How would each MBTI type react to redundant and/or stupid rules?

ISTJ: Will thrive even if the rule is stupid

ISFJ: Will side with the group they are with. If the group hates the rules, they too will act like they also hate the rules

INFJ: might complain. will internally die.

INTJ: Redundant is okay. Stupid will be fought.

ISTP: I’m not sure if they even know the rules

ISFP: will begrudgingly follow

INFP: won’t care about stupid, but redundant will bother them. will follow, but complain.

INTP: even a good rule will be broken.

ESTP: threw out that memo with the rules

ESFP: will joke their way around the rule. end up in trouble. probably gets to be an exception to the rule.

ENFP: probably wouldn’t notice if it’s stupid. Redundancy would be okay too ish.

ENTP: grumbles. finds loopholes. makes a scene.

ESTJ: Made the rule. Enforces the rule. Is exempt from the rule.

ESFJ: Also enforces the rule.

ENFJ: works around the rule to make the most of it

ENTJ: secretly did not follow the rule.

Which MBTI types are the most intuitive?

The most Intuitive types can be denoted as those who possess Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) in their cognitive function stack;



Followed by types with Extraverted Intuition (Ne) as their Dominant function;



And the two that closely follow are Ni Auxiliary types;



Then comes the Ne Auxiliary types;



And in that same order, the Sensing types follow suit.

Ni Tertiary;



Ne Tertiary;



Ni Inferior;



Ne Inferior;



Which MBTI personality types are the most prone to feeling like outcasts?

  • Since the population is composed of 70% sensors (40% of whom are SJs), iNtuitives are more likely to feel like outcasts than sensors are just because of sheer volume.
  • INxx types, being both introverts and iNtuitives, will feel this most acutely.
  • NJs are the rarest temperament, and Ni-doms (INFJs and INTJs) are the least common of those.
  • INFJs are the rarest overall (1.4%), but split by gender, the rarest types are INTJ and ENTJ females (0.8% of the population each).
  • Types for whom it is common to have a 4w5 or 5w4 enneagram (INFP, INTP, ISFP, INFJ, INTJ, and sometimes ISTP and ENFP) will feel more like outcasts as well.

Overall, I would be willing to bet that male INFJs and female INTJs would be the types most likely to feel like outcasts. Female 5w6 INTJs would have it pretty rough since they meet almost none of the requirements that society expects from women, but they’re also Fi users, so it matters less to them what others think than what they think of themselves. Male 4w5 INFJs, on the other hand – due to their enneagram type, as well as being Fe users – would be much more compelled to find a way to feel understood by others, but would often be left disappointed in their search since very few people can. So they would probably have it worse than female INTJs.