Donald Trump and the Clinton’s Marriage

Trump interjected, “Heh, heh,” pronouncing each syllable in a way that validated the realism of countless cartoon voiceovers, and removed any doubt that he was talking about sexual, rather than political or financial, loyalty. But it was also a remarkable reminder of the proximity of all of those qualities in the Trumpian mind.

.. If properly executed, that sort of thing might have some resonance, although the ready answer is that, rather than mendaciously engaging in some woman-destroying scheme, she had simply trusted her husband.

.. Trump also told the Times that there was “never a problem” with his own marriages, which makes one wonder what, exactly, his wife at the time, Ivana, and soon-to-be second wife, Marla, were so upset about when they confronted each other at a ski resort in Aspen. (“It was very unladylike,” Ivana later told Barbara Walters.) When the Times pressed him on the Marla question, he said, “I wasn’t President of the United States.”

.. There is a need to speak more thoughtfully about the corrosive effect of money in politics and the uneven costs and benefits of free trade, and, indeed, about political dynasties. But Trump’s not doing that. When his bigotry and his speculations about sex aren’t at the center of his speeches, his narcissism is.

.. After all, the explanation for her wanting to be President couldn’t simply be that she has policy goals of her own. (Trump, at another point in the speech, said of Clinton, “She’s never done anything meaningful.”) In this scenario, there must be something else going on, something involving money and men who were out of sight—foreigners, too.

.. At the rally, Trump called her, effectively, a traitor—disloyalty to country being of a piece with disloyalty to husband.

.. Lester Holt asked both candidates if they would accept the results of the election, and Trump, after some hedging and insinuations about immigrants voting, said yes. (Clinton did so quickly and clearly.) In an interview with the Times, though, he suggested that he was rethinking that position; he should be asked the question at every debate. In Manheim, he was preparing his civil-society-slashing excuses.

The Death of Idealism

This presidential election is a contest between the oldest of the baby boomers. Yet Donald Trump, 70, and Hillary Clinton, 68, represent two very different decades in the formation of that generation. Donald Trump became famous as a classic 1980s type, while Hillary Clinton first attained public notice as a classic 1960s type.

.. During the Reagan years, writers celebrated capitalism not only as a wealth-generating engine but also as a moral system, a way to arouse hard work, creativity and trust.

.. A friend of mine came up to me at one of those parties and summarized the atmosphere: “Not indicted, not invited.”

.. As we saw on Monday night, Trump now represents capitalism degraded to pure selfishness. He treats other people like objects and lies with abandon. Proud to be paying no taxes while others foot the bill, proud to have profited off the housing bust that caused so much suffering, he lacks even the barest conception of civic life and his responsibilities to it.

.. When asked why she wants to be president or for any positive vision, she devolves into a list of programs. And it is never enough just to list three programs in an answer; she has to pile in an arid hodgepodge of eight or nine. This is pure interest-group liberalism — buying votes with federal money — not an inspiring image of the common good.

.. The twin revolutions of the 1960s and the 1980s liberated the individual — first socially and then economically — and weakened the community. More surprising, this boomer-versus-boomer campaign has decimated idealism.

.. Ironically, one of the tasks for those who succeed the baby boomers is to restore idealism. The great challenge of our moment is the crisis of isolation and fragmentation, the need to rebind the fabric of a society that has been torn by selfishness, cynicism, distrust and autonomy.

.. At some point there will have to be a new vocabulary and a restored anthropology, emphasizing love, friendship, faithfulness, solidarity and neighborliness that pushes people toward connection rather than distrust. Millennials, I think, want to be active in this rebinding. But inspiration certainly isn’t coming from the aging boomers now onstage.

How the Clinton-Trump Race Got Close

Part of the answer is that a lot more Americans than we’d like to imagine are white nationalists at heart. Indeed, implicit appeals to racial hostility have long been at the core of Republican strategy; Mr. Trump became the G.O.P. nominee by saying outright what his opponents tried to convey with dog whistles.

.. As it happened, it failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing — but nonetheless wrote the report as if it had. And this was the beginning of an extraordinary series of hostile news stories about how various aspects of Mrs. Clinton’s life “raise questions” or “cast shadows,” conveying an impression of terrible things without saying anything that could be refuted.

.. The culmination of this process came with the infamous Matt Lauer-moderated forum, which might be briefly summarized as “Emails, emails, emails; yes, Mr. Trump, whatever you say, Mr. Trump.”

.. I still don’t fully understand this hostility, which wasn’t ideological. Instead, it had the feel of the cool kids in high school jeering at the class nerd.

Hillary Turns Trump into Mitt Romney

What does Donald Trump call business? His livelihood is the rationale for his candidacy—“that the basic function of the government is deals. And you need a president who can do deals. And he has a record of doing deals,” as Michael Kinsley put it—and yet his particular idea of business had not, until last night, been discussed much during this campaign season. His Republican adversaries in the primaries had spent careers celebrating the virtues of capitalism; during the general election, some rigorous early scrutiny of his finances faded when it became obvious that, even if he wasn’t as rich as he claimed, he was still very rich. Last night, Clinton, with Trump’s help, sharpened the portrait of Trump the plutocrat. “The wealthy are going to create tremendous jobs,” Trump insisted, in trying to explain why tax cuts for the richest Americans would be good for those who had been left behind. The billionaire acknowledged that in some years he had not paid taxes, and said that, even if he had, “it would be squandered.” Hillary Clinton won this debate in many ways, but her attack on his ways of doing business cut the deepest: she Romneyed him.

.. He bragged about opening a private club in Palm Beach (“a tough community”) that included African-Americans and Latinos, as if that insulated him against all charges of racism. He seemed basically resistant to the notion that he had some obligation to contribute to the public good.

.. When George W. Bush (“the M.B.A. President”) and Mitt Romney ran on their business records, the proposition was that business provided a theory of how the world worked and how executives ought to behave.

.. One gift of this debate to Clinton’s party is that he now looks like a much more familiar target: a rich guy who is out for himself.