Which MBTI types get super emotional the most/least?

This is not a simple question. Every type gets emotional when operating from an underdeveloped tertiary function under stress. I’ll list what emotions each type generally feel in my opinion. When this happens, the driving factor is always stress.

Angry & Judgemental:


Angry & Perfectionistic:


Sad & Perfectionistic:


Anxious & Impulsive:


Angry & Impulsive:


Sad & Stubborn:


Angry & Stubborn:


Anxious & Withdrawn:


Anxious & Sad:


Angry & Withdrawn:


Sad & Withdrawn:


Judgmental & Impulsive:


Judgmental & Sad:


What’s the difference between an assertive INTJ and turbulent INTJ?

What’s the difference between an assertive INTJ and turbulent INTJ?

My observations have been that turbulent INTJs are more anxious in general. They’re more likely to “overthink” things, or find socialising stressful, or worry about things not being perfect.

Assertive INTJs tend to be more comfortable in their skin. They’re more decisive, more comfortable with strangers and social situation (even if they’d still rather be at home with a good book), and can be more satisfied not attaining perfection before moving forward (although they may plan to come back to things later and tinker, but it’s more effective to forge ahead in the meantime).

Turbulent INTJs might be seen as “shy” or “antisocial” because they don’t feel comfortable putting themselves out there. Assertive INTJs might be seen as “arrogant”, because they seem confident around others, to the point of just not caring that much about their opinions.

Again, merely my own observations having conversed with Ts and As in various INTJ groups.



In general, this is my idea of the assertive / turbulent part of MBTI :

When the traffic light is nearing red, a turbulent person would be the type to walk faster and catch up to it. Most of the time they always do.

An assertive person would stroll, knowing they won’t be able to catch up on time anyway.

Basically, assertive people tend to know their limits and pace themselves. However the downside is that sometimes you get too comfortable with your limits and never push past the boundary. It’s good to know your limits but never limit yourself.

In an INTJ, from what I’ve seen and personally experienced, reflects more as self-assured confidence and a more laid back attitude than their turbulent counterparts. Though the confidence can manifest as arrogance more easily and lead to miscalculations in your own competency lol.

As for turbulent INTJs, I’ve noticed they come off as a tad more intense and aggressive outwardly. You can sense their hunger and drive more easily because they will make sure they get what they want with the power of a strong and persistent personality alone. These INTJs are more likely to be more vocal about their opinions where an assertive INTJ would step back and not bother changing someone else’s mind cos in the end, they know what they believe in and that’s all that matters.

Not to say that either type would completely follow my description. To be honest, I feel like both A and T INTJs are pretty similar and hard to distinguish because INTJs tend to have enough self awareness to know their own limits, and enough confidence and persistence to chase for what they want if deemed important enough.

The distinction seeems very subtle, though I am limited by my experience of INTJs.

If you take another type of personality test such as the Five Factor Model, you would get percentages of scores, including an area called Neuroticism. Often this test is used to see if there are correlations between types of populations and the Neurotic scale which is an indicator of mental instability. There really isn’t a scale of mental instability as part of the MBTI; you cannot tell which you are from the test.

So, with the realization that all people scoring as INTJ are not the same, there have been attempts to divide the types even further. This is especially true because people want to know what faults each have, and MBTI is not designed to show that. The T stands for turbulent and is supposed to be evidenced by INTJ who is awkward at social interactions and uncomfortable with feelings. They are suppose to go into a spiral from intuition to feeling without a cognitive recognition of the feeling. The A stands for assertive, and basically means more stable and mature behavior (i.e less like an INTJ in their weakest areas).

Top 10 Signs you’re an INTJ | 1.9% of the Population

INTJs are among the rarest personality types, accounting for about 1.9 percent of the population. They are also among the most misunderstood personalities, with a unique combination of traits that often surprise and confuse other people.

They are perfectionists, have a lot of opinions, and can be very cold. They spend so much time in their head that they often forget to pay attention to the real world around them.

INTJs are rational, introverted thinkers who need alone time to process everything they’ve observed. They are usually very smart, and generally love figuring out how things work. They like to come up with new ideas and strategies, although they rarely bother to explain these ideas to other people, unless it’s necessary for them to do so.

INTJs are both very private and very social people. They enjoy spending time alone, but they also enjoy the company of friends who have similar interests. They are more on the reserved side, but they can open up about things that interest them.

They are also very independent people. INTJs may seem aloof because they are so self-sufficient, that they don’t need other people to help them or tell them what to do. Just like their brain works in a unique way, their body also needs time to think and process information.
But if most of these points sound like you, then there’s a good chance that you might be an INTJ.

What would be an INTJ’s three wishes?

This is an actual fun one for, and I can attest to the value they carry once achieved.

1.) the ability to delegate all of the day to day shit.. getting gas, groceries, paying bills, calling customer service, taking out the trash and doing the laundry. Basically removing possible last minute headaches for an intj.. hiccups in schedule are a constant stressor. So either a partner, or financial means to have that sensory, day to day bullshit handled

2-) Peace. This one is hard earned and comes with the ability to embrace our selfishness and our “inner intj”. Most stress for an INTJ comes from drama and external bullshit interrupting our days. A passive INTJ might appease people and allow toxic personalities into their lives. A healthy INTJ will tell those people to eat shit and door slam them. Eliminating drama brings peace.

3-) This is unique to each intj. Mine was a meaningful, self employed, decent paying career in the fitness/nutrition industry. I was able to achieve that and now I never feel like I’m actually working.

The theme is peace

We want peace


 · October 20, 2019

HI, firstly I appreciate all the INTJ information and insight on the subject. I have taken the Briggs 8 times, 8 times the facilitator had to erase the outside boundry of INTJ to accomodate my score

I am now extremely proud of being able to raise my opinion on topic, and instantly piss all parties off enough that they retreat to their holes to lick their wounds. The light was shone and their BS is transparent. Though this is a gift, my socialization skills are a shit show of epic proportion. I am over 50 and having to search for a new partner, a task akin to putting a man on the sun.

Again thank you for support

We just don’t want someone comin up and disturbing us from the heavens that exist “inside our head”.


 · October 11, 2019

Amen to #1. All three of them, really. (I interpreted 3 as finding a career you love). But I would do all of the day-to-day tasks in my relationship, for my INTJ partner. It’s not that I realized I was doing it for him intentionally, but that he would just NEVER get to it unless I did it. I kind of hated that, though. I believe it’s only fair if there is give-and-take in some regard. If the workload balances out. Like if he paid me for doing those things in massages.


 · July 6

Same here. I hate that I always feel the need to get things done NOW. But good thing is i dont pay any bills or living expenses at all eventho i work full time. So thats how he pays me back.

He’s much better now too, doing some of the chores around the house. Cos one time I left and broke up with him cos I couldnt put up with his laziness and taking me for granted. So he begged me to come back and changed.


 · December 13, 2019

But i think we have to make sure that the one that can be our delegates are matched our expectation. INTJ’s are very independent due to the fact that our ridiculously high idealism and expectation. So delegating several tasks might get us more headache sometimes.


 · October 3, 2019

Yep. We want peace. Absolutely.


 · October 11, 2019

Peace and quiet. Indeed.


 · July 28, 2020

as an INTJ, I want evolution, in every way it’s possible, and I’ll try to make it real (peace or blood, it should happen)


 · December 9, 2019

Perfect answer. My INTJ heaven!


 · October 19, 2019

 · February 21, 2020

  1. Peace 2. Freedom 3. Security

3 wishes:

  1. An “invisibility cloak”.
  2. The ability to mute others.
  3. Another 3 wishes.

As opposed to 3 needs:

  1. Meaningful career.
  2. Meaningful relationships.
  3. Meaningful ways to make this world a better place.

Ok, let me explain it for you in the easiest way possible.

I’m an intj male,

what makes me dangerous: Actually intj persons are masterminds, meaning they always are creating something, in their imagination or in the real world. This is the most important factor for the living of an intj, meaning he/she needs to invest their energy and talent and curiosity in something that they like, now, if there won’t be any room for improvement then simply it can be said: I give up life ok? BUT it won’t finish that easy way, some times they change it to another thing instead of suicide or something like that(referring to Ted_Kaczynski or Anders Breivik and many more) Intjs need space to improve, if they have it then it’s ok but if not so they maybe think of suicide or starting to be dangerous, I myself have thought about that several times, what type of person I intended to be or start being exactly opposite! meaning start doing something like those mentioned did. Almost every intj personality has 2 faces, one is being somebody that helps their world to be easier and more effective for every individual or just start doing the opposite side! In both routines do schedule for almost EVERYTHING they’re willing to do, no matter being Nicolas Tesla or Ted Kaczynsky being beneficial or harmful Intjs always live in a world of contradictions, actually if their tendency to be useful be ignored then most precisely they will start being extremely dangerous(This statement doesn’t apply to all intj individuals)


Threaten the safety or wellbeing of someone I care about. That’s when I, as an INTJ, could become dangerous. In theory.