What are the differences between INFJ and ISFJ?

Even though the types only differ by one letter, they actually have big differences. And INFJ is the rarest type while ISFJ is the second-most common.

The biggest difference is in dominant function of Introverted Intuition vs Introverted Sensing.

ISFJs are leagues more detail-oriented and consistent than INFJs, who are notorious for missing details because Sensing is the Inferior function for them.

ISFJs respect the past and tradition. INFJs want to change things for the better, and tend to be highly future-oriented and see the past in a negative light.

ISFJs have a good memory but a weak ability to see underlying meanings. INFJs excel at finding the hidden meaning, but often have quite a poor memory.

Under extreme stress, an ISFJ will catastrophize about all the possibilities that could go wrong. Under extreme stress, an INFJ will lose their cautious nature and become suddenly impulsive.

ISFJs have more patience for small talk.

ISFJs rely on concrete information, while INFJs rely on abstract impressions.

ISFJs help others by caring for them directly, while INFJs help others by advocating for them indirectly.

ISFJs are slightly more emotional than INFJs, even though both types have a balance of emotion and logic due the Feeling and Thinking functions being in the middle.

What are some very common things you face as an INFJ personality?

  1. I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere.
  2. No matter who you are or what you believe, I can always find a piece of me that understands where you’re coming from.
  3. I’m like Larry David, but with empathy.
  4. So much of me depends on my mood.
  5. A broken heart is my kryptonite.
  6. If I don’t like someone I CAN’T be around them.
  7. A lot of things people do or care about seem frivolous.
  8. People tell me my first impression is scary and I’ve been told I’m intimidating. This completely blows my mind because I am the biggest softy.
  9. I ponder the meaning of existence a LOT. Every question I ask always just ends up there.
  10. I know how to push buttons-even those of manipulators. It’s like I know how to play their games-but my high moral standards and self awareness keep me honest.
  11. I am so picky that it’s really hard for me to find love.
  12. If I can’t find the purpose of something-good luck getting me to do it.

In general, would INFPs or INFJs make better therapists?

Because of their Introverted Intuition (Ni) as the dominant function and the unusual order of their functions, they’re the only personality type that has an active access to their subconscious mind.

That’s why they have a natural ability to read others so accurate. They tend to see subconscious patterns within themselves and also in others.

In my experience, people do not see these subconscious behavior patterns or have the ability to consciously access the subconscious.

I realized just at this point in my adulthood (also since I know the MBTI test and the cognitive functions) that not everyone does this automatically.

I have talked to a few people about it, asked for feedback and tried to verbalize the process. Over time, I noticed that this process of information gathering seems completely absent in others (at least they are not aware of it or have an active access) and that no one in my environment recognizes these patterns.

In my opinion, that is why they have a natural gift in the field of psychoanalysis.

Why is it hard to understand and love an INFJ?

The reason why it is hard to love and understand an INFJ is because they pick up emotions very easily. If you show a subtle expression of not show interest in how the INFJ feels, then most likely they will close off. Your approach to an INFJ has to be caring and loving and warm. Don’t judge either, they may say things that you probably won’t understand. As long as you are investing the sincere effort to understand your INFJ, it could be all they need. Most INFJ understand that majority of people will not understand them, but if you put in the effort to understand. It shows the INFJ that you are trying and loving them the best that you can. And most times that’s just enough for an INFJ.

When the INFJ tells you what they need in the relationship, DO NOT ignore it. If they ask to be cuddled more, then do it. If they ask for help, do it. If they ask for you to show more affection, do it. Most times, INFJ’s are fair with responsibilities. So, it’s not like they are going to abuse you and turn you into a slave. INFJ’s don’t really ask for much, they only ask to be genuinely loved, valued and cherished for all that they are.