Pulled Over For Driving Too Safely


“Most Texans don’t go 60 they go 80”. So he’s getting punished for not going over the speed limit!?!? This is a joke


“Isn’t 60 safer than 70” “Well actually you’re suppose to go the posted speed” “No, that’s the maximum” Holy shit that man came with the factual statements lol.


Cops: “Why does everyone hate cops?” Also Cops: “You are obeying the law and I don’t like it. I’m going fish for a reason to arrest you.”
Imagine being a cop and thinking “Wow, this guy is driving awfully safe… I better make sure he’s not drunk!”
9:35 Cop: “Most Texans go 80 in a 70 zone.” Man: “Well, why aren’t you stopping them instead?”

What brings you to this part of Texas? Like it’s illegal to drive from Austin to Plano or something. And now that he pulled him over for no reason he’s trying to bust him for the rental car lol. It’s like if I can’t get you for being too safe I’ll just find a reason. Boy this cop really wants that promotion for most tickets given out. He’s as bad as a used car salesman.
He realized the guy was okay when he talked to him. His ego just wouldn’t let it go.
I got stopped for “driving too safe” once. As soon as the officer came over, he asked why I was driving like that. I asked him what he meant. He said I was driving “suspiciously” safe. I facepalmed in front of him and asked him if driving safely was a crime. He didnt say yes, he started beating around the bush by saying “im the one asking questions here”. I stayed silent the rest of the time. I didnt commit any crime and I didnt answer any more questions. He eventually got bored after a few minutes and left
“I’m just pulling you over to make sure you are okay.” “You’re okay?” “Cool, here is your warning. Fantastic dialogue right there. From what I’ve seen on this channel, open dialogue with a Police Officer isn’t friendly or polite, it’s basically phishing. Who can blame people for only complying with the bare legal requirements when engaged with a Police Officer? Any further and you are a successful mark. When did Police Officers become street magicians? “Look here, see how you are a lawful citizen? Bam, now you’re a criminal, hands up.” Sad and appalling.


What erodes our confidence in officers is knowing that the good ones know what the bad ones do and are doing, but won’t blow the whistle because of the brotherhood.


this is the equivalent of pulling somebody over for coming to a full complete stop at a stop sign. nobody stops at a stop sign, it was suspicious behavior.
it’s so weird how cops spend most of their time giving our bs tickets and harassing people when they could be focusing on things that actually matter like, actual criminal things.
I thought he was doing a reasonable stop. Then he said “I’m giving you a warning, please give me your papers”. And like that, a reasonable stop turns into a power trip. You made your point, let the man get on with his life.


“Why were you driving 60 in a 75?” “Because I saw you behind me and I’m terrified of stupid, unreasonable cops.”
“Your behavior is consistent with someone who’s intoxicated” He saw he wasn’t intoxicated. Thats where the stop should’ve ended.
“You’re getting off with a warning”, then proceeds to ask tons of inconsequential questions. Typical cop behavior, trying to implicate a person for a crime.


This is literally the meme of, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” “But officer, I was going the speed limit!” “Exactly. Go 10 miles over the speed limit or go back to whatever state you’re from.”
One of the things that my driving instructor told me, that has stuck with me decades later is this: “The speed limit is the MAXIMUM speed you can travel, under absolutely PERFECT driving conditions”. Meaning, if it’s raining, traffic is heavily congested or any other number of factors, you should probably be going UNDER the max speed.
>> The really interesting thing though is how these speeds are typically calculated here in the US. Generally what happens is they send someone (like an intern) out to a new road, who then records the speeds of the people driving on it. Then after collecting enough data they say the 85th percentile is the speed limit and call it a day. Which you know really gives me confidence that these speed limits are masterfully planned
In 1994, I learned firsthand how some police departments definitely have a “quota”. I had been severely injured in a car accident the year before and had been unable to work. The tags on my truck expired but I didn’t have the money to renew them. I was literally on my way to my first job interview in more than 10 months when I was pulled over for expired plates on the 29th of May. I explained the situation, but the cop was unsympathetic. He wrote me up for four tickets, three of which were centered around the expired tags. The fourth was for not wearing a seatbelt. I went to court and when the judge read off the tickets, one after another, everyone in the courtroom was snickering. When she was done she simply asked if I would like to speak to a deputy D.A. I said yes. He was a very nice young man who gave me a chance to explain the circumstances, and I was able to show him that I’d since renewed my tags after getting the job (despite being late to the interview). He said that three tickets for one minor offense was unreasonable and dismissed them. Then he asked, “Tell me honestly, were you wearing your seatbelt?” I said, “No, I wasn’t. “ He thanked me for my honesty and charged me $10 for that. Yeah, quotas absolutely do exist and they shouldn’t.
“Where ya headed?” “That way” “Where ya coming from?” “The other way.”


It is not unlawful for the police to interrogate you during a stop or even a regular conversation. If the driver would have known at the time ; he could have stopped the interrogation cold. At anytime you can withdraw your implied consent to be interrogated without an attorney present. He was under no obligation to provide the officer details not pertaining to the traffic stop. He should have invoked the 5th.


When police ask you to sit in their patrol car passenger seat they want to better assess if they can smell alcohol and/or get you to say something incriminating, FYI.
>> Had an officer do this to me and then change his tune real quick when he saw I’m in the Army. Let me go faster than someone holding a hot potato.

>> When they arrest or ticket someone on active duty, the Army for example will investigate the matter and be in contact with the police department who issued the citation.


Why do cops always ask where you’re headed or where you’re going, as if it’s any of their business or you have to justify or explain your movements to them? I love everything I’ve learned from this channel, and I’ll definitely keep in mind the myriad things I’ve learned in any future dealings I may have with law enforcement.
When you hear “I just wanted to make sure you are okay” you know they are gonna harass you for no reason what so ever
I remember hearing a prosecutor say in court that he would prosecute someone driving 46 mph in a 45 mph speed zone. This makes us distrust the legal system if we are stopped for going too slow.
The problem with “your right to silence” is the following. “So, what’s your name ?” “I’m invoking my right to silence.” Officer steps back for a second and thinks to himself, “I am going to get this fuck arrested for something before the day is done, I promise you.
Cop: “You were driving a bit slow. Tell me everything about yourself, then drop your pants”
.. Most people, esp. green card holders, do not understand this. Police are intimidating; and a police officer can ruin your life. People will often just comply to avoid any resistance, and can you blame them? I can’t.

Cop: “your behavior is consistent of someone who is intoxicated…” Driver: “your behavior is consistent with someone who needs more training…”
Driving too slowly impedes traffic and creates a safety hazard. So stop a vehicle in that lane for several minutes. Roadside traffic stops are generally more unsafe than the behavior that caused the stop. Laws need to be changed to require officers to direct drivers to a safe location.
4:38 “What brings you to this part of Texas besides that your car broke down?” Does the officer have the right to ask this question? This whole stop is very confusing.
They have the right to ask whatever questions they like. They’re just hoping their victims are ignorant enough to answer.
Sure he can ask…its a dumb question from any perspective even if the guy was holding up banks on the way and mowing people down GTA style it would still be one of the dumbest and most pointless questions to ask and to repeat the question…..as though it had any real value….beyond stupid.
They hope by extending the encounter it may bring other issues to light that they can then investigate for a possible crime.
 @John Romero  Yes, they can ask, but should they? Questions like this are great source of distrust between the police and the public. Questioning reasons why someone is somewhere sounds a lot like you’re not welcome there and creates atmosphere / feeling where people feel they have no right to the freedom of movement. Every time police officer is conducting their business they should also concider PR, how their behavior may affect people’s feelings and their sense of security, freedoms and privacy and ultimately the whole community.
That was a Gestapo Nazi cop style question.
 @Banjong Philaiwan  the more I think about it, the more it sounds like a visa question. So I’d be inclined to answer along the lines of “My permanent residence somewhere in Country X brings me to the State of Y” because the “business” / “pleasure” answers aren’t applicable unless you’re visiting country on a visa which is granted for the purpose of either business or pleasure. That’s pretty much my take on it although I’m not sure most cops really understand what it is they’re asking or what the question is for.
Guy is driving a rental car and doesn’t want to damage it so drives carefully. What’s the problem with that, officer?
I guess this officer doesn’t have elderly drivers in his area, they sometimes drive 60 in a 80 mph zone.
Most good drivers take it easy when driving cars they’re not used to. This cop is a nut case.
9:36 Cop: Most Texans don’t drive safely under the maximum speed limit, rather they go 80, not 60, on a 70 mph road, so I’m giving you a written warning for driving safely, instead of illegally fast. This sums up why the traffic stop was extremely unreasonable and the warning an abuse of power.
I’ve been pulled over for, and I quote, driving so proper for someone in a sporty car it was worrying. He followed me for 15 minutes before pulling me over.
That California license plate is perfect prey for quotas, since out of staters rarely contest tickets if they have to take time off and travel for court appearances. Easy revenue.
“Do you know why I stopped you?” “Because fighting real crime is hard.”
“Damned if you do and damned if you don’t!” Americans deserve better than this type of harassment!
The officer actually encouraged the safe driver that he should be going 80 (10 miles over the speed limit), instead of 60 (10 miles under the max which is legal). I was waiting to see if he asked, ‘You’re suggesting I speed, officer?’
“What brings you this way?” The dude literally just told you. Is it illegal to have an accent in Texas yet? This cop literally told him he should be breaking the law rather than driving under the limit.
Speed limit has no determination on getting pulled over. Most States have laws concerning driving too slowly or too fast and even doing the speed limit they can get you for driving too slow/fast for conditions. What’s all that mean? No matter what there is always an excuse an officer can rely on to pull you over.
I hear you on this,When it all boils down they get to go off their feelings and that’s scary,you see deputy douchebag real reason for pulling him over he thought he had a drunker..
Here in San Diego, quite few years ago now, a cop hit a pedestrian, and he was speeding a little. It was explained to us serfs that speed limit laws are actually quite flexible, and the officer was doing nothing wrong.
The cop is like: “Can you say something illegal? I’m low on my quota.”
Man, I got so angry when he kept asking why he was there. The guy was such a sweetheart patiently repeating his answers over and over
I was told by multiple NY state trooper pals that driving at the speed limit is very suspicious behavior. They want to see you going 5 to 9 mph over the limit. 10 mph over is too much. Those are strict guidelines that differ greatly from what we were all taught.
This exact thing happened to me, I was doing 95 in a 100 Kph zone and the officer said that people typically go 115 or more. I actually asked, “So why did you pull me over rather than someone actually breaking the law?” He then informed me that he could write me a $200 ish ticket, I pointed out that his name would be on the ticket and that would make filing a complaint really easy. He straight up walked away without indicating that the stop was done and just hoped back im his car and drove off. It is also worth noting that as I pointed out the complaint I gestured to my dashcam which wasn’t even set up properly at the time but just the thought that he had been recorded saying he pulled over a person following the laws rather than the ones that were actually breaking them was enough for him to leave without incident. He definitely suspected me of being intoxicated as his questioning reflected that but I very clearly wasn’t and there is no point in prolonging the traffic stop just to try and pretend that he had another reason.
>> Him: “I need to pick up my car because it broke down” Cop: “So why are you heading this way” Him: “To pick up my car….”
>> Also Cop: But why are you here Him: ???? <Puzzled> to pick up my car from the shop COP: But why are you in my county …..
>> Why are you here? Why were you vacationing? Why were you born?

This is oddly close to where I live and I love it. Finally displaying how the cops act out here.
“does it go on the record” -no in that case, what is the point? if there is no record of the warning, what would happen if another cop stops him for doing the exact same thing again?
I love the way you breakdown these stops. I think these worse be an excellent training tool in police academies. Show the video without the voice over, send them home with some work and analysis then breakdown the stop. This as a training tactic would save lives, money and rebuild trust. Thank you.
“You’re just gonna get a warning” for not disrupting traffic and driving safely. Understandable have a nice day.
🙄 I hate when they say, “I’m trying to make sure you’re ok.” Where he’s going isn’t any of his MF’in business. 🙄
Why was he asked to go into the cop car to receive the warning? And I am confused why this wasn’t addressed in the video?

A police car tailing you with no lights is an excellent reason to slow down.
When the hell does a cop ever ask you to sit in the passenger seat of his car?! I would be sus as hell and probably refuse.
After watching a lot of these videos, I have learned you can not win with cops. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
It’s funny how it’s called a speed LIMIT yet we can’t go under it
The deputy may not have been “rude” but he was definitely disrespectful.
He was being a polite jerk. The man did obey and listen to the cop so that helped. Had he known his rights and laws and challenged the cop who knows. He should file a complaint. That warning shouldn’t be on his record.
I agree. It almost like passive aggressiveness, whereby the words are nice but the intent isn’t. You can be politely deprived of your rights and liberty. A bit like a smiling executioner!
Now I know why I’m alive. I have always treated police like they are crazy by remaining calm, not challenging them, and allowing them to overreach their authority when dealing with me, the dozen times in my life I’ve dealt with them.
He said “I just have to document my stop” Then he tells the man “No, this doesnt go on the record.” Since when was documenting something for the record, not putting it on record? He lied to a man who broke no laws, gave a warning for no reason other than to protect his failed pull over attempt, and looked for other problems in a case where he should have never even made a traffic stop.
Damn. Stopping the guy for no reason, interrogating him, even when he responds and explained why he is in that part of town, he keeps fishing. Even asking for the rental agreement. And they wonder why people hate police?
I have seen cops ride the rear bumper of a car driving the speed limit forcing them to drive faster. Then they give them a speeding ticket. Small towns in the mid west are notorious for this kind of “law enforcement.” They watch for plates from another state and pounce on them because they know the driver won’t come back to fight the bogus charge.
Although we have the right to remain silent, all I’ve ever seen on this channel when it comes to citizens remaining silent just caused more problems. I think he was in the right for cooperating with the officer.
That was a prime example of an officer going on desperate fishing expedition . . . and wanting to exert his authority.
The frequent braking was what caused the stop. I see this a lot around here and it’s because people drive with two feet. So you’ll see brake lights even during acceleration.
This reminds me of the time I was pulled over for driving in the far left lane on the highway. Mind you, the other two lanes were being paved, so it was the only lane left. Rookie cops…
Last video I watched on here was two drunk cops getting pulled over. Neither getting charged for being drunk with a firearm and the driver being allowed to go home after being taken to the station….meanwhile this guy gets pulled over and questioned for driving safely….there is something fundamentally wrong with the policing system.
A warning is like getting an incorrect answer on a quiz before an exam. There’s a reason this happened; maybe you misread a question, lacked domain knowledge, or maybe you ran out of testing time, et cetera. But it gives you something specific that you and your teach can correct, so you get it right in the future. With this warning for his “driving behavior,” there is no specific item for this man to focus on in order to subsequently avoid another warning or citation. (Perhaps he’s advocating doing 80?).
Audit the Audit gets an F, for failing to give this dummy cop the grade he deserves.
>> His grade is appropriate because cops do far worse things. See if this cop got a F what would a worse interaction be? It’s sad but honest.

 @Ted Bell  I agree the cop deserves a F and I like freedom but refer to my previous comment. The man had a out of state license plate. The cop was hoping the man was intoxicated to search the vehicle. Any large amount of cash would be seized under civil asset forfeiture.
 @tonyetzu  He says what the cop did was questionably legal, which would be up to a court to decide. Based on past casee and current laws ata doesnt find it to be outright illegal. Just because you feel like the cop should get an F doesn’t me he generally should. Again everything was questionable and shady, but he didnt throw things like “it smells like weed” or just start searching the vehicle without consent. That’s why he got the grade.
 @MrPopo69zkai  No need to give the cop credit just for what he didn’t do, you are too eager to give the cop credit just for not doing corrupt things, like searching the vehicle without consent, or shooting the man in the face, etc. You have low standards for Police work. I’m aware of what ATA thought of the interaction, hence my original post. My grade stands- F. Thanks for your input.
 @Kurt Wetzel  you don’t need to be able to go lower than an f. If an officer breaks the law in any way they fail. There are degrees of success but failure is failure.
 @MrPopo69zkai  he never should have stopped the guy for obeying the law (he wasn’t swerving or showing any other signs of impairment), he displays obvious signs of racism (“you’re not from around here boy”, questioning about his background, the prolonged questioning about where he’s going), and he repeatedly lies to the man to create fake justification and prolong the stop. Prolonging the stop is illegal as Ata states in many videos.
>>  @Jaime Stardust  after getting a full description he asks “what brings you this way” and “what brings you to this part of texas”, “most Texans don’t go 60 they go 80”, he does everything except say “we don’t like your kind around here”
During my 40 years of operating a motor vehicle across 15 states, I regularly drive under the speed limit for safety reasons but have NEVER been pulled over for it.
I’ve actually been pulled over twice in this exact manner, but here in Northern Ontario, Canada. The police officer on both times suspected me of being intoxicated because I was driving slowly (~10km below the posted limit). The first time, it had been raining all afternoon in the fall, and temperatures dropped below freezing and I was driving cautiously as there was ice on the road, and I did not yet have winter tires on. The second time, it was snowing, and we were in town while hauling a very large trailer, and again just trying to be careful.
I always thought being a cop would be an exciting job but the more of these I watch it must be deathly boring
Why is the cop asking so many freaking questions? None of that is his business. This is crazy.
>> It’s none of his business why the driver is in the area or where he took his family on vacation. This is America.
>> This is standard procedure The mission in asking questions is to find a bigger crime or to later attempt to discredit them through inconsistencies in their story in a potential court case

>> And if you don’t answer it’s suspicious. No winning

>> He’s trying to find a reason to search him or the car to eventually get a ticket out of him

The cop basically asked for his whole life story Too many unnecessary questions stick to the traffic stop

Good Trooper Stops Officer Misconduct


If this dude abuses authority he doesn’t have, I can’t imagine how much abuse his probationers are put through.


This PO should be charged with Impersonation by flashing a badge and detaining a civilian in a manner projecting authority of a LEO

Tbh I would’ve kept driving . The fact that he signaled with his hands to pull over just shows he didn’t have the authority to pull anyone over.


love the trooper being confused as much as the driver about what’s going on, that’s like straight off of a comedy skit

The officer knew exactly what what he was doing. He wouldn’t say the word “detained” because he knew he didn’t have the authority.

The probabtion office needs to be charged with impersonating a police officer. There needs to be accountability rather than just “we’ll look into it.” No. You can get away with that if it hasn’t come to the People ‘s attention of police misconduct. I think it’s pretty damn obvious that’s no longer the case, on a National level. Now there needs to start being prosecutions. The People are the one’s in charge, here. Not the government and it’s executive personnel

This is like getting pulled over by a mall cop


This man should be arrested and charged with clear falsely detaining this gentleman.

This one blew my mind….


I would have pressed charges on this man, if nothing else to keep him from remaining a probation officer

I can only imagine the ego that the Probation Officer takes to his own job. He should be investigated thoroughly on how he handles his caseload, if he gets triggered like this driving.

The fact that this ‘officer’ is willingly recording everything is hilarious. I’m guessing that at least 90% of that could be used against him in a lawsuit…?

<strong>The second I saw he was a probation officer and wouldn’t identify himself, I am moving on. He can role play with someone else.</strong>


The trooper’s interaction is probably my favorite good cop footage I’ve ever seen. He handled that like an ordinary, decent man would.


It’s amazing how respectful the officer is to him, this is how police should be trained: as social workers trained to de escalate


I would have asked the trooper to arrest the other guy for impersonating a cop.


The penalty for violating someone’s civil rights isn’t taken seriously enough here in the states. If it was, this wouldn’t happen.

I’d love to know what happened to this probation officer. He should be fired. I do not believe he was merely misinformed.


This dude knew his rights. It turns out the most powerful weapon you’re ever going to hold isn’t a gun. It is an education. Know what the law says, and how it applies to you. It’s a worthwhile endeavor. Be safe and knowledgeable. ❤️


Pure comedy…”when a real police officer gets here.” 😂😄


Isn’t the guy technically impersonating a peace officer?

>> No because he is an officer of law he isn’t impersonating one, But he is misinterpretating his job and the responsibilities

Yes, he was operating outside his jurisdictional authority. In my view <strong>what he did here is akin to a false citizen’s arrest.</strong> The minute he saw the officer was outside his authority I would’ve driven away hopefully after ID’ing the suspect. This is serious misconduct and the probation officer would likely have been pulled over for suspicious driving if a cop was in the area.


Can you imagine how poorly people who’re actually bound to his authority are treated
When you deal with overweight police officer, be even more cautious because you already know this man is not fully serious about being a good police officer, else he would be physically fit for this job….
I’m afraid I have to strenuously disagree with the Trooper’s grade. He absolutely covered for the PO’s illegal stop. An A+ grade would be taking him to jail
The wittiness of driver had me laughing. “We’ll find out a lot of things when the real police show up”. “Am I being detained? Do you not understand me?” 😂😂😂
I feel bad for the people he manages on probation. That badge has gone to his head.
If the driver had taken off, I wouldn’t be surprised if the PO took a shot at the driver with the argument “He was fleeing and he tried to run me down.” The PO has a big ego problem as well as he’s totally ignorant as what the PO badge allows him to do.
you had me at “Alabama”
“Are you a police officer?”
“I am an officer”
“Says right there you’re a probation officer. Bye”
Shoulda been as easy as that
I could just imagine how many false probation violation this guy has issued keeping the stats prison system beyond its capacity.
Nothing wrong with calling out your colleagues for making mistakes or doing wrong. More cops need to do this.
“Am I being detained” is a straightforward binary question. The fact that he refused to answer it accordingly indicates that he doesn’t have a clue if he is in the right or not.
Question – does the trooper really deserve an A+, I mean I get that his demeanor was stellar and his general prerogative to give the subject their due rights back was in line with his duty, should he not have also explained that impersonating a trooper is a felony and the subject has a right to press charges? If there’s one thing I learned from Jeremy Dewitte and others like him, officers really don’t like these sorts of games.
Since probation guy was operating outside the scope of his authority, he should have no qualified immunity. He needs to be taught a lesson where it hurts. His wallet
Having had the pleasure of being stopped by NCSHP, I can confirm they are one of the most professional law enforcement agencies out there
Corrections Officer knew enough to not say “detained”, that seems to me to be evidence that he knew he wasn’t within his authority and it was a case of ego.
My (now retired) cop relatives have told me: Never, ever pull over for ANYTHING other than a marked patrol car because there are lunatics who will impersonate cops.
The first thing that comes to my mind watching this craziness, is how many other illegal traffic stops this wannabe cop has executed on unsuspecting people, who may not have been as aware of their rights as this driver. This guy could have illegally detained young ladies and taken them to who knows where and violated them. He has obviously done this before, and it has turned out well for him, because he keeps doing it.
This seems all too common; members of law enforcement using their badge to intimidate and improperly detain citizens, most of whom don’t know their rights. I believe law enforcement officers are by and large good and decent people with a desire to protect and serve. The bad apples are the reason this channel and others like it exist. And they should exist so people can see and hear the explanation behind how and why they should behave during a period of questionable detention.
Honestly I can sum this up in one thing jurisdictional this guy is technically outside of his jurisdiction he is not even in his home state he has no authority to perform any duties as an officer of the law let alone a probationary officer
Imagine, just imagine the colossal, overwhelming and unjustified abuse of his authority that his parolees have to deal with.
I would have been interested to hear the trooper’s response if asked whether he thought a probation officer has the right to conduct traffic stops.
The reason he didn’t answer the detainment question was he knew he didn’t have the power to detain anyone
I love your channel. It’s very informative and it’s really nice/important that these things are exposed. But it corrodes my soul to see all the power tripping, abusive people getting no proper (or even not at all) punishment for their actions. Most of them continue their lives the same way victimizing many more in the future. And that will never change..
When I was a CO a few years ago, there were talks about probation and correctional officers getting the authority to pull people over end give tickets. This right here, is exactly why they wouldn’t do it. And I’m glad they didn’t. There were COs saying that they couldn’t wait to pull people over for no reason just to fuck with them.
I’ve worked with, trained or was trained by professionals. This probation officer may receive a pay check from public tax money but, he is no professional. He’s a thug and pettie tyrant, in my opinion. I’ve turned down promotions and awards in my life just so I spent more time where it counts, my family. Even when I don’t put in for it I’m lifted up and promoted! I can’t understand the mind of a thug or tyrant. How small they must be. My gold badge is tucked away and I’m retired from the Government. And I’m not going back yet still courted to come back! I’m sorry for that probation officer. He needs to find other work like in a fish cleaning house or coffee fetcher for a mall cop. And credible supervisor or administrator would see that this probation officer became a fish cleaner or coffee fetcher in private industry. In my opinion.
Lmao the guy that got pulled over was dropping zingers of truth and comedy the entire time. I’m happy he didn’t remain silent
That poor police officer was so sheepish, you could see the whole situation made him very uncomfortable 😳
“youre a probation officer im not even on probation, never have been” and they just kept coming 😂😂
Damn! 😜 I love the dudes accent. I did not know i sounded that way! I am from Alabama and we don’t take their bullshit. The Trooper did an excellent job and gives me a little faith in troopers!!
WHY DO THEY NEED TO KNOW WHERE A DRIVER IS GOING OR WHERE HE’S BEEN especially if the officer already admits there was no reason for him to be ticketed or detained anymore???
It’s amazing how much this guy was power tripping
The first tip off for me was that the office pulled in front of him several yards from the gentlemen. That’s not a traffic stop tactic that I’ve ever seen.
That is one of the best southern accents I have ever heard, and I live in North Carolina. He’s got the perfect nasal tone, all the right inflections… this guy should do voice acting as a “good ol’ southern boy”. Even 8n the foothills of NC this guy’s accent is notable. And I love it.
Never once did the trooper say “let him go right now” 😂😂 your captions are clickbait. There goes 15 minutes of my life
For the life of me…….it would be so much easier for a judge to adjudicate police misconduct if everyone would just plead the 5th and wait for a lawyer.
This guy needs to be an auditor. I could listen to him all day. Reasonable, cheery, clear voice, doesn’t get flustered or excited. Damn, get this man a body cam!
You see this shit in life all the time, give this type of person a little bit of authority, it will go beyond the pale almost every time.

Imagine having that perma-power tripping thing being your probation officer.
I’m a probation officer and I can guarantee you that if anyone here did something like this they would be A) fired and B) prosecuted. He should have been arrested. I hope the victim follows up legally. That guy is a moron and should not be supervising anyone at any level in any capacity.
“Don’t argue with idiots, they will drag you down their level and beat you with experience.” Author unknown (really). Not a law officer, drive off.
This is what I find infuriating about our law enforcement system, or what ever you want to call it. The probation officer had no authority to pull over that car, he’s not an officer, and he was out of his jurisdiction. I want to know, did the trooper tell him that? More then likely it’s the good old boy nonsense. Oh well it’s not like you shot him or anything, but be careful this could be considered kidnapping, you have a good day. EARNING THE HATE, EACH AND EVERY DAY.
I live in Alabama and all I can say is our cops here wave and anytime I’ve ever seen one in public they are always super nice, but Fl on the other hand, when I lived there most of the cops I’ve seen were as they thought, above the law!
Imagine being this dudes wife – you’re coming home from vacation, and your husband decides to make a random illegal traffic stop, and then wait around while he acts like this. Poor lady.
Pisses me off so much when officers use their authority illegally. It also pisses me off that other officers aren’t as outraged as I am about it.
Real question: could he have been arrested for impersonating a police officer? He had absolutely no jurisdiction in the state let alone zero jurisdiction to pull someone over in his own state.
As soon as I seen him holding a camera in his hand, I would have thought I was being punked. I would have left from the jump.
I am impressed with that mans wife, i got through that whole video believing there was 1 guy in the car, only for the audior mentioning his wife at the end i would still be oblivious to her existence
I would have been on the phone with 911. Absolutely no way I’m stopping for some guy flashing a badge out his window. People get killed that way.
Personally i work as an armed security guard. The fact this guy was filming with his PERSONAL phone is a huge no no. If i did that while in uniform i would be fired and black listed from the field within the week.
 @Wil Bing  that’s why I would be on the phone with 911 to confirm what was happening. Everyone is saying stop or don’t stop, I’m going down the middle. I’m calling 911 to confirm before I stop, and waiting on the phone with them until a patrol unit arrives.
If something like this ever happens, just call 911. Tell them you want a supervisor or watch commander to come to the location.

Officer Straight Up Lies To Detain Citizen

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Lgqm3vY7nh0″ title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>


Officer Syder should be charged with falsifying a police report, a felony.
“Why’d you flip me off?”
“You’re about to demonstrate why, sir.”
When that cop said “You failed to identify yourself to me!”, my jaw dropped just as much as the auditors.
That senior officer just said “It’s not really against the law to flip off the police like it should be” LOL these guys are on some major power trips.
when he says “I’ll falsify ev…” that was what’s called a frauden slip, he was deliberately falsifying evidence and got caught up in his cognitive dissonance. 6:52
This officers behavior is exactly why there is no respect for law enforcement.
His wife should have said she felt like she would be arrested if she argued with him. She only agreed with the officer out of fear and intimidation.
“And Baby Smith gets an A+ for remaining calm during this entire interaction, and exercising its Right to Remain Silent.”
“didn’t have any trouble with his wife or kid” I can see this mans feelings being hurt by the baby
The fact this officer knows he’s in the wrong and takes so many steps to justify his actions instead of just apologize is the definition of a true evil human being. This man should never be in any position of power over the life of another.
He knows he’s wrong; that’s why he’s begging for validation from every person he speaks with.
Imagine how much they lied before cell phone cameras.
I believe this officer is the reason they are called “pigs” sometimes. No offense to the intelligent and useful animals.
“It’s part of their job: To protect, to serve, and to commit perjury whenever it supports the state’s case.” -George Carlin.
That was wicked as hell to force his poor wife to identify him by threatening to take him to jail, leaving her and their child alone.
love how he mentions how he didnt have any issues with his toddler LMFAO
I always love the “You can record, I am recording you too”. I don’t need their permission but they have to feel like they are in control.
The officer lied. The supervisors are uninformed. The wife didn’t know her rights. This was disgusting.
An officer lies to protect his bruised ego? Imagine my shock.
this cop is so agitated the whole time, he created a whole big situation out of nothing, just chasing a guy down the street, talking a mile a minute, constantly rubbing his hands together. If you’re that jittery and anxious you should not be a police officer. I wouldn’t trust this guy to cut grass
So the cop spends 2 seconds waving and “being nice”, then immediately does a 180 and is a total hostile asshole toward the citizen for 20 minutes in order to teach him about “being nice”. Is this ‘roid rage or what?
At least three cars respond to “guy hurt my feelings”. Another police department that is defiantly not underfunded.
Disorderly conduct is the biggest joke of a “crime”.
This cop’s body camera will be used to against him in court
>> Most times body cam won’t even be admitted to court they give you excuses why it cant be given or it just doesnt exist is what your told had it happen to many times.
>> Often edited to leave out anything critical to the LEO, or, as others point out, may be ‘lost’, classified, or ‘unavailable ‘.