Is It Okay To Defend Against An Unlawful Attack From A Cop?

Original video credit…

This is what happens when cops are not held accountable for their illegal actions and violent behaviour !!!

NEVER open your door to a cop. Make them show you a warrant first.

Cops NEVER see cops as a “viable threat”. This is a technicality that will be used against you in a court of law. You would have to spend a fortune in legal fees in order to gain any leverage.

I wish James would’ve asked “what if they aren’t allowing me close my door at 1am in the morning”. He did ask “if a cop was trying to illegally enter the home….”. But the sheriff’s answer may have been different if asked about not allowing the homeowner shut their door.

This is blatant harassment and it’s all on video. Charge the cops and use the video. Game over. These dirty bullies must be held accountable. Minable time ( 6 months behind bars. )

Would love to hear sheriff Grady’s opinion of this video, seeing that be loves to be on camera. He brags about putting his own deputies in jail for breaking the law, and this video is a perfect example of his deputies breaking the law. What say you sheriff?

James, there’s a video out there showing the 50 going OVER a locked farm gate, along with a sign of no tresspassing, and getting into a shootout with the homeowner. The homeowner was charged and convicted. Even though the dash cam of the cops car shows him climbing over the locked fence. The cop did not have a warrant…he was trespassing on the property illegally but the homeowner was convicted. This video does not do your watchers justice.

It only takes a single court case to set precedence that it’s ok.

Imagine what would happen if they didn’t have a camera!!!!

Make enough noise at the department depicted in this video and those employees will probably go elsewhere. Best way to hurt rotten public services is in their pockets and their resources. As much as physical violence is the most satisfying response, psychological incapacitation will keep you from ending up in prison.

Whether your on the right or left, I would hope you would agree with James on this. Police are abusing their power and are very rarely held to account for their actions. Just because someone wears a badge doesn’t make them a bastion for good. Law enforcement has done a poor job of rooting out the bad cops. The blue code of silence only protects the bad cops. Great job on the video James!

1:30 in the morning at my house, in my neighborhood, those cops would be out numbered and under armed in seconds. They would not think for more than a few seconds about “officer safety” before the situation was realized that they are way past that scenario!

Main point here. A civilian entering your home illegally can be defended against. If it cops doing the same thing it’s a grey area. Better to be abel to prove it she said. Double standard right there. Cops are above the law.

Outward opening doors are great for hurricanes and door kicks… But once open, too easy to hold open.

“We have over aggressive, gung ho, cops. They’re young and want to get their guy. More power to em.” Really? You’re proud of that? That’s terrifying😢

You guys are more patient than I am after the 2nd time this happened I wouldn’t even enter the door door I don’t know what else to say just can’t believe it

I knew they were going to grab him the minute he tried to close the door they were just waiting, I am sorry I would have been going to jail you are not going to stick your foot in my door and not leave.

I would like to see the settlement the city or state will have to pay out on this case because it was 150% illegal and the officers invoved should be charged fired and put on the Brady list so they cant become officers elsewhere

When people settle out of court no precedents can be set

> Laws and precedent mean nothing in a system where the rulers are immune to the law.


James i have a question, why do cops want your ID even when they know you have nothing going on with you they can lock you up for? Why? I dont understand

> They want to be able to ID whoever they want. It allows them to check for warrants and get your name on a report, even if you didn’t do anything wrong. Helps them build a background and keep tabs on you. Some officers are even willing to lie and tell you you HAVE to ID even when they know don’t. Some are just ignorant of the law. Either way, they are trying to violate your 4th amendment right. That’s why it’s so important for people to know their rights

> Power and precieved authoritay. Do as I say,. I’m trained knuckle dragger on roids

One thing I learned no one says you have to answer the door when someone’s knocking or open it.
Do not open your door. “I have nothing to say. Do you have a warrant?” Should be the only words heard out of your mouth. I have nothing to say talk to my attorney. That’s it.
As always never open the door, if they say they have a warrant tell them to put it somewhere outside so you can retrieve it with them backed away, as the cop did once they put there foot in that door it’s over…. I hope the family gets paid, end qualified immunity, cops have to carry personal insurance like doctors…
External doors should always open inwards. That way, someone has to cross the threshold to block the door. The cop would have to “enter” the house in order to keep the door open.
Thank you so much for doing this video. In my country police would be punished more severly for this illegal activity than “private citizen”
The bad thing about those arrest even though they were dismissed is that stays on your record
James, thanks for doing a video about Polk county and Grady Judd. I used to live in Polk and I’m a right of center conservative libertarian who owns guns and is a staunch believer in the constitution and the 2A bigtime. That said, Grady Judd and LE in POLK are not good guys, they regularly violate people’s constitutional rights that they claim to care so much about, they love to lie to people and target them and throw the book at people for minor stupid things that they could simply ignore or write a ticket for. The problem is most people in Polk think because he goes on tv and beats his chest Grady is some kind of right wing hero, there truth is the total opposite. From what I’ve seen, he care’s more about locking up middle-class college kids who have a little bit of marijuana and aren’t bothering anybody and ruining their lives and making money on the deal than catching murderers or rapists. He and his deputies get away with what they do because no one ever takes him and his dept. to task for it. FYI his deputies don’t wear body cams, if they’re so honorable and do everything above boards why wouldn’t they want to wear them, what do they have to hide? Thanks for what you do, please don’t let Grady Judd and his dept. off the hook, please keep scrutinizing them and keep the heat up, there’s a lot of real criminals in Polk who are getting away with real crime and a lot of ordinary people being victimized by Polk LE.

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It can be and it can’t be, if the police have probable cause like they’re in pursuit of an active criminal and see him/her go in a house they don’t need a search warrant.

Police Drawn to Camera in search of ID

Asking for ID without a crime-is straight up RUDE!!!

The officer questioning his cognitive ability was just insulting. He already had a lengthy conversation with him by the time he got to that insulting question.

a cop making ludicrous statements and asking ridiculously stupid questions while trying to sound intelligent is pure comedy gold.

The last 2 cops they actually tried to bait you and you did good – no answers. They were trying to make something out of nothing. I like that style.. Good video.

Ignorance is always loud. Ego maniacs try to enforce their emotions.

2:40 why do cops have guilty consequences?

7:05 You can help me by leaving me alone or just drop dead. I mean it’s not like you’re serving or protecting, you’re just trying to fck with someone you perceive to be vulnerable.

The cop on the right is looking for a reason to attack

Curiosity killed the cat. And if these officers were cats they would be dead.
What a group of weird ass public servants.

ID’s are like catnip to a cop.

The one at 6:40 is a bully. Just not good at it.

Why are the cops in your country…so stupid on the law??? Don’t harrass innocent people.

Colorado Springs should know better after that incident that went viral a couple of years ago

Alway last word and instructions 🇦🇺

Cyclist Leaves Police Speechless

How are you doing sir.

Hi, my name s Jim Whelan from West Palm beach

We get a lot of calls.

About what?

You . says armed cyclists.

I’m allowed to advertise.


Do you have any id with you, sir?

Under what grounds are you asking?

I’m asking you if you have any id?

Can I get your supervisor?

You’re on video.

Under what grounds are you asking??

We received a complaints

About what?

You have a lot of lights.

So what it’s legal.

If you want I can show you the statute.

I’m going to be on my way unless you have grounds to hold me.

Ok, have a nice day.

If you don’t have any grounds to hold me, this is consensual and I’m going to be on my way because I have business to attend to.



This is NOT law enforcement! This is “Policing” it’s illegal.
You absolutely know they immediately started discussing what they might be able to pick him up for. The camera and assertiveness of this dude saved him.
I always find it interesting that some cops try to convince you that an anonymous person’s feelings who called them is a reason to stop and identify you.
Police have some very important functions in civil society. This ain’t it.
“That’s a lot of lights” says the officer standing beside the car with lots of lights. lol
I just cant believe what i have just watched.. A BIKE got pulled over because he has lights while riding in the storm.. this is extremely ridiculous..
The most absurd thing about this is that she works for a department that is so lousy she was able to be a supervisor.
It’s not just that this man knew his rights, he had the strength to declare them to cops. Not easy as you think. In fact, most people aren’t taught to stand up to authority. Yes, I think we CAN teach children to be more brave in preparation to stand up for themselves!!
That was the quickest interaction with cops I’d ever seen. Good job on that!
This is the first time I have ever seen a citizen leave the scene without an expressed release and get away with it because they knew they were wrong to stop him.
I’ve never seen a cops demeanor change as fast as that cops did when you told him he’s on video.
It’s going to get to the point where everybody’s going to have body cams because everybody’s going to need to protect themselves as far as evidence goes.
Lol, I just love the way you can almost literally see the shock running through both of them, especially the guy, the exact moment he mentions the camera. 😂😂🤣🤣
Look at the cops face when he says “your being recorded”. He looks like a kid that dropped his ice-cream, and then he looks to his partner for help. Lol. I have business to attend to so I’ll be on my way
“911 what’s your emergency? “ ” there is a very visible man riding a bicycle”
One of cops favorite things to say “we’ve got a lot of complaints“ as if that justifies them hassling a citizen who is doing nothing wrong. Instead of the cops telling the complainers there is no offense, they drive around looking for conflict, looking to generate revenue by writing frivolous tickets. And violating citizens rights. Every time a cop gets taken to school like this I applaud!
“I have business to attend to” perfect line when leaving
When he says “We are getting a lot of calls” you should call bullshit. I bet nobody had called. If they have, they should be more concerned about people phoning while driving in a downpour rather than how you are kitted out.
They pulled him over for nothing. “We got a lot of calls” excuse The STAND OF SHAME
I’m surprised they didn’t tell him his window tint was too dark.
“We got a call” usually means they’re about to do whatever they want to. They seemed a little shell-shocked here.
Cameras are “serving” and “protecting” the public. Cameras expose arrogance, malpractice and corruption each day and those recording assumed a huge risks of bodily harm. Psychopaths are prone to violent outbursts when their brain is stimulated, we all witness this daily on millions of online films involving police. In most situations, it’s the only line of defence for citizens
wipes a tear from my eye that was beautiful. I know they’re supposed to respond to calls. but there’s sometimes when you just say…”yeah I checked it out it’s cool” without ever leaving the coffee shop
“Thats a lot of lights” says the cop with strobe lights flashing on top of their car
Here is something I really liked about this video. He clearly stated his rights, shut them down quickly, and drive off. It’s better than how some of these people just draw it out
While we’re talking about lights, it’s raining, shouldn’t the officers have their headlights on?
I love how cops make up their own laws and expect people to believe them. Some even get mad when you tell them it’s not a law.
Imagine the Karen that called the Cops because she read “Armed Cyclist” on the poor guys shirt.
Slow day for police work in West Palm Beach. I could see that in court: “Your honor, this cyclist’s lights were too bright.” ‘Case dismissed.’
Shrugs off the cops then proceeds into a hurricane on a bike.
RULE #9  // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
The supervisor sounds surprised that he’s recording. Makes it tough on cops looking to re-up that monthly quota quickly when citizens know their rights.
He’s clearly in the right. The title of the video isn’t. The officers don’t have as good a knowledge of that particular law as the cyclist. That’s a far cry from being “dirty cops.”
“There are a lot of lights” Yeah well I’d rather see a cyclist with a lot of lights than a dead cyclist because drivers couldn’t see him.
I would like to see the reaction from the chief who needs to view the report that these 2 made… “pulled a bike over for riding with his lights on”
Usually when cops start harassing you they don’t have to look at each other to see one one another reaction. But look at the way he,(male officer) looks at his superior to see what she’s gonna reply. Cause he’s thinking..”damn that’s a good question”. Lol
THE IRONY IS THEY’RE STOPPIN’ HIM FOR HIS SHIRT WHILE THE COP IS WEARIN’ A BACKWARDS CAP. So that’s acceptable (& professional) dept. issued attire?🤔
“You’re on video” “I am?” he replies sheepishly while looking for the camera. That’s what saved you along with knowing your rights. Awesome.

Officers Respond to Man holding a sign protesting the Governor

As a 32 year veteran Police Sergeant, I think your channel is outstanding!!! I plan on showing several of your videos to my Officers. Keep up the great work!!!

The two officers should be graded separately. The lady was pleasant, the guy was terrible, went as far as to accuse him of being on something.

I appreciate all of your content and agree whole heartily in free speech. With that being said, Mr Porter should in no way receive an A+ rating. His behavior towards the officers were unjust. In no way did they approach him negatively yet he continued to disrespect them. In my opinion, you definitely got this rating incorrect.

Dude was so over prepared for his confrontation with the police. He would have owned them so much better if he stayed calmer

“You could be arrested if someone thought your action are disorderly” is an implied threat of arrest.

I get this guy is passionate but he comes off as extremely emotionally charged right from the getgo

The guy knew his rights. Bravo! But he acted like an ass, without a calm demeanor.

I’m not a police officer, but I cannot give that guy a perfect score because he keeps forcing the issue, even when the police appear to be ready to leave.
It feels like this channel gives citizens the edge when grading.

“my free speech is not contingent on someone else’s emotions”. PERFECTLY said!!

Also, I love the way the cop parked making it difficult for drivers to get around putting people in danger. It seems that’s common practice among law enforcement. Can you imagine if we the people blocked a lane on a busy highway.

This is one of my favorite videos. People who make fraudulent calls to the police or emergency services should be charged and fined for wasting public resources. I also agree that dispatchers need proper training to prevent further waste of public resources. In the end, we the taxpayers, fund these useless altercations.

The officers were obviously trying to intimidate him through their presence, which, in and of itself, is an attempt to limit Mr. Porter’s ability to exercise his rights.

I definitely took the male officer’s comments about disorderly conduct as a threat too. They are gaslighting the the filmer trying to make him think that’s not what he meant when it clearly was. Why would the officer even bring it up as a possibility if he wasn’t trying to scare the filmer off?

I usually agree with the letter grades but A+?? He started off antagonistic and only got worse throughout. Even if he was right, that attitude alone knocks at least a few points off. It certainly has in the past

The biggest detriment to good policing is the respective officer’s inflated ego. Officers must be trained to enforce the law, not win every verbal joust with a citizen.

“we’ve never been nasty to you” when the guy tried to threaten him with a disorderly conduct charge and attempted to lay the basis for an accusation of drug abuse

Notice how Officer Mackenzie looks down at her name badge after the “Karen” comment. I looked her up, and sure enough, that’s her first name.

I’ve been binge watching a lot of these videos lately and normally I find myself generally agreeing with your ratings but this one was way off the mark for Mr. Porter. Dude was needlessly confrontational, nasty, aggressive, and escalated the situation when there was no need to do so. Dude would have gotten a B- from me at best and only that high because of his thorough understanding of his rights. There was absolutely nothing cool, calm, or collected about his behavior or attitude during the entire encounter and that snarky parting comment to Officer Arnold was absolutely unnecessary. The officers might not have had the best legal intentions when they walked up to him and Officer Arnold was definitely reaching for a bit with the drug and disorderly comments but overall they were polite and collected and never escalated the situation themselves. Would have given them a B.

I’m a hardcore 1st amendment advocate, but I believe this is a pretty feeble example of that violation. The one guy was questionable, but the female officer was obviously trying to accommodate the fellow filming, and he wasn’t going to have it.

I wouldn’t exactly call Mr. Porter‘s actions calm cool or collected.
He definitely vigorously stood up for his right for free speech but he did come off way more hostile than he needed to.

While I detest most police interaction and the abuse of their power, I gotta say I was really impressed with the officers, especially the female. While the man is right and has broken no law, the female officer showed courtesy, respect, and was just doing her job admirably. I feel there was no need for the douche nozzle handling of the situation. We see so much BS from shitty officers it gives me hope seeing an officer doing their job admirably.

I watch a lot of these videos and these two cops actually did really well in this interaction , stayed pleasant throughout and told him straight why they was there, starting with “I can’t let you hold that sign up” wasn’t the right move , but the rest of the interaction was really good , they did the right thing and got a supervisor to the scene 👍

You know, when the police said they could stand there all day with him, he should have responded by thanking them for joining his protest and offering to bring them a sign next time.

Imagine calling the police because someone is holding a sign you disagree with.

It seems like when they showed up to have him stop protesting, they started back peddling when they found out that this guy knows his stuff and wasn’t someone they could push around. I really hate the police that get drunk on the power they have and waist time messing with people who haven’t broken any laws instead of taking down actual criminals.

What really impresses me is how they parked, creating an unsafe roadway to tell a guy the public doesn’t like his sign.

As someone who doesn’t live in the US i find these police interactions so outlandish


I can’t give Mr. Porter an A+. I give him an A-. He needs to get his emotions under control a little better. Other than that he did okay.

Dude wanted to arrest him so badly. Not only did he throw disorderly out there, he asked him if he was on drugs and said he was shaking like a leaf 😂

Protestor: “I have a Constitutional right to protest”.
Police Officer: “That’s like, so offensive dude! You’re being really mean!”

Actually the reason I would give them a C is that they were quickly defeated but still hung around having petty arguments with the guy for 20 more minutes. You have to know when it’s time to fold.

I totally agree with his right to protest. I do think he needs to take the attitude down a couple of notches. I believe that yelling your views is not as effective as calmly expressing your views.

To the responding cops: “Good. You came out as required. Now that you see that no illegal activity is going on, STFU and LEAVE.”

I love it when the Police say they are being nice to you whilst also intimidating you at the same time. No one has a duty to be nice to anyone else. Being nice is nice but not being nice isn’t a crime.

While I have nothing against this video, I do find your analysis of the citizen as being “cool and collected” which was not exactly the case, as he was rather hostile in tone and manner in which he replied. Citizens need to show the same respect to officers as they themselves should be shown. When the officers are talking calm and evenly, the same should be done in return, even if the officers are wrong. While a hostile or aggressive tone of voice is not something that should be used against a citizen, it does have an innate effect on the encounter none the less, as we are all human.

I never realized just how passive aggressive and snarky officers can be until I started watching this channel.

If he’s a nasty person then stop talking to him and let him exercise his constitutional rights in peace. Walk away. It’s really simple

“You’re a nasty dude”
And then moments later says
“It was nice to meet you”
That doesn’t seem normal to me.

Yeah the dude threatened arrest for disorderly in an attempt to intimidate and humble him, and then tried the whole “are you under the influence” nonsense in an attempt to further justify harassing, detaining, and/or arresting him.

The cop starts by saying “I can’t let you…” as if it’s her decision on a whim what free people can and cannot do smh

If someone called 911 over a sign, the caller needs to go to jail.

I’m so tired of cops saying “I didn’t say that” when their cop friend says something. If they don’t stand up to the cops who said bs they are just as guilty, end of story.

Anytime a police officer starts a sentence with “I can’t have you doing _____” you know that their ego dictates their behavior and that they think they are the law

Officers found themselves in a hole. The first thing you do when you dig yourself into a hole is stop digging. Officer Arnold was attempting to escalate the whole situation, he actually deserved and F.

Cops: We want to intimidate you into not exercising your rights that we know are lawful. Protestor: I’m legit, leave me alone. Cops: You’re mean and naaaasty…

I wish we had an organization like yours auditing Canadian police. Don’t get me wrong there are auditors in Canada but I haven’t seen any as knowledgeable and professional as your channel. ✌️👍

As soon as a law enforcement officer states “ I’m only doing my job” they lose all credibility and don’t understand the oath they’ve taken!

the fact they parked their cars in the middle of the intersection is far more dangerous than anything this guy is doing. seriously 12:50 they almost caused a accident.