INFJ & ENFP – The most compatible relationship?

INFJs are the rarest personality type in the world. They are idealists, advocates, and dreamers. INFJs are equally idealistic when it comes to romantic relationships. ENFPs are characterized by their charisma and enthusiasm. They are creative, charming, independent, and energetic. When it comes to relationships, ENFPs also bring their enthusiasm. For people with this personality type, relationships are a joyous process of mutual exploration, and a chance to connect with another person. Though INFJs and ENFPs seem like different personalities, they are quite compatible. Watch this video to find out why!

What is it INFJs fail to notice about people?

INFJs are Te blind.

While they have Fe, and can tell what others are feeling, they can’t tell what another person is thinking.

They may take a good guess from how they’re feeling or how they react, but sometimes they may say something that the other person already knows, or they may say something that the other person doesn’t want to hear.

The INFJ can tell when what they said offends someone, or hurts someone, but they don’t know beforehand if it was the right thing to say, or if the other person even cares about what they think.

They also can’t tell if something is serious or sarcastic (especially when texting), and have a tendency to take everything literally unless told or indicated otherwise.

They also may have a flawed view of themselves, at least when it comes to everyone else’s thoughts and opinions of them. They can think they’re admired, just based on the words others give them, but they can’t tell what goes behind the scenes. ESPECIALLY in childhood with underdeveloped Fe.

(Example: Everyone makes fake positive reactions and butter up the young INFJ into thinking they’re liked by others, but in actually, they’re taking advantage of the INFJ’s way they think literally just for their entertainment. The INFJ is blissfully unaware.)

Another thing. The INFJ may reach out a helping hand, but the recipient doesn’t want it. They cannot tell if the other person wants their opinion or not. This can leave INFJs very rejected, because their Fe desires validation and to leave an imprint in someone. When they cannot do anything, it eats away at them internally.

Unhealthy/looping INFJs may not realize that their logical conclusion is wrong, and protect their logic and pride. They get emotionally attached to their Ni-Ti conclusions and blame everyone else around them for being “wrong.” This occurs because they have put in a lot of thought into their conclusion and do not want to admit that their line of thinking was incorrect.

A good example is when it comes to typology of a fictional character. An INFJ attached to a label may argue with their life, and refuse to change their opinion despite all the odds against them.

I hope this answers your question.

If INFJs are the rarest MBTI type, then why do so many people claim to be one? It seems like 3/5 people I ask say they are an INFJ.




Real INFJs are rare. As an INFJ I can vouch for that one. You can tell if people are extremely similar to you. I have not met many. Case closed. Though I am not ready to say how rare, since I honestly do not know. We may be the rarest-we may be the third rarest, who knows. The truth is that it would take a whole lot to find the answer to that question.

So why do so many people result in the INFJ type when they take the test???
I’ll give two main reasons:

1. INFJ is literally the middle ground of all four letters.

INFJs are:

Of the top two most extraverted Introverts.
Possibly the most practical and down to earth of the Intuitives (depends on the individual).
Definitely the most logical of the Feelers.
And last but not least, an extremely free-spirited, sometimes indecisive, very spontaneous Judger type.

This confuses the biscuits out of the majority of MBTI tests that are out there. Why? I’ll give you the reason behind the reason: most MBTI tests on the internet make conclusions based on very general questions. Ehem. Does that sound like a very accurate way to conclude one’s personality type? Ya, no.
To accurately conclude one’s personality type you must ask questions based on the eight functions behind the letters. Only then will you get a correct answer. Moral of the story-if you want to find out your personality type, you’re gonna have to do a bit of psychology research. Don’t worry, it may be time consuming, but it is oh-so-fun. :))

2. People want to be INFJs

There is a huge interest in this type that overreaches that of other types. There is so much romanticizing over INFJs that the MBTI world has almost deemed this type the “perfect one”. It is very unfair.
Yes, the way the INFJ functions is very complex and not very easy to understand, but that does NOT mean that we are a more interesting type than others.

People read the over glorified descriptions of the INFJs and instantly want to be that mystical figure. The truth is that we aren’t as amazing as y’all paint us to be. We are fellow people with flaws and struggles. Just like everyone else. Yes, we function differently than other types. But ENFJs function differently than ISFPs. That does not make them better.

And for anyone out there who is stuck in the INFJs-are-the-best-type rut, let me just rant on some types that I have found are not as well loved as they should be.


Strong willed, principled, fiery and calm at the same time. Without them the world would be a huge smoking crater. They hold us up, they care and they love. They are a strong rock to depend on. Everyday life superheroes with an amazing ability to step into a situation and bring order where there was chaos. LETS GIVE IT UP FOR OUR BELOVED ESTJS!!!!! PRAISE GOD HALLELUJAH WE’D BE DUST IN THE GROUD WITHOUT YA’LL


Quick thinkers, rational and clear minded. They see a problem, and they fix it fast. They are braves, quietly doing what it takes to finish the mission. Creative in a way that we don’t acknowledge, they engineer behind the scenes to make the wheels of the world turn. TAKE A BOW, YOU LOVELY ROGUES!!!! QUEUE THE ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC <3 <3 <3


They have vision and style and help us prosper. They bring joy wherever they are, and turn the bleakest us days into sunshiney ones. They have a remarkable way of bringing people together as friends. What would the world be like without the hearts and innovations of the ESFP??? We don’t wanna know. BRAVO ANGELS OF JOY, OUR LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS, THE FOUNTAINS OF LAUGHTER AND LOVE!!!


Creative. Strategic. Courageous. Undaunted. Protective. The ENTJ is the faithful leader who guides the way through the storm. They shed a brilliant light into situations to make things work the best they can. Wise and brave at the same time. The charming strength of this type is unmatched. THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE AND STOMPING OF FEET IN REJOICING AT THE EXISTANCE OF THE ENTJ!!!!

Well I should stop ranting now. I hope I have caused some much deserved appreciation of these types and quieted the obsessions of my own. ;))))


What are the key/main differences between an INFJ and an INTJ? Concrete ones

(Bear in mind that my answer is based partially on theory and partially on experience so it may not look 100% like other answers as it also includes my personal experiences.)

INFJs are people-oriented. Yes, they are introverts and yes, many of them are extremely shy, but one thing that sets INFJs apart from INTJs is their need for social harmony. This comes from their auxiliary function, Fe (extroverted feeling), meaning that they tend to value the feelings of others and are often very socially astute. They know what is acceptable in a social situation without needing to think about it and naturally prioritise the needs of the group as a whole.

In contrast, INTJs’ auxiliary function is Te (extroverted thinking). This means that they judge how to respond to a situation via logical deduction. INTJs value efficiency and often get the reputation of being ‘cold’ as they do not mind sacrificing someone’s feelings to get the job done, and done well. One misconception is that INTJs are inapt when it comes to socialising. For me, I am highly introverted and need time completely alone without strong external distractions to re-charge. However, I can be pleasant and indeed talkative among others. The only issues for me are that I quickly drain energy whilst socialising and end up feeling unhappy, and that I have to consciously think about what I am saying and how it could affect the others in the group- this ability just doesn’t come naturally to me.

INFJs tend to idealise. They want to see people as good, however this can lead to disappointment or sadness when they start to see the numerous negative qualities of their fellows.

On the other hand, INTJs tend to be cynics. They see people in a much harsher light and are more ready to believe in their flaws than their INFJ counterparts.

Finally, INFJs are usually more open than INTJs. They do not mind talking about their feelings and seek to appease those around them. They can even feel guilt for focussing on their own emotions if they are around people who suppress theirs, and feel a need to reach out to these people and talk to them (whether that need is acted on or, more likely, not).

INTJs are masters at bottling up their emotions. They don’t want to talk about them and don’t want to think about them. If an INTJ is going through a hard time, they will likely keep this information to themselves. (INFJs tend to do this also, but more for the fact that they do not want to burden others with their problems, rather than they feel inable to do so.) This can lead to those close to the INTJ being worried about their increasing quietness, or alternatively their loud outbursts, whilst feeling helpless to do anything about it.

Please note that I have only talked about the more observable, ‘concrete’ differences between INFJs and INTJs to answer the question more appropriately and to avoid confusion. There are also many other differences between the two types, but I didn’t want my answer to go on any longer than it already is haha.

Thanks for taking the time to read this all, if you got this far, and I hope this helped!