Homestead Police – UNLAWFULLY detain man

Homestead police are some of the most unprofessional, arrogant, egotistical and incompetent cops in the state. They’re a disgrace to policing.
I love when cops are incredibly aggressive towards a passive person, and claim the citizen is acting aggressive and needs to calm down
The way they are saying “calm down, you’re all worked up,” when the guy is just sitting there calmly and not raising his voice at all.
I like this angle. They keep acting like the homeowner is super upset. It’s one of their tools (like accusing people pf interrupting…when normal conversations are happening. A tool to shut you down.) The homeowner is so under control. He could have kept reiterating that he is under complete control of his emotions. Don’t buy into that gaslighting. They will even lie about that. Another good get, James Madison Audits. Thanks.
Respect to the cop who’s video this was . He gave him I’D and was the only one that was OK. But unfortunately the rest will poison him or force him to leave.
Black male cop aggressively demands he “shut up” about 6 times. Other cop mocks him for knowing his rights, forcefully demands he sit like a dog, and that barely scratches the surface. Then acts surprised when he labels them A-holes. How out of touch can you possibly be? You really don’t get why people hate you? It’s like a Twilight Zone episode.
The cops are telling him to calm down and they’re the ones who are escalating the situation and getting worked up.
I’ll be damned if cops are going to order me around like a dog on my property. I’m not going to sit on command.
as a former Law enforcement officer I am very Offended by these officers actions, Total disgrace
Cop: “She can be pregnant.” As though he’s ALLOWING her to be pregnant.
Police Drinking Game: Take a shot every time they say the word “listen.”
When will people learn NOT to ask “What am I being detained for?” The right question is “What CRIME am I being detained from?” Less chances for the public servant to answer “For investigation”.
All of this talking is unnecessary, simply say “I want to talk to my lawyer”. At that point the cops MUST stop asking questions.
That many officers acting that way definitely the culture of the department
As a former police officer too, you and I both know that they got word over the phone or radio that they were at the wrong address. I’ve seen other channels that were unable to get info because there was no incident report for this address. That’s because everything is under the actual address the warrant was being drafted for, and the department was conveniently using this as a way to deny turning over anything citing ” mistakes on request form”
This is a perfect example of why I always say that any man or woman that wants to become an officer MUST have at least two years of formal law college training. They ALWAYS make up laws and violate laws for to justify their lies and actions.
That was badass. Did you see him pull out that cop kryptonite? A recording device. As soon as he pulled out his secret weapon, “the recording device”, the cops just scattered, like when you turn the lights on and the cockroaches run.
His first mistake he came outside
“What Academy did you go to ?” Calm reply = ” I’m not answering any questions.” These detectives, police attitudes = We don’t have him yet = the hilarity
First mistake was opening the front door. Talk through the door and see what they want, but never open the door to allow them to grab you and pull you out, or even put their foot in the door to prevent you closing it. Making him sit down on his own property like a dog is enough cause to not answer any/all of their questions. There is absolutely no law that states that we the public have to be polite or even respectful to them … ever!
Why do they always assume that you are a lawyer if you know you’re right
You do NOT legally have to sit. And if they detain you, by law they must tell you why.
One thing is for sure if a cop tells you to sit down don’t sit down, challenge that fools insecurity about his need for power and control.
The “we will tell you in a minute ” cops are the biggest danger to the public out of the bunch.
To each their own, but I’ll never open my door without a warrant. In life, best to avoid a risky situation entirely rather than deal w/ it & risk it go bad. Evaluate actions before taking them, ask yourself what you could possibly gain, or what you could lose. Best of luck.
During a criminal investigation, you have certain basic rights. There are also best practices that law enforcement officers should follow to ensure that they don’t violate the rights of an individual suspected of a crime. Unfortunately, current best practices for law enforcement officers often include intentionally lying to or misleading the subject of an investigation in order to access information and evidence. Police can lie directly to someone whom they suspect of a crime, as well as other people with secondary or tertiary connection to the crime. The better you understand your rights, the better you can determine if ” police violated those rights ” during an investigation or an arrest.
WHY DO POLICE LIE DURING INVESTIGATION ? Police lie for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious is to create a sense of urgency in a suspect that can promote honesty when they might otherwise withhold information. Beyond that, police officers may say certain things to a suspect in order to build rapport, which means they want the suspects to trust them. Lying about what the officer believes happened or what kind of evidence the police have is a common tactic to undermine someone’s story or get them to comply with the wishes of the police. Although it is against the law for people to give false statements to the police, the same is not true for law enforcement. They can and do lie to both suspects and others during criminal investigations without any sort of consequence. “
HOW POLICE LIES AFFECT THOSE ACCUSSED OF CRIMES ” By misrepresenting a situation, police can make people feel like they don’t have any choice but to cooperate with law enforcement. For example, if an officer tells someone that a confidential informant places them at the scene of a crime for which the suspect has no alibi, that individual may decide to confess in the hope of securing a plea bargain that will reduce the penalties they face. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that “
POLICE DISHONESTYHAS NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES ” for innocent individuals suspected of a crime and may push them into confessing or pleading guilty to an offense that they had nothing to do with. If you believe that police violated your rights in the way they conducted an investigation, discussing those concerns with an attorney can help you better determine what options you have available. IMHO Nothing worse than a bad officer to tarnish all the GOOD ONE’S
When they ask me if i’m in the academy or where i went to law school at, i always tell them that “ignorance of the law is no excuse. I thought everyone knew that.”
Again this guy who tells him to shut up needs to be fired because he is CLEARLY abusing his authority and is showing ALL the RED FLAGS that would be required to show he is going to be aggressively abusing people under colour of law. How the fuck did he ever pass the psych eval? Seriously? Do they not bother to screen these assholes based on clear behavioural patterns that demonstrate a tendency to abuse their authority or bully those that are weaker than them?
lol the second he pulls out his camera and they are held acountable. They scatter like cochroaches.
It seemed like each Officer was trying to see who could be the least professional. Just a terrible look for the Homestead Police. No doubt they got back to their station and congratulated each other for teaching the homeowner a lesson, even though the homeowner was the only person under control in the video
The same cop that actually said “I’m gonna put you in the back of my car…I dont know where you think you at” and “I already raised my voice” is telling HIM to calm down. Hilarious. Something seriously needs done about this entire situation.
Unfortunately for us, when detained they don’t have to articulate the reason for detention to us. They only have to be able to articulate it in court. Of course this is why videoing interactions is important so they can’t change a story from the interaction.

Police attempt to intimidate, but victim thanks cameraman


The officer kept telling everyone that the auditor was immoral, yet the officer was the one who was immoral. Kudos to the woman for standing up to the officer and telling him he is the problem.
Great to see an informed citizen. Even in distress she was alert enough to see through his manipulation.
Absolutely nothing this cop said has any basis in reality or law. It should be terrifying to anyone who sees this to know this person wears a badge. He’s delusional.
What a baby! I can understand if peeps is getting all up in you grill, but to be just standing there. This Officer has real big issues that should be addressed.


Silence is undefeated, it can’t be beaten.


“That’s fine. It’s not me, it’s you.” LOL Love that the poor girl knows that he is recording for her safety as well. Cant trust these officers nowadays. :/ I wish that wasnt the case.


That cop was about to lay some serious BS on that lady to get her to talk.. and he didn’t want it recorded. To her credit she knew the camera was good for her and bad for the cop.


Yeah she’s certainly upset Officer, because of you, not the auditor.
It tells a lot when a police officer is so concerned that he’s being recorded.
“This man exploits people for a living”. Oh, the irony 🙄


Defense Counsel: “Exactly what did Jorge say that impeded your investigation?” Officer Linn: “He remained silent.” Defense Counsel:: How did Mr. Sabarrio physically impede or obstruct your investigation?” Officer Linn: “He was standing there on a public sidewalk filming.” Proof positive that single-digit intelligence qualifies you for the Sarasota Police Department.
This cop manipulates, intimidates, threatens, abuses his authority, and gets off on exerrting his power. Essentially a sociopath and should be in any authoritative position.
“I’m more comfortable standing right next to this guy recording because I trust a random stranger more than I trust the police”
Look at the officer face when the victim thanks the guy for recording…….
Every vile thing the officer said about the camera man was exactly what I saw in this officer’s actions. He was disrespectful and manipulative and traumatised the victim more than she needed to be. He had no decency or regard for humanity. What a vile creature. He protected no one and served his own narrative.
wow. just wow. this cop, escalated the situation for NO REASON. the fact that the cop told the witnesses, that the cameraman is there to obstruct, could’ve cause them to even attack him. And when the women thanked him, jeez, i would’ve loved to see the cops expression up close. Well done. keep it up.
Cop: “I’m giving you a “lawful order” that i know is not a lawful order. Total POS.
Pure Narcissistic, that’s exactly what that Tyrant Cop is, well done to this Auditor….!!
Anyone else catch how he was trying to dox the Youtuber. He kept stating his Full name..
The officer is inciting hatred towards a member of the public.
Police are becoming more despicable than ever. Instead minding his own business he completely disregards the victim and goes on a power trip. In the light of Uvalde incident I totally lost my respect and confidence for police. I realize police are NOT here to PROTECT the public or to uphold the law.
getting pretty bad for the cops when the victim(s) feels more comfortable with a cameraman around and not the police.
We can all only wish someone is recording, should we be interacting with law enforcement. Pretty sure a camera on scene has saved many lives and has kept countless innocent people out if jail.
The lady was already on the ground crying when the camera walked up and the public servant tried to say it was the cammer who was causing her to cry. This public servant is everything that is wrong with policing in America.
Yep! Unlike the cops’, his recordings are readily available.
Cop put me in handcuffs deleted the video on my phone said if i want to make it hard on him hes going to make it hard on me. Still fighting the charges to this day and i couldn’t be more innocent
 @FryTheFly  Dont’ just record, livestream. Then he can only stop it, not delete it. And he’s caught stopping it which, besides being a civil rights violation, also is tampering with evidence.
 @FryTheFly  I’ve heard that same line for refusing a vehicle search. Sad state of affairs when standing up for your rights is “making it hard on the police”. Good luck bud!
Ma’am do you want to move over here?” “No, I’m comfortable here…” ROFL the cop STILL can’t get it through his head that the videographer is welcomed even after the victim thanks him for doing so. AMAZING
Props to the lady for knowing what was up. I hope she got everything sorted out and all is good with her now. #StayStrongSister
He should really read carefully and with thought the legal definition of “interfering with an investigation” in the pertinent law.
When she said no, there exploiting you not me. That’s crazy considering her state of mind and can still come to the theory that officers can be exploited through Shere stupidity.doxing him like that aswell the officer deserved to get chinned for that.
“I’m comfortable right HERE” God, that ego has some bruises to heal after she just dismantled everything the cop tried to pull in one foul swoop…
he exploits people for a living”Officer you and your profession exploit WE THE PEOPLE to fill your coffers. I love when cops get 75 dollars an hour to stand on a road doing nothing while real men and woman workers fix the roads
“he exploits people with his camera” Who is he exploiting? I would welcome this camera man in any interaction i ve had with police. LIARS, needs to be on camera for public safety.
another clown cop barking orders and making up lies that needs retraining in the law……..and he threatens state attorney office review….lol
I had the greatest laugh when she says “thank you” to the auditor. Cop looked so defeated – lol.
That cop was so desperately in need for someone, ANYONE, to agree with him he just couldn’t stop spewing his garbage rhetoric from start to finish. Definitely the 1st to have his hand up tattling to teacher or mommy too. What an embarrassment he made of himself 🤬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
WoW! When she said Thank You the Camera Man. It was a smack on the controlling officers face. What is the officer trying to hide? He afraid of a camera? She was not, she was happy and felt safer to know that there was recording for transparency.
“charges have been filed with the state attorney’s office.” L O L
Hahahahahahaha what a joke! Cops are always on a power trip! Intimidating and ridiculous
Even the lady knows he recording the cops. She literally says it’s for you guys not me and then thanks him for recording..
“This man exploits people for a living”. That’s pretty funny coming from a cop.
You know when a Cop acts like this that he was planning to jack a citizen up. The guy filming keeps them honest and they dont like that. Well done Chan Chan. That Cop need to be dealt with for trying to turn people against the Camera man. What a Disgrace he is
again the officer projecting their own insecurities on someone else. “this man exploits people for a living” “you’re causing all this” ” you have no decency for human beings” all the officer projecting his own issues onto someone else to make himself feel better
Cherry on top was the officer asked to “stand by him for safety” and she basicly said “no I feel safer with the auditor.”
That cop is just like your friend’s mean dad who always needed to control everything and was always “right”. Scary AF.

Police gaslighting: are you mentally ill?

Dirty Tricks:

1) Why are you being difficult?
2) Are you ok or are you mentally ill? (gaslighting)
3) Don’t address issue (personally identify) but point to police car
4) Don’t have reasonable suspicion but make up far-fetched scenarios: don’t match the description but could have changed clothes
5) Always have to have the last word, in a disingenuous way
6) Attempt to physically intimidate

Officer John Smyly Throws a Temper Tantrum And Pretends He’s Scared To Excuse Pulling A Gun


John Smyly, a former Boulder Colorado Police officer detains a man, Zayde Atkinson with no RAS. When he refuses to ID the way the cop wants him to, John Smyly escalates the situation. He tries to make his victim sit like a dog, for no reason other than to assert dominance over him. When Zayde Atkinson refuses, Smyly threatens to tase him. When Zayde continues to refuse to be John Smyly’s b****, Smyly brandished a fire arm to try to further intimidate his victim into compliance. The man he tried to bully and intimidate, Zayde Atkinson, NEVER gave in. Smyly was allowed to resign, and is likely working for another department at this time. If you know what department Smyly is working it, please email that information to, so I can publicly publish that information, warning potential new victims.

ID Refusal by Boulder Colorado man, Zayde Atkinson results in threats and officer John Smyly brandishing a fire arm.



I remember this video when it first released these cops are just so utterly pathetic it’s disgusting and it really isn’t going to stop until we stand up and physically defend ourselves


Why was he allowed to resign? Should have been stripped of all official credentials. And then jailed for up to ten years.
I’ve seen this video maybe six times at this point since it was originally released and the more times I watch it the more absurd it becomes. This video is a perfect example where you could be minding your business not breaking any law and even going out of your way above and beyond to placate a psycho in a costume and still almost become a murder victim on the street by that psycho in a costume.
And they wonder why people hate the police.
There isn’t any manner you can perform any action in this country that LE can’t twist into something suspicious.
They keep asking him to “sit down” as in their eyes that’s him submitting to them and they win their sick mind games.
Even the cop apologists think the police are terrorists… They say, if you obey and submit then you will prevent the violence that is otherwise guaranteed.
>> Rapist mentality. See what you made me do?
When a cop knows he is being unlawful but continues the lie anyway
This cop Escalated that whole situation!
What is most scary is that, to become a judge takes between 8/10 years training, it takes between 6/8 years to become a lawyer. But it only takes around 6 months to become a LEO’s. This in itself is just crazy, how can a LEO’s understand law & enforce such law with minimum training is beggars belief. It’s like getting children being in charge to educate adults in how to be an adult. It’s a system that is programed to fail. Crazy world hey.
What is most scary is that, to become a judge takes between 8/10 years training, it takes between 6/8 years to become a lawyer. But it only takes around 6 months to become a LEO’s. This in itself is just crazy, how can a LEO’s understand law & enforce such law with minimum training is beggars belief. It’s like getting children being in charge to educate adults in how to be an adult. It’s a system that is programed to fail. Crazy world hey.
They should be handing out deadly buckets and ‘garbage picker-uppers’ to officers.
“Sorry, you cleaning up trash at is suspicious behavior. We need to treat you like a threat now” – Police 2022
Even “if” he was trespassing on private property he was picking up trash on private property… Um that’s a good thing right?!
I didn’t realize that he gave him an ID with his name….he still escalated this situation?!
What people don’t understand that these type of interactions happen more often then people think. James keep up your good work and fight for liberty and justice and to keep cops in check. 🇺🇸
Wow the Ego just doesn’t stop with this cop. I’m proud of how this man handled the unwelcome invasion of government on HIS property. 👍🏼
“All you have to do is comply”. Sounds familiar “……once compliance becomes part of the culture” – Boston Mayor Michelle Wu
Oldie but a goodie, Almost certainly got picked up by another department
That got my blood boiling. Hats off to this guy for refusing to sit like an obedient dog!
This guy was awesome the way he stood up for his rights. Imagine how many people get violated by police because they don’t know their rights or are just afraid. Always film police!!
And a half dozen cops with itchy-fingers surround him waiting for an excuse to gun him down, and frightening what law enforcement has evolved to and they wonder why targets are on their backs now.
Tasers are a training tool, much like the collar on your puppy… it speaks a universal language of, “do what I say, or you’re gonna get zapped again until you learn”,…. Understandably there are instances when it’s ABSOLUTELY necessary for such activities. “Get on the ground because I said so”, probably isn’t one of those,……

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I was just gonna say the same thing! The bootlickers that “just comply” and don’t know there rights are the reason we are in the situation we are now.
And just think, this is just “1” instance of this kind of abuse brought to light. Gotta wonder how many events like this end very differently because somebody refuses to comply with an “unlawful” order by a uniformed bully with a badge. This event should have been career ending for psycho shoat!
It’s called harassing people just because he wants to prove the point he’s wrong
Cops remind me of terrible poker players. They bet too big, too early with an extraordinarily weak hand and get pot committed to where they must go all in in with no chance of winning. It’s also hilarious at 18:25 how the cop sneaks up on the bucket and the grabber like it’s actually a dangerous item
“We see you out here picking up trash and that’s clearly a sign of a hardened criminal.”
I can’t remember how many times I’ve watched this… but each and every time I’m left with a definite fact: This college student is a Psychology Major!!! It’s confirmed each and every time he asks the officer, “and how do you feel about that?”
There’s a far more dangerous cop running around Colorado. His name is Chris Dickey and he’s cost taxpayers over $1,000,000 in lawsuits (He and his partner murdered a suicidal veteran having a PTSD episode, he and his partner severely beat a motorist who had a diabetic episode and crashed, he deployed a taser on a protester on public property who didn’t ID) and I believe he’s a deputy in Grand County.
100% ego!!! The fact that he can’t let it go even when told to by his supervisor means he WILL KILL SOMEONE one-day. Count on it.
They know he’s no threat but they are obsessed with getting him to sit down as they see that as him submitting.
I’ve seem this video so many times, I can literally say every word they say in unison. Thing is , even after all those views, all those channels, I STILL find it one of the most telling videos on there right now. It shows broken police policies and behaviors. How they can turn anything Into a weapon, a crime, constitutional violation, and the other cops question nothing. The fact ONLY one officer was fired is Insane. He was the sacrifice, but all the others went with it. If it wasn’t for the bodycam, witnesses, and cameras on the cops, that kid would have been beaten , razed, or even shot. Ridiculous, every one of them should be fired and charged.

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I’ve already watched this video and a few other similar ones, so I think it’s advisable for people to carry the documentation of their properties or lease contracts under their arm or they risk being arrested for trespassing in their own home. How can there be a trespassing crime without the owner requesting it??????????????????
Notice that as soon as the other cops arrive the trash grabber changes from “weapon” to “object”, he knew he was being an absurd liar.
Wow that crazy story he tells his manager is insane. Guy it’s all on camera.
There was absolutely no reason for this cop to even speak to this guy.
Notice how he described the grabbed as “sort of a blunt object”. That’s the games these thugs play.
According to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Smyly was hired in January on a two-year term position as a civilian training and development coordinator in the sheriff’s computer support unit. As of 9 22 20 Boulder Daily Camera
These trash grabbers are so common officer tyrant knows exactly what he’s holding.
COP= Control Obsessed Psycho
Pro active policing …? What interaction about this footage was positive? ~ I wonder if this cop still to this day thinks what he did was lawful and if he has any regrets?
my favorite part is the jump in logic that not only someone must be trespassing if he thinks they are, but that a trespasser showed up to pick up trash illegally.
Accusation before investigation! Guilty before proven innocent! How much training is needed to understand the mistakes in these two statements?
“He was sitting around, milling about with a metal thing and banging it on another thing near a no trespassing sign” ..”your partner just confirmed he lives here”.. ” I dont know who he is”. The copsplaining is insane here. “We cant even talk unless you are in the sitting position i commanded you to take, even though this entire encounter is unlawful from the start and I already had confirmation of the info I obtained on unlawful premises”. Further sad was the citizen telling this victim to chill out.
The cop could have easily went inside and investigated but it’s easier for them to intimidate someone into a confession. It’s to expensive for most people to afford a lawyer so they plea or confess. The plea or confession also prevents civil action, thus reinforcing the officers actions.
Hey isn’t it cute how the state will show up on your property and Surround you and point their guns at you while claiming you are a threat but if you do it to them while being armed only with your first amendment they claim it’s insurgence or disturbing the peace
This is an insane abuse of power. This cop has probably always “felt threatened” in his life. Should have never been a cop.
“This officer was ready to kill me sir” a powerful statement indubitably. 👏
That police officer should not have been allowed to resign, he should have been fired and charged for his crimes, but the thin blue line protected him.
James don’t forget it’s the “day and age we live in” that’s the cousin to the”you got id”. That shit is highly addictive, hopefully in the future it’ll wipes out every pig and piglet suffering from this addiction.
Love this man’s courage to stand up for his rights, every cop on this call should be fired for not insisting that this pig stop this completely illegal detainment also he lied about what he observed right from the get go
I’ve seen this one before. This guy was great. He had the guts to back down eight cops with their guns drawn. It’s so important to let cops know their power is limited. They aren’t kings who can do what ever they please.
I’ve seen this before and it’s infuriating. This is called, “being within sight of a cop while black“. This cop should do jail time. I counted six cops there surrounding this lawful citizen and not one had the decency to tell that POS ENOUGH. They are all sick and when you are in contact with one, no matter what the situation, your life is in danger. Only dangerous, sick people seek the job of a cop. I won’t change my mind about how unstable cops are until they LEAVE people who are not breaking the law alone. I think I’ll be waiting a long time.
I remember watching this video when it first came out. Watching it again pissed me off just as much. Who is this cop who thinks he can go around asking Americans if they belong on any property when there was no 911 call. He’s totally on an ego trip. Guy with a stick was never close enough to him to be justified in shooting him. Idiot
I love how the young man vehemently stood up for himself. I hope these officers hear his voice on repeat every time they fuck up. “How do feel? How do feel now? How do feel about that?”
i love how he just twisted a lil bit of the details to his encounter with him… was so butt hurt he couldn’t get his DOB and make him sit on the ground like a dog
Why tf would their cameras ever have a mute button? Or right , the game is rigged
In defense of an officer please refer to these Redcoats as Redcoats or other demeaning terms of authoritarian revenue collectors!
I wonder how a cop would feel if the person he was confronting gave a call and people start emerging from all round, surround the cop? It is downright creepy how they do this. What is worse is that no-one questions or clarifies the call out.
I’ve seen this ….. blatent harassment …. ego driven , the nerve to call the garbage tool a weapon !!! …..
“He had a metal object stabbing, I didn’t know if he was damaging something. ….then I noticed it is used to pick up trash ….then he picked up the metal object again “ His lies are SO EASILY detectable! 😣😣😣
As much as I appreciate the time and effort and activism…I really can’t watch to many more of these vids without pulling my hair out . Needs to be something done about it other then just an awareness . Before certain entities start getting splattered .
That young man is a REAL American, standing up for his rights!!
I remember seeing this the day it was originally uploaded.. Boulder and Denver cops still haven’t changed. Shit is sad.
I love when a cop says “subject is failing to comply “it almost like cops think citizens are slaves to them..!!!
My favorite line is when the victim says that the cop had his gun out and the cop says “it wasn’t even pointed at you” as if that makes it all OK
Qualified IMPUNITY on display!
* According to a news article* “Smyly resigned prior to the conclusion of the disciplinary process, but police indicated the process would have likely resulted in suspension or termination. As part of a settlement with the city, Smyly remained under city employment until February as he exhausted accrued holiday, sick and administrative leave. According to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Smyly was hired in January on a two-year term position as a civilian training and development coordinator in the sheriff’s computer support unit.” Be careful that he is not hired again with the police dept. when this 2 year temp job is finished.

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You very accurately indicated the Crucible method of policing… They make the citizen try to prove their innocence
All channels of this type constantly say, “cops dont know the law,” and things like that…. This is not true, cops do know at least the basics. Some just choose to constantly do the wrong thing because they have no consequences.
I remember this video. The ego on Smyly was out of control. Zane should have made Smyly hand him his bucket and trash picker upper. The fact that Smyly wouldn’t give the ID back after his supervisor told him to was insane. The fact this egomaniac is in another department and still terrorizing other citizens is scary. Agree 100% cops should not be allowed to mute thier BWC for a certain time before, during an interaction, and a certain point of time after. I can’t remember for sure but I think Zane (the guy harassed by Smyly) did sue. Would be nice if Smyly had to apologize and pay some sort of damage out of his own pocket. This whole interaction was disturbing.
I remember this video a long time ago,with over 1 million views…This officer is upset because Mr Atkinson refused to listen to unlawful order
The victim had 2 weapons, common sense and a brain. Both lethal to today’s cops.
When dirty cops are not held accountable. We The people will hold them accountable. One way or another
The danger in calling backup for a noncompliant man with a weapon… If he did get hurt or killed as a consequence he’d make excuses and blame the victim
Imagine telling a dude that is cleaning dirt in front of a building that he is trespassing. Like, do people just go to other peoples property and clean their trash??
I never understood why this officer harasses this citizen… we also know had the guy given his name, the officer would have wanted to “pat him down”. What’s worse is once they knew he lived there they should have left right then and there.
Apart from the fact that he has no legal obligation to identify, having his name in a database is not a good idea. If he is stopped in the future and his name ran, he will come under greater scrutiny having been checked for a “crime” previously. This can, at the least cost him his time or give them time to find a crime.
When I see someone picking up trash at daytime, with earphones on, I immediately think “This guy’s looking to rob the place for sure”.
If this is how this thug acts at work just imagine if he has a spouse, kids, or a pet and what they might go through.
This is the 3rd or 4th time ive seen this video. Thankfully the citizen wasn’t hurt. It shows so many aspects of poor policing. No crime was reported. No crime committed. Muting of bodycam. Escalation by police officer. Its really quite sad.
How can any of the other deputies be taken seriously after this? I would look at them and laugh.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the young man switched his major so he could become a civil rights attorney.
If I were a cop, which will never happen, and I were one of the policemen that later showed up, I would’ve had the courage to speak up and say, “This is stupid let’s leave this guy alone”, but none of them have the backbone to do so.
You should have demanded he surrender his certification as part of the settlement, I guarantee he is still doing this kind of behavior and has already corrupted another department!
18:26 Officer Sneaky creeping up on the bucket and claw like it was a Western Brown snake and he was fixin’ to wrangle it. Instead he committed a fourth amendment violation by seizing the man’s property.
20:43 If you haven’t figured it out yet Smyly, you have shown that you are a) incompetent, and b) not at all capable of figuring this situation out, and never will.
23:19 No, Smyly, you did not “contact him”. There was no touching between you and the man whom you trespassed upon.
The officer initial officer tells the sergeant I recognize it’s a device to pick up trash but then a sentence later he says picks up the object because the officer realized he f*** up when he said the guy had a weapon. He just admitted to the sergeant that prior to him making the call for back up he knew that it was a device to pick up trash. No wonder the guy got fired
Anyone want to know what a police state looks like? Watch this video again… This confrontation was a “near death” experience.
This video is still really frustrating to watch. “I didn’t even point my gun at you sir!” The fuck? Let’s see your reaction when someone brandishes a hand gun!
This cop thinks he’s the hero we deserve and without his intervention the city would crumble. James Madison audits just posted a video with officer Velez. Velez has the same hero complex and it’s just a matter of time before he pulls some crazy shit like smyly
The officer says he has a gun in his hand because you’re not listening, I didn’t know guns were hearing devices.
THE COP HAD NO BUSINESS ASKING HIM ANYTHING. He gave him the apartment. Number already a long time ago.
No this officer didn’t get the privilege of going to a new department, BLM made great changes to policing in America with those billions of dollars they raised. For example, BLM changed who and how settlements we’re paid, who and how cops are investigated, cops that violate rights lose their pension. There’s a whole slew of things BLM changed with all that money and destruction.
Anybody ever see how flimsy those grabber things are?
If he quit which he did it allows him to still be rehired by another agency or the next city over
If he quit which he did it allows him to still be rehired by another agency or the next city over