Cops are trained to catastrophize and treat citizens as if it is a worst case scenario

Imagine being so insecure and cowardly that you treat others with such disregard. That officer is a disgrace.



Great job officer. You really have the publics trust now.
You are spot on. The majority of cops are children. Arrested Development. They are not professionals under any reasonable American definition under the purview of any professional state licensing board. They are not officers, because they are neither in the military or college graduates. Cops receive less than 1/3 of the state mandated training hours required of barbers and beauticians. And they come nowhere near the number of training hours required of every single tradesman (Electricians, Plumbers, etc.) in every state. Tradesmen measure their training hours in years; cops in hours.
The public are the enemy in the eyes of the law.
If these cops put all that energy they use to harass the cameramen into fighting crimes they would not have time to be harassing people over some bs. This cop is acting so childish and unprofessional.
Like I always say… We the people are guilty until proven innocent in the eyes of law enforcement
He just admitted that they have a confrontational mindset 100% of the time, that’s so dangerous for members of the community
Does anybody know the legal definition of the word de-escalation? Because from what I read and what I know the cops are doing just the opposite
What’s bothering me about this interaction is that this cop is acting so unreasonably this man did not bother the emergency worker because he assumed the man was attending to an emergency that would be the ambulance and fire and rescue so he went to the one vehicle who was standing alone outside of the situation looking for a human being in the car to speak with no one was there and deputy dog over there had a bar in his butt and instead of just approaching the Citizen and saying can I help you do you know we don’t want you too Close to the car or anything along those lines he begins immediately barking and then everything from that point forward is very sharp edged and testy rude and condescending. This is not how we mend community police relations cups like these need to be trained on how to speak to people if you’re immediate interaction with someone is rude and disrespectful or confrontational then the person you’re speaking with or at in this case is going to treat you with that same regard and that same energy. It all falls back to treat people the way you want to be treated. How can I trust someone who’s supposed to uphold the law and won’t even follow the policy of his own department. He has a job his employer says this is what I expect of you and he openly chooses not to fulfill that which is in his job description but I’m supposed to say even though he won’t do the simplest of things required by his job I should trust him to protect and serve my life and my community. That’s unreasonable
When they say “that’s great! I’m recording too” is an admission of either guilt or ignorance. They can’t wait to express how much they think know best. They don’t trust their own car locks, of course they don’t trust the community.
I was trained “treat everyone like your grandmother, but always have a plan to take them down.” But then again, my instructors were were cops back in the 80s in small towns so community policing was their forte.
“I’m a cop, we always assume the worst.” What a pitiful life he has.
.. This officer is highly unprofessional. He needs to understand who he works for and treat the citizens with respect. This is why officers like That earn the hate they get.

Cop: and this camera is recording too.
Auditor: we’ll see if that is true when I request it.
Here in the UK it was common for us military and the cops to be wary of anyone near our vehicles as we had plenty of colleagues murdered by car bombs fitted by terrorists – especially the IRA (that received quite a bit of funding and arms from America, but only a particular community knows that). By contrast the Americans haven’t had to examine their vehicles, personal or work, using mirrors and torches, but it’s something I still do despite having retired in 2008 after 30-years as a Royal Marine Commando!
There’s little to no reason for cops in a group to be paranoid especially to this degree. When was the last incident of an actual attack on a police car, let alone a police department? It hasn’t yet happened, but if the cops keep alienating the public there may come a time when the cops are considered to be the tyrants maintaining the status quo and thus justifiably a legitimate target.
It’s easy to foresee this, so why are the cops continuing to bully everyone they meet when a bit of civility, professionalism and empathy can prevent them from being the targets their deluded minds already believe them to be? Besides which, those targets on their backs were put there by themselves and there colleagues with every act of brutality, excessive use of force and killing of innocent civilians.
I’m pretty sure that cops are not taught (anymore) to treat the public with courtesy and respect. It would go AGAINST their training to treat every civilian as a potential threat.
These cops just show their true face every time they can’t get away with their intimidation. What is wrong with standing by a cop car? Or filming it? Then comes the officer safety spiel which they use as an excuse for their harassment. They forget the police cars belong to the people!
Lol mad about you putting that on replay. I’d like to add one more thing, them “recording” ISN’T reliable, even if the law states they MUST record, they can EASILY say they “lost” it, it was “stolen”, and/or use some other wack excuse to remove themselves from any accountability. I wish I would simply rely on them both in person AND on the phone, yes, I record that too.
What better way to escalate a forced contact where there is no controversy and blame the person that they contacted.
Wow, where do these people come from, that claim to be the guys in the white hats. I just don’t get it, these people really do think that they’re better than everyone else and that somehow we’re suppose to treat them as if they were the anointed ones.
The main reason most thug cops HATE to give their name and number is that would be taking a direct order from a lowly civilian. When you are strapped and badged, you do not answer to those lower life forms.

Cop Retaliates by Asking Veteran to Step out of Vehicle

Mt. juliet police department

  • The reason that police officer asked you to get out of your car was a power trip and it made his ego feel bigger.


  • This gentleman just exposed what the public is up against and certainly is NOT the treatment we pay for. The fact that this supervisor can NOT be honest just further highlights the problem with cops.


  • As soon as a cop says, this isn’t a courtroom. You’ve proved they have no case.

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  • Really good way he went about doing this, instead of arguing with the supervisor he told him to talk to the cop who didn’t explain to him what he did wrong. This is a perfect interrogation question.
  • There was no reason for this man to get out of his car for a simple traffic stop. This supervisor is covering for this cop
  • The cop was angry because you used your rights to not talk and to record. So he had to do a power play and pull you out of the car. The cops can’t explain it any other way. Because we can….FTP
  • You decided to exercise your right and that’s suspicious to us
  • I LOVE how you turned their “officer safety” around on them!!
  • When an officer is vain enough to say I don’t care, they should automatically be liable to pay out of their pay for any lawsuits that come of the situation. They’re use to citizens paying for their mistakes
  • He was pulled out because this vet didn’t lick the cop’s boots. It’s their way of bullying and exerting power over citizens that don’t kiss their asses.
  • Like you said this is why there is a disconnect with the public and the police. Their ego over the law.
  • Why is he so clearly annoyed by a member of the public exercising his 1st amendment right to free press while he interacts with the officer. Honestly it’s infuriating to see a Public Servant annoyed at a citizen using rights. How unprofessional. Clear conduct unbecoming of an officer. Very rude and unprofessional.
  • You’re a very smart individual the way you manipulated that. You wanted to know so you don’t do that again was a genius move.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • Absolutely it was harassment there was no reason to pull him out of the car. That cop knows it anyone who watched this video knows it.
  • We can all clearly see he was butt hurt and wanted to some how gain back power.
  • He asked him to get out of the vehicle because he was hoping the man would refuse so then he could tase him, drag him out, and arrest him. All because he didn’t like the man invoking his 5th amendment rights!
  • Nice job with maintaining your composure while our public servants did not! This is a good example of egotistical tyranny in our cities. They earn the respect the get.
  • This gentleman is lucid, coherent, and makes good points. The officers should be embarrassed by their behavior and their ‘copsplaining’…
  • Isn’t it interesting how they always say “I don’t mind you recording its already being recorded by myself, that officer over there and this officer” what they DON’T tell you, is that you will have to PAY for THEIR recordings and that they will redact anything that shows them acting unlawfully.
  • You can do what you want to but you are gonna stand over there if I tell you to stand over there” ahhh, the double think and speak of a tyrant
  • It’s weird how some cops freak the f*** out if you get out of your vehicle on your own during a traffic stop because of “officer safety” … yet when they want to really assert their authority, they will demand you get out of your vehicle. Cops always tell you they are recording via their body cams, yet they get very defensive and confrontational when you (we) record them, because they only want ONE recorded version of the incident. They can mute their body cams on the spot, lose (delete) the footage when it’s requested. Any cop worth his weight would never, ever mind being recorded during any interaction with a member of the public. Ego should never play a part in how a cop performs his duties.


  • Cop got butt hurt do he had to show you who’s in charge. By pulling you out of the vehicle. BTW, never let a public servants to speak to you with an attitude. Especially being a veteran. 12:08 cop “you’re going to stand over there if that’s what I tell you to do”. That should’ve set you off. Law enforcement has no authority over you!
  • So I guess exercising your constitutional rights in the presence of a law enforcement officer is now a form of Defiance , or their absolute favorite saying , Uncooperative….
  • We all know that the driver was pulled out of the vehicle in order for the officer to passively control what the driver’s camera was able to witness.
  • LT has zero authority to tell this free citizen where to freaking stand if he’s not being detained. Absolutely ridiculous behavior.
  • What’s amazing to me is the cop showed Zero respect for the Veteran and treated him like an enemy
  • You go boy all I got to say is BOOOOM . He turned it all around when he asked that supervisor what he did wrong to make the officer feel unsafe.
  • you’re gonna stand right there if that’s what I tell you to do” who do these people think they are? Bloody low lives
  • Just imagine if we could treat cops the way they treat us.
  • “If you wanna go to court on it” That’s the truth right there, they KNOW the justice system is broken and KNOW they have zero accountability. “We do what we want, don’t like it, take it to court where the system will chew you up” “You’ve already filed your complaint” lol, yeah sure he was going to file paperwork on that and start an investigation.
  • 15:22 This is where the “supervisor” misquotes and thus misunderstands the SCOTUS ruling. Police have a wide range of description in where they conduct a traffic stop based on “officer and detained individual safety”. The auditor points out the officer has abused his entrusted authority to use this description as a bully tactic which is not related to officer (or detained individual) safety. It’s a far too common practice which needs to be eliminated in order to regain public trust in law enforcement.
  • Pennsylvania v Mimms says an officer can ask u to step out for “officer safety”. Not just because a cop “feels like it” or “wants u to”.
  • And still none of those Sovereign Citizens with Badges and Guns has given a REASON for why a Docile Law Abiding Citizen made that Supposedly trained and qualified Officer “feel unsafe”, and yet STILL failed to ensure his safety with a pat down. Because it obviously WAS a tactic to instill fear and blind obedience to his Tyranny. It’s also extremely disappointing to see the other two completely ignore their own oaths to the Law and Constitution. Bully with a Badge, afraid the camera is going to document his distain for the Citizens who pay his salary.
  • 15:20 the Corporal said is doesnt matter what he calls it! Oh! I very much DOESNT matter because when that deprivation of rights lawsuit comes and the other cops qualified immunity is on the line the jury will have to decide what a OTHER reasonable officers would have done in that same situation!
  • Cause I wanted to” isn’t a lawful reason to require someone to exit their vehicle. That’s something that is lawful for officer safety but “cause I wanted to” isn’t an officer safety thing.
  • The only reason he was asked to get out was to intimidate him for saying he wasn’t going to answer questions, as his right. That was the only reason.
  • Mimms v PA says they can pull you from the car if they fear for their safety. That’s it. Not because they “feel like it”



Cops Unaware They Were Filmed Breaking In – The FBI Warned Them

You can tell a lot about criminal… I mean cops, when they don’t know they are being recorded. What they did with his friends ashes was so appalling as well. To me the craziest part is they are higher sophisticated criminals to have the mind to cut the cameras wires and should be arrested and punished accordingly as far as laws are written. I have only seen that in movies until today.

And they wonder why citizens have complete disgust for law enforcement.

It’s something that comes up regularly. “There’s a law for the rich and a law for the poor.” Well, the guys you see on here are the guys that make this true. Someone without hidden cameras and or an attorney would be more or less at the mercy of these wandering goons. I don’t really think that they set out to create a stratified criminal justice system but that’s dammed sure the result.

Finding out the FBI leaked this to the officer’s just blew me away. I hope John can make them agents pay to, sadly the corruption probably goes all the way to the top.

Cops will still say it’s just “a few bad apples”, when it’s clear the entire tree is diseased, from the very top down to the lowest root.

He just admitted to being retaliatory on live TV that should start an investigation on his entire department for those words alone. Smh the world we live in and the people that are supposed to protect us is scary

“if they would stop being piles of shit, i could retire this fucking channel”
thank you for getting a laugh out of me while making a great point lol

So they are caught in illegal actions and still get to keep their badges …. its no wonder street justice has been ramping up

If they had legitimate reason to conduct a warrantless search, they would have no reason to cut the cameras. These guys are criminals with badges.

I don’t understand how a judge or official has seen this and not let it go to court this is America isn’t it what is going on