Lady Lawyer Defends Protest from Manipulative Cop who misrepresents law



  • Easement. The goddamn easement. Why is this officer so uneducated? 🔥🐖🔥
  • That officer is an idiot. From the Telephone poles to the street is legal
  • Every state road, every county road comes complete with a utility easement, and public easement. I am not from or at Pennsylvannia however this is pretty standard in most if not all states.
  •  @SHARK  I admit they have a right to protest, but protesting generally is ineffective. Also, these are a bunch of old conservative men they’re trying to provoke, so I don’t think they’re going to change any minds. People driving by wont be persuaded either.
  •  @A  This isn’t the typical protest. They are documenting and exposing the actions of the club. Now, people can see what garbage people they are and can be shamed by their community. We both agree that their protests are legal, which is good. The actions of the club are not legal, though. Cruelty to animals should not be accepted.
  • I can’t believe that cop is a supervisor. I mean, sure, hire regular cops that are as dumb as a brick. But, how can someone this freaking stupid be a supervisor? He needs to be in a state mental hospital eating crayons and smelling his own farts.
  • The police do not protect the public they are now used in corporate business that’s the role they have taken acting for and on behalf of
  • Disrespect towards woman.
  • Lmao, once he knows she’s a lawyer, his attitude changes ……… “Aww, I’ll go to the courthouse and look up the property line”. … You think if she wasn’t a lawyer, he woulda said that?
  • This reminds me of small town in kansas. The police stand up for people that is big people in the community !! And dont matter who is right !! Didnt think id see an atterny doing the right thing !! Good for her !!!
  • Best cops money can buy atleast if your a member of phili gunclub. Phili cops Corrupt From The Bottom To The Top
  • You’d think the cop worked for the gun club, taking the old angry guys words above an intelligent, good hearted attorney.
  • Why do they have to move? They gonna melt the snow covering the dead grass? 🫣
  • Cops gets so angry when someone knows the law more than them.

Egomaniac Chicago Cop ARRESTS Journalists During Power Trip

Chicago Police Officer Orson Ward went on a power trip and arrested several NBC journalists for no apparent reason. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!


Actually 50 cops on a scene is a disturbance. Heck 5 police for a traffic stop is a disturbance


Where the heck are all the outraged republicans who scream about their 2nd amendment right to own assault rifles for when the government does something tyrannical like take your rights away? Huh? I’ll tell you where…. They’re off blindly supporting the police somewhere screaming ‘Blue Lives Matter!’ at someone who’s upset that the police are taking rights away. 🤷‍♂️ You first amendment right can be terminated for whatever.” This cop says to a member of the only profession even mentioned in the constitution because the freedom of the Press is that important to freedom in general. But not a peep from the so called ‘freedom loving’ republicans. Bunch’a phony ‘Patriots’ is what they are.
How can city cops commit copious civil rights violations with all these pesky cameras around?
And that right there, is the reason why these rogue, dumb cops, don’t care about no damn lawsuits. Because they know, it’s not coming out of their pockets. So when we’re talking about police reform, this issue should be the very first issue, we should address.
They always want to charge you with “resisting arrest” and “obstruction of justice” or “failure to ID” but what did they do to get those charges to begin with because they weren’t charged with anything else but those things.
Never answer the kkkops questions always remain silent and never id unless they suspect you of a crime.


Oops, They had to let him go. Wasilla Police 5/24/18

Wasilla Police 5/24/18 They had to let him go
Wasilla Alaska.

The worst part is not the takedown, not the detainment…it’s the lying, gaslighting, and twisting the story to save his own hide. He’s a coward and doesn’t deserve a badge. Period.


Wow the officer didn’t even give him a chance to comply before tackling him.
Cop said I’m arresting you because he was not cooperating. The cop grabbed him right away without commands or time to respond to demands. This pisses me off.
The officer said that he always has people being aggressive towards him – this is a sign that this officer escalates situations rather than de-escalate. He is a liability for his agency if this is true.
I like how he tells the by standing citizen, when questioned, “its none of your business”. Actually, it is, you work for the citizens and its our right to redress grievances under the 1st amendment as well as file a complaint at anytime with any officer under most department policies.
Notice how his attitude changed when he knew he was wrong. Was wrong in the first place he’s on public property. Tyrant scared cop. This idiot doesn’t deserve to be a cop. Then just leaves the scene like a coward or dog with his tail between his legs. Then the distain for the public when confronted by another citizen over his actions. What a disgrace to the badge. 11 yrs and still doesn’t know his job. Hope this guy sues this so called cop, and take his QI as well.
The copy who tackled the man for no reason needs to find a different line of work, nothing but a THUG. I hope someone filed an Internal Affairs complaint against this officer. It’s amazing after the Officer is told by the Sergent that the man had NOT trespassed and committed no crime, the Officer asked, what he wants him to do with the guy in cuffs. Perhaps, the officer had some drugs to plant. AMAZING.
The taxpayers of Wasilla won’t be happy with the lawsuit settlement or jury trial award. The cop needs to be fired. Eleven years of experience and he acts like this? He has been getting away with illegal crap far too long.
Cop – “I have people fight me all the time.”. If that is your typical approach, it is no wonder why. Walked up to the man, asked if he had any weapons on him, and immediately took him to ground.
This kind of treatment by the police will never stop until we abolish or at the very least modify the concept of qualified immunity. we have all Been watching this for years and it doesn’t change. Why should it? There is no incentive on the part of the police to change their behavior because the municipalities are picking up the cost. So we had all better just get used to this brutality from the police, because it’s not going to change it’s just going to get worse.
Gets out of the patrol car, asked if he has any weapons on him and then proceeds to assault him by throwing him on the cement. Walks him over to the patrol car and detains him. Then, and only then, does the officer conduct an interview. Guilty until proven innocent. Not only should he have never been given a badge, he certainly should have lost it after an internal investigation. Nor should ever be allowed to pocess a badge in the future. The only reason that man was treated so blatantly disrespectful was because he was black. Period. And it’s instances like this that CRT is meant to address. The protestors mistreatment occurred because of a lack of CRITICAL THINKING on the part of someone the public had put their trust in to uphold the rule of law. 🤬
Witness to police assault of another citizen demands name/badge and is told he does not deserve info…witness responds with “I am a citizen you are a police officer and you are required to provide name &badge upon request!”
Cops should not be able to turn off their sound or body cams!
This cop was wrong from the second he put his hands on this man who is exercising his first Amendment right to protest. The cop knew he was wrong and that is evidenced by the fact he lied to this man saying he tried to resist, then question the man without giving him his Miranda rights, gets butt hurt when he has to let him go and never apologized for the “miscommunication,” then lies again to the bystander who ask what was going on. You are a public servant receiving public funds to protect and SERVE the public. Your calls for that SERVICE and your conduct are public record and you know it. You’re a very thin-skinned white cop that assaulted a black man and couldn’t justify it. And when the black GENTLEMAN (who’s hella smarter than u) called you out on it, you stuck your tail between your legs and got tf out of there as quick as you could. Cops like you are the very reason people don’t and shouldn’t trust the police. The laws and rights of people are documented in books and case law. They are intentionally not left to the opinions of a ignorant and deluded policeman on a power trip. To the victim in this video… sir I sincerely hope this 8 minutes made you a millionaire.

Boris Johnson Is Revealing Who He Really Is

LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain, bruised by scandal and faced with an alarming rise in coronavirus cases, is refusing to change course. “We have a chance,” he bullishly proclaimed on Jan. 4, “to ride out this Omicron wave without shutting down our country once again.”

Public health experts may disagree. Yet Mr. Johnson is at least being consistent — not only with his conduct throughout the pandemic, where lockdowns were a last resort and restrictions were to be shelved as soon as possible, but also with the political platform that elevated him to the highest office. After all, this is the man who rose to power — bringing about Brexit in the process — on the promise to restore “freedom” and “take back control.”

Undeterred by the pandemic, Mr. Johnson has been quietly pursuing that agenda. But instead of reforming the country’s creaking democracy and shoring up Britons’ rights, he and his lieutenants are doing the opposite: seizing control for themselves and stripping away the freedoms of others. A raft of bills likely to pass this year will set Britain, self-professed beacon of democracy, on the road to autocracy. Once in place, the legislation will be very hard to shift. For Mr. Johnson, it amounts to a concerted power grab.

It’s also an answer. Mr. Johnson is a political chameleon, and his true ideological bent — liberal? one-nation Tory? English nationalist? — has long been a subject of speculation. Now he has, beyond any doubt, revealed who he really is: a brattish authoritarian who puts his personal whims above anything else. And whatever his future, Britain will be remade in his image.

Amid the chaos wrought by the pandemic, Brexit tumult and increasing questions about the stability of Mr. Johnson’s individual position, the full scale of the impending assault on civil liberties has — understandably — not yet come into focus for much of the British public. The list of legislation is long and deliberately overwhelming. But pieced together, the picture is bleakly repressive.

First, there’s the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, a draconian and broad piece of legislation that effectively bans protest in England and Wales. The police would be equipped to shut down demonstrations that create “serious disruption.” Those who break this condition, which could be done just by making noise, would face prison sentences or hefty fines. Combined with other measures, such as outlawing traditional direct-action tactics like “locking on,” the bill could eventually make it almost impossible to attend a demonstration without committing an offense.

Yet it goes beyond protest, putting minority groups in the cross hairs. New trespass provisions, which make “residing on land without consent in or with a vehicle” a criminal offense, would essentially erase nomadic Gypsy, Roma and Traveler communities from public life. And the expansion of police powers would not only allow officers widespread access to private education and health care records, but also pave the way for suspicionless stop and search. Ethnic minority communities, disproportionately singled out for police attention, are likely to bear the brunt of such overreach.

Similarly punitive is the Nationality and Borders Bill. Stiffening Britain’s already hawkish immigration policy, it seeks to criminalize asylum seekers who take unsanctioned routes: Refugees who arrive by boat, for example, could face up to four years in prison, regardless of the validity of their claim for safe haven. And if claimants escape traditional jail, they would be kept in concentration camp-style housing and offshore processing centers, sites long denounced by human rights activists.

Not even British citizens are safe from the dragnet. A provision slipped into the bill in November by its architect, the home secretary, Priti Patel, would endow the government with the power to remove British citizenship from dual nationals without notice. Those singled out might not even have recourse to the lawProposed reform of the Human Rights Act would make it easier for the government to deport foreign nationals and deny them claims of mistreatment.

Such draconian measures, in time, are sure to be contested. But the government has a plan for that: draining the life blood from democracy. There’s the Elections Bill, which — alongside potentially disenfranchising millions through the introduction of mandatory voter ID — aims to furnish the government with new powers over the independent elections regulator, sealing up the political process. Unless substantially amended, the bill’s consequences could be constitutionally far-reaching.

The urge to centralize power also underlies the Judicial Review and Courts Bill, which would enable Mr. Johnson and his ministers to overrule judicial review findings that challenge their agenda. The Online Safety Bill, ostensibly designed to regulate Big Tech, is yet to be introduced to Parliament. But many free-speech advocates fear that it could be used to silence critics on social media, censoring those reporting details Mr. Johnson’s government would rather keep from public view. No more pesky judges or overly inquisitive journalists interfering with government business.

It’s a truism that nations sleepwalk into tyranny, and England — the most politically powerful of the nations comprising Britain — is no exception. For decades it has possessed all the necessary ingredients: ever more spiteful nationalism, press fealty sold to the highest bidder and a fervent, misplaced belief that authoritarianism could never set up shop here, because we simply wouldn’t let it.

In this event, though, concerted opposition to Mr. Johnson’s plans has not materialized. Establishment politics have been no match for the determination of Mr. Johnson and his allies: A hefty and largely supportive Conservative majority means that even when the Labour Party has decided to oppose legislation, its votes have barely counted. And despite valiant efforts by a coalition of grass-roots groups and the initial groundswell of the “Kill the Bill” protests, a mass movement opposing these bills has failed to come together. Instead, a miasma of grim inevitability has settled in.

That’s dangerous, not least because this authoritarian assault is so comprehensive that once settled as law, it will prove very tricky to unpick. Like many leaders who seek to transcend the constraints of democracy, Mr. Johnson may not foresee a future where he isn’t the one calling the shots. But the miserable shadow his power grab will cast over Britain is likely to last far longer than the tenure of the would-be “world king” himself.

His place in the history books, however, is secured. He will forever be the libertine whose pursuit of personal freedom and “control” saw his countrymen robbed of theirs.