FOX News Contributor DESTROYS Trump’s “Didn’t Want To Cause A Panic” Lie On Air

Jessica Tarlov is a #Fox News contributor. She just clashed on-air with Harris Faulkner after she called out #Trump’s “didn’t want to cause a panic” lie.

Scott Adams: Sam Harris is Wrong About Donald Trump

(4 min) The people on the right are nicer to me when they disagree.

Trump departs from the fact checking more aggressively than we’ve seen before, but the results appear to be quite good.

Trump hasn’t broken stuff, which is better than people thought would happen.

It seems to be that Sam’s concern is the departure from the fact is so extreme that it will cause lasting damage.  It will cause others to discard facts or cause people to not care about facts.

When Sam says there is a big problem with the Trump Experience I can’t see it because I see Trump as a unique experience.  I think that the next President will be a reaction to Trump, like Trump was a reaction to Obama.

Sam’s assumption is wrong, but while his brand is “Rationality”, in the realm of politics, facts don’t matter.

(13 min ) The way people make decisions don’t depend on facts.  Politics was always 100% bullshit, so Trump prioritizes winning outcomes in all cases.

Compare that to politicians whose priority is the truth.

In politics, the truth gets your economy in trouble because people loose confidence when you talk truthfully about the problems.

Sam’s prioritization of the truth is valuable in almost all except politics.

(19:55) In politics, there is no truth.  There is no process to get there and even if there was, you wouldn’t want it because it wouldn’t be winning (and half the country wouldn’t believe you).

[Tim: since you can’t tell the truth all the times, disregard it completely]

Trump prioritied the Rust Belt states and made sure his message fit there.  Hillary Clinton didn’t. She prioritized her gender.

Many Republicans would choose Nikki-Haley (showing that Hillary broke the glass ceiling)

(25 min) You’ve got to give Hillary credit for breaking the glass ceiling.

(14:26) If Putin continued to do the same things with elections in the future (and why would he because he seems to like a President Trump)

The best way to deal with interference is not to talk to that in a press conference.  (Its just a good play)

I kind of like Putin’s play to say that we can interview the 12 Indicted hackers if he can interview Americans.  (Uninformed)

Look who’s politically correct now

When liberals refuse to call things what they are and sub in carefully calibrated euphemisms instead, far-right conservatives respond with one of their favorite phrases. This, they say, is political correctness run amok. But now it’s the far right that’s refusing to call the cages holding immigrant children separated from their families “cages”they’re “chain-link partitionsinstead. This hypocrisy reveals how much of a sham the crusade against political correctness among the far right has always been.

.. Television and talk show host Laura Ingraham may have come up with the pleasantest description possible of the sterile rooms surrounded by metal fences where terrified kids squirm under astronaut blankets on floor mats: “essentially summer camps.”

.. The very fact that the Border Patrol is keeping these children in cages shows the administration is treating them like animals. The complaint that talking about cages makes the administration “uncomfortable,” too, is straight out of the campus culture wars, yet when liberals lodge this complaint, conservatives label them snowflakes faster than you can say “microaggression.”

.. How dare you refuse to name radical Islamist terror, they ask? How dare you say “holidays” instead of “Christmas”? And what is up with these genderless pronouns?

.. This is a strong argument only when the stifled speech is actually an attempt at truth-telling in the face of censorship. Yet when the Trump camp cries out against political correctness, it usually has nothing to do with truth-telling or censorship at all.

.. And what was the politically correct autocracy stopping him from doing?

  • Calling women “slobs,” “dogs” and “pigs.” But women are quite literally not dogs, or pigs. They’re women.
  • Describing Megyn Kelly as a “bimbo” isn’t laying bare some suppressed reality — it’s nastiness for nastiness’s sake.

.. The pro-Trump right has weaponized “political correctness” to mean they get to say whatever they want, and those who disagree with them don’t.