How Narcissists Test Their Victims

How narcissists test their victims
Do you feel like you’re being tested by that narcissist in your life? If you’re wondering how narcissists figure out if you are a good source of supply and what they look for, this video will give you the answers. Watch this video to find out how to beat the narcissist and take back control by learning what traits they are look for in their victims, and how not to give them what they want.

🎓What you’ll learn in the webinar:
The 3 empowering secrets you need to take back control when communicating with narcissists.
​How to develop a winning, foolproof strategy to drive the outcome you want out of negotiations with narcissists.
How to be more powerful, persuasive and confident when negotiating with narcs.
What to say in negotiation and how to say it so that you can beat narcs at their own game!
How to anticipate what the narcissist will do and be two steps ahead of them at all times.

About Rebecca Zung:
✅Rebecca Zung is one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the nation, having been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a “Best Lawyer in America”, as “Legal Elite” by Trend Magazine, and recognized by her peers and the judiciary as AV(c), preeminent rated in family law, the highest possible rating for an attorney by Martindale Hubbell.

✅But her journey wasn’t always easy. She got married at 19, had 3 children and divorced at the age of 23. She was a divorced single mom when she decided to go back to law school. She went from being a single mom, college dropout, to becoming one the most powerful lawyers in the country at the helm of a multi-million dollar practice. She is now committed to sharing her secrets and empowering others to live their lives at their optimum level of success, professionally and personally.

✅She is the author of the bestselling books, Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure Fire Method to Step Up and Win and Breaking Free: A Step-by-Step Divorce Guide for Achieving Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Freedom, and is a sought after major media contributor.

✅She has been featured in Extra, Forbes, Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Dr. Drew, NPR Talk Radio, Good Day New York and CBS Los Angeles among others. She is the host of the popular show Negotiate Your Best Life™ which is available on YouTube and as a Top Podcast. She is also a frequent keynote speaker.

How a narcissist targets your FUN

Why does it feel so dangerous to have fun during narcissistic abuse? Today’s video discusses how fun can threaten the narcissistic abuser’s fragile artificially inflated sense of self-worth and why you may have had to avoid fun in order to survive. I offer a tool for how you can re-incorporate ways of experiencing fun today by knowing that it is safe to do so today.

The scapegoat’s success is a threat to the narcissist

Narcissist’s Favorite Sayings

1) Excuse me/you’re interrupting: a way of distracting from the point you made.

2) Just because I didn’t do it how you wanted: make you feel guilty, turn it back on you

3) What about your issues? Let me avoid responsibility for my behavior.

4) I’m sorry, what more do you want from me: narcissistic pho apology.

I’m sorry I can’t be perfect, I’m sorry you feel that way -> turn the focus back on you.

5) You made me .. cheat, lose my job. It’s your fault.

6) You’re the only one who feels that way.

gaslight you, make you feel bad