Journalist Says Steve Bannon Had A ‘Years-Long Plan’ To Take Down Hillary Clinton

The question I was always interested in getting at with Bannon was do you really believe this stuff – because a lot of it is offensive and inflammatory. And he said, you know, personally I’m mixed on a lot of this stuff. But we’re airing a lot of things that traditional people are thinking that don’t get mainstream media representation anymore. So they were making a market for these kinds of views and these kinds of stories and attracting an audience, what’s turned out to be an extremely large and powerful audience by tapping these sentiments.

.. GREEN: I think messaging and theater, for lack of a better word. I mean, Bannon is a guy who came out of the media world. He used to be a movie producer. He made documentary movies. He’s somebody, I think, with a pretty clear sense of narrative and also of the value of presentation and how you can seize the attention of the entire political culture if you push the buttons right.

I think he’s figured out that you can essentially seize control of the political conversation through stunts like the one that Bannon orchestrated before the second debate, where he rolled out all these women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault and sexual harassment. And he’s somebody, I think, who takes Trump’s impulses and channels them into a more or less cogent worldview that fits into this right-wing populist ethos that Bannon is all about.

.. your profile of him, the photos show him wearing cutoffs. And when you see him in photos now like with the transition team, he really stands out from the Trump family who are so carefully, you know, tailored and coiffed. I mean, Bannon, you know – he looks a little unkempt. He might have a little growth of beard. He doesn’t have a tie. His hair isn’t exactly combed. I mean, you know, if one were being unkind, you might say he looks like somebody ready to mix it up. You spent time with him. Is this a cultivated look or is that just him?

GREEN: That is just him. I mean, if you want to be blunt, he looks like a bloated homeless alcoholic…

DAVIES: (Laughter).

GREEN: …And revels in that view. And if you look at the cover picture he let us shoot for business week, he is sitting on a couch wearing like two polo shirts on top of each other with an Oxford shirt over that and cargo shorts and flip flops – clearly hasn’t shaved or showered. He revels in this image of himself as an outsider who is giving a big middle finger to the system.

Bannon’s Use of Government Accountability Institute

I think, in which Bannon has been able to hack mainstream media news coverage because these “Clinton Cash” stories and the various relationships that the book documented were intentionally not published on right-wing sites like Breitbart News. What GAI did instead was to reach out to investigative reporters and mainstream media outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post and others and try and encourage their reporters to take this research that they’d done and to go off and do some digging on their own. And they did, and that wound up resulting in front-page stories in a lot of major newspapers that got this negative information about Clinton in front of a whole different audience than reads Breitbart News or listens to talk radio.

Trump Discovers the Dangers of Governing at Daredevil Speed

Now the city is leaving its bruising mark on him, with the same astonishing swiftness that has been a hallmark of his lightning-strike political career.

.. all meant to disrupt American politics as usual.

.. Ten days of shocks, kicking off with Mr. Trump’s surprise ouster of James B. Comey  .. have left the West Wing reeling.

.. dread of “5 o’clock,” marking the arrival of the daily dump of damaging leaks or fresh reports of staff infighting.

.. It is as if some unseen adversary has copied Mr. Trump’s own velocity and ferocity in an attempt to destroy him

.. Sources are shuttling all kinds of information about Mr. Trump to reporters at a pace the White House cannot match.

.. “Washington feels like a kiddie soccer game — tons of frenzy but no strategy,” said Senator Ben Sasse

.. members of Mr. Trump’s team are hoping to slow the tempo set by the president and his hard-charging chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon.

They have suggested that he calm down, spend less time on Twitter, and avoid making decisions too quickly.

.. Brian Ott, a Texas Tech professor who has analyzed Mr. Trump’s use of social media, said: “The velocity at which this is happening right now is absolutely unprecedented. News is breaking so fast the stories are stepping on each other.”

‘Bannon’s War’ Review: Captain Chaos

A ‘Frontline’ documentary looks at the life and career of Trump’s chief strategist.

 The subject of this documentary has never yielded in his regard for the infliction of shock and chaos as a political tactic, according to the commentators, mainly journalists, assembled for “ Bannon’s War,” a “Frontline” film on the life and career of Steve Bannon.
.. an enduring belief in the value of chaos and disorder to undermine the establishment, usurp its power.
.. he ran for student body president and won a surprise victory by running on a platform in which he attacked his rivals as tools of the administration—of the establishment—and by claiming for himself the mantle of “an outsider.”
.. The young Bannon who emerges from this background is an omnivorous reader—a devourer, especially, of philosophy and history that yielded clues to the future. Future calamities, in particular. No danger preoccupied him more than the one posed by the Islamic world, which would in his view forever be a mortal threat to the West.
.. nothing would have greater impact on him than the Sept. 11 attacks, proof to him of Islam’s continuing war against Western civilization.
.. had lost none of his ingrained belief in the value of disruption.
.. Mr. Bannon and President Trump, the film notes, wanted the ensuing outrage, the protests, the shock and, not least, the media’s cameras. They were sending a message: Change had come; Trump was making good on his promises.