Which MBTI makes the best parent?

MBTI Parent advice/styles;

INTP — Encourages learning and curiosity while being laid back.

INTJ — Hmmmm, okay. Here we will have a Career plan A, B, C, D, and E. And maybe a plan Z in case they want to pursue the arts.

ENTP — Live wholesomely! Learn to do everything in a balance.

ENTJ — Career Plan A. Also, because Mother. Knows. Best. Also, you’re becoming a doctor.

INFP — Do what makes who you are and what frees you. “No, I’m not talking about drugs!”

INFJ — Be kind and care for one another, because a good character always comes first.

ENFP — *Drives past McDonalds* Kids scream, “McDonalds McDonalds McDonalds!” and the parent also screams “McDonalds McDonalds McDonalds!”

ENFJ — This is what you want? Alright, let’s make your dreams a reality. *fast forward 10 years later* Wait, I thought you wanted this? This isn’t what you want? :/ At least you’re a doctor, I guess?

ISTP — You broke your scooter again? Sure kiddo! I’ll fix it right up in a jiffy! *Pulls out welding torch*

ESTP — Live life dangerously. Go out and break a leg. Jump off a plane if you have to!

ISFP — Life is a blank canvas. It’s what you paint in it that makes it colourful.

ESFP — Just enjoy and live in the moment, because the future that exists after stems from the now.

ISTJ — Micromanages grades, allowance, spending and time. “You’re 1.2 seconds late, I thought you’d be back at 10 sharp?”

ESTJ — *Drives past McDonalds* “No McDonalds. We already have food at home.”

ISFJ — The mother who packs lunch for her kids diligently every morning at 5am. The president of the Parent Support Group.

ESFJ — “Hey kids, look what Dad just brought home!” *fans out Disneyland tickets*

All 16 types have their own way of parenting and focus on different goals altogether, and all 16 can be successful in their pursuits or not.

Some are inflexible but are able to instill discipline and control.

Some are able to make their kid’s childhood happy.

Some are able to pave a bright future for their kids.

So ‘best parent’ can get very subjective here.

What Myer-Briggs personality is the most likely to succeed?

In summary: ENTJs.

 … (more)

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