridging the gap, cops don’t want it.
  • It would have been so easy for the second cop to just stay with the sister until the stop was over.
  • So nice that the sergeant came to copsplain at the end. Those women feel so much safer now when they know it’s okay for cops to do whatever they like to you.
  • “His words” did not initially state or ever state a probable cause or reasonable articulation of suspicion that a traffic violation has been committed or any other justification for running the woman’s license plate.. Randomly running plates without a just cause is grasping for low hanging fruit in search for any reason to stop a citizen. Targeting citizens without just cause is harassment!
  • So if someone gets pulled over in a residential neighborhood everyone needs to vacate the area?
  • The way the officer is swearing with a child in the back is disgusting, yet entirely expected.
  • Police are trained to be professional arguers. They want to escalate the situation until you do or say something that they can use against you.
  • I don’t understand why the cop got upset about the other car being there. I see multiple cars pulled over together all the time in traffic stops.
  • Sick of cops acting like they’re perfect angels and think everyone is out to get them. Absolutely no self awareness
  • The policing institution is decayed with corruption, ego/anger issues, stupidity, and a blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution.
  • At this point, I think it’s safe to say law enforcement have become domestic terrorists. And the kick in the teeth is that they’re paid for by their victims.
  • They can get away with assault, they did right here. Even a complaint won’t even be listened to, or lead to any punishment. I agree with your stand your ground statement. edit: Battery, they got away with battery and covering up the battery. That officer should have spent time in jail for crushing that woman with the vehicle’s door.
  • I love how these cops think that people aren’t in danger when these thugs pull them over…..they honestly think that there lives are more important then ours!
  • We must outlaw any and every military member from entering law enforcement. They consider us civilians, which means their mentality tells them they are in a warzone! I left you an email James, are you going to leave the rest of of that need help?
  • I love that the officer tried to overpower her and close her door and miserably got out muscled and failed.
  • Did he really say she was 2 car lengths ahead of them? That’s obviously a blatant lie… she has every right to stop on the side of the road and wait.. This is bullying, plain and simple, and unfortunately is normal, and not the exception, these days…
  • This is my sister and I. All I want to say is the main point that’s concerning to me and that has given me PTSD hasn’t even been highlighted. These officers were conspiring to take my child from me! That’s the issue! One of the officers said he would “hem us up” if the other cop wanted him to then the other cop said “shhhh” and pointed to his body cam. Why is this being overlooked?! It has caused great distress in my child and myself.
  • Don’t worry guys, I’m sure he isn’t in that position anymore, he probably got promoted
  • James perhaps you can speak with a DA or AG on this issue and show the police training is wrong and needs to change for instances like this
  • He is delaying the traffic stop beyond what is reasonable. He could go back to his cruiser and feel as safe as possible. But he is not doing that.
  • I love when they say -“I’m not going to play this game” when they know they are full of shit.
  • Somebody needs to teach the cops the law they are violating more laws than they are enforcing good God Almighty how stupid can they be did they not swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America I want every law enforcement officer in this country to reaffirm they’re allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America if they have the balls to do it because they love to violate people’s rights instead of protecting them this is getting ridiculous God help us all when a cop will do this to a woman on the side of a highway Jesus Christ
  • I find it very interesting how I really like your interpretation of those events compared to the VERY LAME assessment from “Audit the Audit”. They must be boot lickers because they gave that cop a “B-“. You have hit the nail on the head. It just amazes me that even with today’s technologies that cops still come up with the idea that their safety is paramount and above the safety of anyone and everyone else. That black vehicle was at least 50 feet away from the traffic stop but they cannot stand for any witnesses to their predatory practices. The only words I have to describe those tyrantical cops are “BADGE DRUNK“. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. I really hate it when a cop trys copspaining away the reason why they broke the law.
  • If these LEOs are sooooo damn scared for their safety, why don’t they get a safer job? Quit, if you’re scared.
  • Of course. Any car driving by can do a drive by, yes cops.. close the whole freeway
  • Damn he could’ve already written the ticket already damn the ego on this coward
  • It’s very telling that the cops stumble over and ignore the most important question from the driver; “What law is that?” Of course they can’t actually name a law.
  • And then to put the icing on the cake he assaults her with the door and starts fighting with her to close the door and then finally says f*** it I don’t care anymore. And this man is on the streets interacting with the public and the department doesn’t see an issue with this this is a lawsuit waiting to happen I have a gut feeling this officer will end up discharging his gun because of emotional feelings he cannot check his emotions he cannot keep his emotions in balance he creates such horrible situations that puts the public in danger
  • I’ve been in this same situation. It’s about ego, hubris and control.
  • Officer safety? Being a cop is one of the safest jobs out there! You would think that he is a carpenter or something the way he worries about his own safety.
  • I am usually the first to defend a cop’s actions but this just makes my blood boil. These cops are plain wrong!
  • I’m so sick of tyrants violating our rights in the name of “SAFETY”
  • Ugh. I’ve scaled back my 1A viewing to a handful of auditors or aggregate sources because of the sheer stupidity of these cops. I can only take so much stupidity every week. At first it was funny, then educationally fun… now it’s just downright scary. They really have an us v.s. them mentality.
  • Wow, that “I’m gonna make sure i go home every day” was just mind boggling. Completely out of context but showing from where he’s speaking. James, can you go behind the curtain and do a video about the training. I think that would be an eye opener for many people that still believe that cops are protecting and serving anybody. Keep up the good work. God bless!
  • I don’t blame the cops being so paranoid after seeing these types of interactions with law abiding citizens who needs criminals
  • I cannot believe the immaturity of this so called law enforcement officer. This is all about ego and has absolutely nothing to do with officer safety!
  • By their behavior she had every right to stay there because obviously her sister needed a witness to the behavior of these officers for they are clearly not following the color of the law
  • this was/is in my back yard. I’ve got 40 years here born and raised. Been harassed caged and beat by these guys. At least they have body cams now. This first guy talking is a fast talking tyrant
  • The cop says 1/3 of the time he runs a license plate it comes back with a suspended license or warrant. So one out of three people driving down the road have a warrant or suspended license? Unbelievable that the cop can just make up fake facts. I can guarantee you that it’s not one third of people. Wow.
  • This isn’t even surprising anymore it’s just upsetting.
  • The Academy teaches these murderers exactly what they want to hear. That is they can murderer anyone they want without reason or impunity. Police academies is where reform has to start.
  • Once you figure out that police are only there to protect state property and state assets it all makes sense. “To serve and protect” is true, but it’s not to serve and protect you, it’s to serve and protect state property and state officials. Period
  • I love James. He tells it like it is. This cop is so flustered he’s dangerous in my opinion. She’s not close to the traffic stop. She’s waiting for her sister. This is proof her sister is right by waiting for her.
  • 2 very smart ladies who had each others backs true girl power well done girls
  • It’s amazing how 99% of these videos has the cop just opening unlocked doors. I changed the factory settings of my truck that my doors remain locked when I put it in park.
  • Honestly, the most telling sign in this whole video that they are NOT worried for their safety — when the lady in the black car finally agrees to give her ID, you can see the cop in the window reflection casually chewing gum with his hands on his hips while she digs through a large ‘purse’ (for almost 30 seconds) that could easily be holding a very large handgun or any other kind of weapon…he’s not threatened in any way, otherwise he would be on high alert. She’s lucky that he was just there to throw his weight around and bully her, otherwise she could have been shot by a hypervigilant cop.
  • One officer could deal with the white car solo… He only called back-up for the 2nd black vehicle, so why does she have to leave once back-up is there to watch her? Follow the logic – she needs to leave so I’m safe on my own – now I’m not alone she still needs to leave (why?) But now she can stay there because he’s getting his desirse fulfilled by obtaining her ID… Does she need to leave or not?
  • Why are all cops so emotionally unstable and unable to communicate with the public in the way a “peace” officer or public servant should?
  • Keep in mind they are trained to act on fear. Nothing at all like military. We trained to run towards the fight not shit our britches on a traffic stop with two harmless ladies.
  • It’s seriously like they go out of their way to imagine new ways to earn the hate daily.
  • That training session sounded like they are creating heartless killers.
  • The saying “back the blue until it happens to you” is catchy and clever, however, this is one I don’t have to learn in the School of Hard Knocks, ty!
  • Dude is literally making shit up as he goes: “Not within two car’s lengths.” Maybe he has depth-perception issues too.
  • Since when did it become illegal to pull on the shoulder of the road?
  • Sister: “What law am I breaking?” Cop: “It’s not safe.”
  • Are they really training him to “can I shoot a child?” That is very concerning.
  • “We investigated ourselves, and found we did NOTHING wrong!” What do you suppose would happen to you if you slammed a cops door on him like that?
  • Cops should be fearful for their life when they act like this.
  • I think of that young child in their mothers back seat, who now is probably afraid of police, and now knows their true behavior.
  • I was once in that child’s shoes. Only we were in our kitchen and my dad went out on the porch to speak to a sharpsville police officer. The discussion got heated and the cop assaulted my dad with his huge mag flashlights from the 90s. When they got a warrant and broke into our home they pointed a shotguns at my mom and us kids! Yeah really wonderful experience. Back the blue until it happens to you.
  • Can you only imagine the shit they got away with before the advent of body cameras and cell phone cameras. It must’ve been a great time for the cops being able to do anything they want to do. Watching this video makes my blood boil.
  • That instigate. They are the lowest form of citizen.
  • Yes, officer safety is the most important consideration. And remember, there are only twenty-two other professions in the US that are more dangerous ..
  • Nothing’s going to change until we do away with qualified immunity
  • After watching these videos, I am surprised we are not reading about more cops getting smoked EVERY day. These guys are out of control.
  • Almost as if they get paid exclusively to escalate
  • If witnesses make you nervous you’re up to no good.. this video defines why cops hate cameras!
  • Cop 101: always escalate. Always use violence. Always earn the hate
  • @12:20 James claims that she has the right to be there but be wary of that advice, you might risk some trouble. Audit the audit covered this video also where he explains why the cops may have the authority to ask her to leave the scene.
  • Isn’t it just so awesome how they make up their own rules laws and just escalate situations out of control. I know for a fact they’re taught how to escalate situations they’re not taught how to deescalate because none of them know how to do that.
  • I love the ones where they got the body cam footage because that means they’ve already taken the first step towards suing the department.
  • When his superiors hear his language saying” I don’t give a fuck” he should be fired on the spot.
  • “I run tags all day long” ….. this is what really happens!
  • Same thing happened when my wife was following me and got pulled over. I pulled over. The cop approached my wife’s car. Then he walked up to me. I said, “She’s following me to my parents house. She’s never been there before.” The cop said, “OK, she was speeding. I’ll be done in a minute.” That was it. No big deal. That was before cell phones and digital maps.
  • Here’s the bottom line everybody!
    • 1. We know how they’re trained
    • 2. We know they’re not responsible for our safety anymore.
    • 3. We know they are allowed to lie to our faces legally.
    • 4. We know they use terry stops, and Call it officer safety.
    • 5. We know they’re protected by police unions.
    • 6. We know they are protected by qualified immunity.
    • 7. We know that they police themselves any time a complaint comes in.
    • 8. We know that most of the people they pick on have no money to protect themselves.
    • 9. They know when they do get caught, the people, cities and counties, and insurance companies, pay for their mistakes.
    • 10. That’s why we are considered guilty until proven innocent.
    • 11. We know we are on trial every time we’re pulled over. So as you can see everything is automatically stacked against us. Yes we have rights, yes we have the constitution, but when you’re guilty until proven innocent our system is broken. Our forefathers would be rolling in their graves, when they see the leaders of this country stomping on our God-given rights. As a country at this time we are all in grave danger. Our system has turned against us. The sad thing is we have allowed it, and we pay for it financially, emotionally, and physically.
  •  Imagine how this would of have gone without bodycam, we know how! They would of beaten that woman probably murdered her and claim she was reaching for his gun or she assaulted him or some bullshit excuse. Man something needs to be done.
  • For “Officer safety” gives them illusion of unlimited power. The training video clearly showed they’re trained to be aggressive tyrants.
  • 8:00 I don’t know you. You don’t know me. That justifies the officers fear in his eyes but somehow doesn’t justify her being afraid and having someone nearby keeping an eye out for her. It used to be witnesses were a good thing.
  • What if the toddler had a gun. That officer is so brave. Putting his life on the line to keep the community safe from disabled moms and kids. He should get an accomodation for bravery.
  • You don’t have to identify simply because they’re a law enforcement officer.. You have the right to be to be secure in your papers and documents..
  • I’m more than a little concerned that the cops in this town (and probably others) are just randomly running plates as they drive around, without actually having a valid reason to do so….then initiating traffic stops without a violation having been committed…looks like a revenue generating scheme to me…
  • At about 7:00 punk cop admits there’s no reason for him to go to the other car! And if you look close at the image of other cars four or five car lengths away! Why would you be afraid…… your bullets would travel much more distance then that!
  • It appears that officer is putting everyone in danger with not only his behavior, but because he is not taken care of the reason he pulled her over and getting them underway.
  • He sounded drunk and extremely childlike. His partner was just an idiot. The Sergeant has allowed this Officer to escalate a peaceful situation and made a fool out of the whole Police Department. This all reflects on the Chief and the Mayor.
  • That guy’s voice started quaking as soon as his he felt his supposed authority being questioned. He’s obviously intimidated by women. And, while I’m not saying this as fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if he suffered from some kind of extreme abuse at some point, if it’s not ongoing at home. He needs to undergo a full psychological evaluation by a 3rd party professional to determine whether or not he’s fit for duty. Pretty scary that someone that emotionally compromised is carrying a firearm in the line of duty.
  • So from the get go he used a questionable tactic to get her pulled over with the running random tags without any laws being broken.
  • It’s not safe for you to be here! What happened to protect & serve?!!! You’re always safe w us heroes!
  • I do think the officers could have been more professional and could have handled it differently, but what it boils down too is this lady was obstructing the traffic stop by her very presence. She’s causing the officers attention to be diverted to her instead of the vehicle that he stopped.
  • she was well above the 10 ft recommendation. she should have gotten out on the public roadside and recorded him, from a safe distance.
  • The true fact is they hate accountability and they hate it more when citizens know more than they do. In today’s society it’s more dangerous to be a citizen stop by the police, than it is to be a Police Officer, especially when the Police ask you to get out of your car in any situation.
  • That fear-based training tho.
  • “Not within 2 car lengths of my traffic stop”. SUV is at least 4 car lengths away. The officer’s complaint with the other vehicle is with the other driver, not the driver he pulled over and harrassed. The officer was unnecessarily prolonging the detainment. The police officer has obvious anger issues. He will likely be the cause of unnecessary harm to citizens in the future. Wow, he even tries to slam the vehicle door on the woman. The police officer has more to worry about with all of the moving vehicles driving by than the woman who pulled over in wait for her sister.
  • Asserting your rights makes these tyrants soooo mad
  • I like when police say their recording the interaction you after wait 2 or 3 years to get it and pay over hundreds dollars
  • Florida Statute 901.151, no crime no ID gets null and voided when a cops ego is shattered.
  • “I’ll explain it to you later “. Uh no sir. Explain it to me first then I’ll know if I’m legally obligated to cooperate!
  • I don’t get why he’s yelling from 40ft away trying to tell the black car to go and then telling the women in the white car that the black car has to leave but never actually goes to the black car and tells it to leave. He’s just got ego issues.
  • Embarrassing, disgusting and unprofessional are the kinder words I would use to describe the tyrant cops behaviour. A textbook example of how to turn decent people against cops.
  • I feel bad for his family. all of their families.
  • I the police exam needs to include questions to test the canidate’s undersanding as to why ciruclar reasoning is absurd.
