Which MBTI types get super emotional the most/least?

This is not a simple question. Every type gets emotional when operating from an underdeveloped tertiary function under stress. I’ll list what emotions each type generally feel in my opinion. When this happens, the driving factor is always stress.

Angry & Judgemental:


Angry & Perfectionistic:


Sad & Perfectionistic:


Anxious & Impulsive:


Angry & Impulsive:


Sad & Stubborn:


Angry & Stubborn:


Anxious & Withdrawn:


Anxious & Sad:


Angry & Withdrawn:


Sad & Withdrawn:


Judgmental & Impulsive:


Judgmental & Sad:


Which MBTI personality types are the most prone to feeling like outcasts?

  • Since the population is composed of 70% sensors (40% of whom are SJs), iNtuitives are more likely to feel like outcasts than sensors are just because of sheer volume.
  • INxx types, being both introverts and iNtuitives, will feel this most acutely.
  • NJs are the rarest temperament, and Ni-doms (INFJs and INTJs) are the least common of those.
  • INFJs are the rarest overall (1.4%), but split by gender, the rarest types are INTJ and ENTJ females (0.8% of the population each).
  • Types for whom it is common to have a 4w5 or 5w4 enneagram (INFP, INTP, ISFP, INFJ, INTJ, and sometimes ISTP and ENFP) will feel more like outcasts as well.

Overall, I would be willing to bet that male INFJs and female INTJs would be the types most likely to feel like outcasts. Female 5w6 INTJs would have it pretty rough since they meet almost none of the requirements that society expects from women, but they’re also Fi users, so it matters less to them what others think than what they think of themselves. Male 4w5 INFJs, on the other hand – due to their enneagram type, as well as being Fe users – would be much more compelled to find a way to feel understood by others, but would often be left disappointed in their search since very few people can. So they would probably have it worse than female INTJs.

What is it INFJs fail to notice about people?

INFJs are Te blind.

While they have Fe, and can tell what others are feeling, they can’t tell what another person is thinking.

They may take a good guess from how they’re feeling or how they react, but sometimes they may say something that the other person already knows, or they may say something that the other person doesn’t want to hear.

The INFJ can tell when what they said offends someone, or hurts someone, but they don’t know beforehand if it was the right thing to say, or if the other person even cares about what they think.

They also can’t tell if something is serious or sarcastic (especially when texting), and have a tendency to take everything literally unless told or indicated otherwise.

They also may have a flawed view of themselves, at least when it comes to everyone else’s thoughts and opinions of them. They can think they’re admired, just based on the words others give them, but they can’t tell what goes behind the scenes. ESPECIALLY in childhood with underdeveloped Fe.

(Example: Everyone makes fake positive reactions and butter up the young INFJ into thinking they’re liked by others, but in actually, they’re taking advantage of the INFJ’s way they think literally just for their entertainment. The INFJ is blissfully unaware.)

Another thing. The INFJ may reach out a helping hand, but the recipient doesn’t want it. They cannot tell if the other person wants their opinion or not. This can leave INFJs very rejected, because their Fe desires validation and to leave an imprint in someone. When they cannot do anything, it eats away at them internally.

Unhealthy/looping INFJs may not realize that their logical conclusion is wrong, and protect their logic and pride. They get emotionally attached to their Ni-Ti conclusions and blame everyone else around them for being “wrong.” This occurs because they have put in a lot of thought into their conclusion and do not want to admit that their line of thinking was incorrect.

A good example is when it comes to typology of a fictional character. An INFJ attached to a label may argue with their life, and refuse to change their opinion despite all the odds against them.

I hope this answers your question.

What is the low moral version of each MBTI type?

ENTJ – The leader of an organized crime gang
ENTP – The Evil Anarchist
INTJ – The Provocative Philosopher
INTP – The Amoral Scientist

ENFJ – The Demagogue
INFJ – The Revolutionary Ideologist
ENFP – The Common Nuisance
INFP – The Blackmailer

ESTJ – The Bully
ESTP – The Conman
ISTJ – The Amoral Apparatchik
ISTP – The Dynamitard

ESFJ – The Muckraker
ESFP – The Libellous Journalist
ISFJ – The Angel Maker

ESFJ- Regina George

ESFP- stripper

ISFJ- covert serial killer that works at a hospital and secretly poisons all the patients

ISFP- perpetually lives in a forest eating shrooms and reliving Woodstock

ESTJ- Hitler wannabe

ESTP- also Regina George

ISTJ- enjoys performing surgery on people that weren’t given anesthesia

ISTP- builds a tower in a desert surrounded by alligators so no one will ever come and see them; doesn’t feel bad when they see their family members attacked

ENFJ- leader of some sort of sex cult

INFJ- gets everyone to boycott law and order

INFP- makes YouTube videos on how to commit suicide, probably invented slender man and that other spooky girl

ENFP- knowingly gives STD’s

INTJ- sells humans over the dark web

INTP- makes homemade bombs and sends them in the mail

ENTJ- osama bin laden

ENTP- represents domestic abusers, gang bangers and murderers in court, asks for their charges to be thrown out

Susanna Viljanen, works at Aalto University
Answered December 3, 2019

ENTJ – The leader of an organized crime gang
ENTP – The Evil Anarchist
INTJ – The Provocative Philosopher
INTP – The Amoral Scientist

ENFJ – The Demagogue
INFJ – The Revolutionary Ideologist
ENFP – The Common Nuisance
INFP – The Blackmailer

ESTJ – The Bully
ESTP – The Conman
ISTJ – The Amoral Apparatchik
ISTP – The Dynamitard

ESFJ – The Muckraker
ESFP – The Libellous Journalist
ISFJ – The Angel Maker
ISFP – The Serial Adulterer

Sev Tur, INTJ
Answered January 13, 2020
INTJ: The quiet antihero, secretly planning something “terrible”

INTP: Evil scientist (Look up Josef Mengele, a prime example)

ENTJ: Organized crime boss

ENTP: Loudmouthed cold hearted terrorist

INFJ: Cult leader

INFP: Depressed serial killer

ENFJ: Revolutionary leader

ENFP: The crazy ex

ISTJ: Organized and careful criminal

ISTP: Hitman for a criminal organization

ESTJ: Dictator

ESTP: Careless and impulsive criminal with low functioning ASPD

ISFJ: Evil nurse

ISFP: Petty thief

ESFJ: The wife of a known criminal

ESFP: Kills people as crime of passion

Profile photo for Kiara
Answered August 15, 2019
ENFP: A highly un-interactive individual who remains in one corner, holds back their humour due to self criticism, doubt and fear of judgement. Remains reserved to their select people if they feel close to them. Laughs and others jokes and just calls the day off from their enfp selves, all whilst wishing they could be more in love with them-self and just be themselves.

OR someone who tries way too hard to hit it off with everybody. Seeking actively around for attention and validation and finally ends up exhausted due to their lack of real energy to actually keep up the facade. Ends up, feeling … (more)
Profile photo for Tim Langeman

Profile photo for Coşkun Akalın
Coşkun Akalın, Student
Answered December 3, 2019
I can only talk for INTP:

An amoral INTP would be a scientist that doesn’t even consider human lives with any value, like Joseph Mengele, (the Nazi Scientist who is the founding father of Modern Healthcare). Or they’d be an evil Engineer who seek revenge for their disregarded invention.