Sensing vs. Intuition Preference


Sensing and Intuiting are preferences used in the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI). The naming is unfortunately a bit archaic as sensing is more than touch and vision, and intuiting is not about gut-feel and fluffiness.

They are about how we attend and create meaning: from immediate data or after deeper thought.


Sensors pay attention to both immediate data from their five senses and from their own direct experiences. They are create meaning from conscious thought, rather than trusting their subconscious, limiting their attention to facts and solid data. As necessary, they will happily dig into the fine detail of the situation.

They focus on what is immediate, practical and real, and live life as it is rather than trying to change the world.

They like logic and tend to pursue things in a clear sequence. At work, they will have a clear schedule and like to use their proven skills in tactical situations.

They may be seen as frivolous or short-sighted by Intuitors.


Intuitors process data more deeply than sensors and are happy to trust their subconscious and ‘sixth sense’, gut feel, intuition or whatever you want to call it.

They are good at spotting patterns and taking a high-level view, as opposed to digging into the detail.

They like ideas and inspiration and tend to have a focus on the future, where they will plan to change the world rather than continue to live in the imperfect present.

At work, they like to acquire new skills and working at the strategic level.

They may be seen as impractical, theoretical and lacking determination by Sensors.

So what?

With Sensors:

  • Show evidence (e.g. facts, details, examples, etc.).
  • Be practical and realistic; grounded.
  • Have a well-thought-out plan with details worked out in advance.
  • Be direct.
  • Show logical sequence of steps.
  • Use concepts and strategies sparingly — concentrate more on the day-to-day consequences of a plan.

With Intuitors:

  • Present ideas and global concept first, then draw out the details.
  • Don’t give details unless asked.
  • When provided an idea or hypothesis or summary, don’t ask for details; accept the intuitive conclusion at face value as working hypothesis.
  • Be patient; work may come in spurts or bursts of energy.
  • Let them dream; encourage imagination.

The ENFP Brain — Dr. Dario Nardi Author of “Neuroscience of Personality” | Shot live on the main stage of the Profiler Training Class in Washington DC – Former UCLA professor and author, Dario Nardi, has discovered that people of different personality types don’t merely rely on different brain regions — they use their brains in fundamentally different ways. In this talk Dr. Nardi demonstrates how the ENFP brain shows up on EEG machines and scanning devices. Using colorful anecdotes and brain imagery, Dr. Nardi shares key insights from his lab. Among these insights: how people of different personalities can find and sustain a state of creative flow. This talk references the Myers-Briggs personality type system.

did you get a report afterwards no I
think the only complaint I’ve ever
gotten is like could it you have
recorded and on video or like did you
have even more I give them a 23 page
report but for some of them want more I
think I give them an audio tour of the
report too so that they hear my voice
explain each page
I don’t record for every single person I
just record a generic thing and then
tell them what to look for on their page
but no I don’t think so yeah but I think
that they know what they’re getting when
they come in so it’s not like some
terrible surprise or something and
everybody is different I would say the
one quote disappointment that people
have is there is invariably that person
who comes in like we heard someone
today’s like well I thought I was an
intp but now I’m thinking INTJ what type
am I will this brain scan is probably
going to show which type I am right and
like ya know what is going to show is
exactly why you can’t figure out between
those two
that’s what it’s going to show because
you’re going to show elements of both
because every person remember you have
every ENFP is like no other ENFP and the
same for int P and int J and so on so
now we’re gonna go in and we’re gonna
look at brain wiring and I’m gonna jump
off from this point of male and female
brains and then we’re gonna leave that
behind and go to some other stuff but
I’m gonna take a look at this idea of
brain wiring which you’re like what say
look carefully there’s a test on it
the the male enfps
on aggregate are on the left and the the
female are on the right they actually do
look different so this is a different
technique this is when the computer goes
in I can’t see this visually watching
the screen you know as they’re doing the
session the computer does this analysis
and it spits out these results and then
I get to draw the the map from the
results and it is sort of neat to see
that male and female enfps look
different but like I said wait and watch
because by the time people are 55 and
above these disappear so it’s really
this is only like an influence
it’s an influence but and there’s this
idea that we have these circuit diagrams
this one like social network different


Personality Tests: The Sorting Hat

despite the widespread popularity of the Myers-Briggs test, it’s generally not held in high regard by top psychologists who study personality.

.. VEDANTAM: Validity and reliability – these are two of the most important scientific factors to consider when judging the value of any psychological test.

GRANT: Reliability is about whether the test measures what it claims to measure. And so you could look at that in terms of, do you get the same result over time or if different people rate you, did they give similar answers?

VEDANTAM: So if you have a test for HIV, does the test actually give you the answer that you have HIV every time you use the test?

GRANT: Exactly. Does it give you an accurate score? And then validity is essentially, does the test predict anything? So, you know, can it predict what kind of jobs I’ll be happy in or what kind of person I should marry?

.. VEDANTAM: And your thesis about the Myers-Briggs test is what?

GRANT: Well, it doesn’t do very well in reliability or validity. It falls well short of most conventional reliability standards, and the Myers-Briggs proponents themselves will tell you that it doesn’t predict anything.

VEDANTAM: The thing that concerns me about personality tests is less the stuff that might be inaccurate but is mostly just fun, and more the stuff that is increasingly being used to gauge who should be doing what in the workplace, who is best suited for which career to select the people who you want to rise within an organization.

GRANT: It’s a great way to weed out all kinds of diversity. There was a company in Canada not long ago where there was a major acquisition made, and the CEO gave every single person who was acquired the Myers-Briggs and then fired everyone who didn’t match his type.

.. VEDANTAM: Many personality researchers put greater stock in a test known as the Big Five. It measures things like how much you care about the opinions of others versus your own judgment. It also measures qualities such as introversion and extroversion. At first glance, there are similarities between this test and the Myers-Briggs and other personality tests. But Adams says the Big Five has large amounts of peer-reviewed data to back it up. That data, he argues, makes for better predictions.


.. According to Chinese tradition, there’s no better year for a child to be born than the Year of the Dragon. Dragon kids are destined for greatness. Xiao-Qi was a doctor at one of the province’s largest hospitals. He knew it was going to be a crazy year. Pregnant women were already pre-booking rooms at the hospital. Births were going to skyrocket. It was the same all across the country. It seemed that pregnant women were everywhere, dreaming of the greatness of their coming Dragon babies.

.. VEDANTAM: They decided to prove their hypothesis that Dragon kids would fare worse than other kids at school. As it turned out, the Chinese government has a treasure trove of data – the academic performance of middle schoolers, demographic surveys, interviews with parents about their own education and household income. And so the two economists collected all the data, controlled for different variables and crunched the numbers. And they found that in middle school, Dragon kids did better than their peers.

MOCAN: They actually have higher test scores in middle school.

VEDANTAM: These kids also outperform their peers in high school.

MOCAN: Even at the standardized nationwide university entrance exams, Dragon kids score better.

VEDANTAM: And they did better in college.

MOCAN: Individuals who were born in the Year of the Dragon – they are 14 percent more likely to have earned at least a bachelor’s degree.

VEDANTAM: This was not the outcome that the economists expected to find.


.. MOCAN: So if everybody tells them, oh, you are superior, you are smarter than everybody, you are destined for greatness and good fortune, you know, they may believe that this is the case. And their self-esteem – you know that from other research that self-esteem is important in learning. People – kids who have more self-esteem, they do better in school.

VEDANTAM: But when they looked at how children reported their own beliefs about their IQ, there was no difference between Dragon kids and kids born right before and right afterwards.

MOCAN: And Dragon kids are not more confident about their own abilities or about their own future.

VEDANTAM: In fact, the Dragon kids weren’t really smarter. They scored the same on IQ tests. So what explained their success at school?


.. VEDANTAM: It turns out, the success of Dragon babies doesn’t lie with the schools, or the teachers or even with the kids themselves. It’s because of parents like Xiao-Qi and Yangcheng.

YU: (Speaking Chinese).

VEDANTAM: From the moment Han was born, his parents had sky-high expectations for him. That turns out to be the case with many parents of Dragon babies.

MOCAN: The parents of these Dragon children, they are actually more likely to believe, in comparison to other parents, that their children will obtain at least a high school education, at least a college degree. And Dragon parents are more likely to believe that their children will become a leader in professional life in the future. So Dragon parents are different from other parents in the way they sort of believe in their kids’ future.

VEDANTAM: These beliefs become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Parents who believe their kids are destined for greatness act in ways that help their kids achieve greatness. Han’s parents pushed him, giving him master’s-level textbooks in middle school and telling him as a toddler that his goal in life was to get a Ph.D. in America. As Han chatted with his parents, I asked if he could translate a question for me.