Should You Tell A Narcissist Who They Really Are?

It can feel like a great idea to call a narcissist out and tell them who they really are. But can anything good come of it?

It can be a very emotional experience when we find the information that allows us to understand why this person behaves the way they do. And even though the information is shocking it makes so much sense. All the pieces add up. And at this time it is very likely to feel an intense urge to tell the narcissist who they really are. In this week’s video we deeply investigate the urge so many of us have to call the narcissist out and let them know they have pathological narcissism … I’m going to explain why you should never act on the urge and what is the most beneficial thing to do for you and your healing instead.

7 Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

What is the narcissists most likely to do when you go no contact? DO they miss you? Will they get in contact with you? Will they try to hurt you? After suffering two narcissistic relationships and personally aiding thousands of people through this critical stage of the recovery journey, I’ve witnessed time and time again the behavior that narcissists exert when people go No Contact with them.  In this Thriver TV episode I’m going to explain the 7 most common behaviours a narcissists exerts when you go no contact and I’m going to explain exactly what you need to do in each situation, for your own health, safety and to bring about the greatest opportunity for you to heal for real from abuse – once and for all.

What Happens When Narcissists Get Old?

Understand WHY you want to know this. Maybe you are dealing with an ageing narcissist and feeling traumatised, because you are so tied into responsibility and duty to them. Or, perhaps you have been devastated by a narcissist, who seems to be having it all now, and you now wonder if the karma bus will strike as they age. This is normal … and TOTALLY understandable! But wondering and watching and still being hooked into the narcissist’s progress and results is SO not healthy for us. (I promise you very SOON you will understand WHY!) In today’s Thriver TV episode, I am excited to share with you the TRUTH about what is going on with narcissists as they age. And it’s my greatest desire that you will receive relief, closure and the added power to heal and move on into your True Self and True Life, as a result of today’s video. ⬇️

The Simple Reason Why Narcissists Have to Hurt You

Narcissists hurt people … a LOT. In ways that seem senseless, cruel, barbaric and insane. Why do they do this? Why do they ALL seem to do this? We know narcissists are self-absorbed and lack a conscience, but what is really going on for them to be able to do to people the things that they DO? Today’s Thriver TV is a deep dive to understand what REALLY is going here…