The 7 Most Common Lies of a Narcissist

  1. Military Service: seek to use respect people have for the military to impress
  2. Deep Religious or Spiritual Beliefs: like power and authority –
  3. Advanced Degrees / Entrepreneur / Successful: so image driven.  Stories of how they lost out
  4. Cheating: portray themselves as best father.  On Facebook.  “Me thinks thou does protest too much”
    1. Sex is a big weapon for narcissists and how they suck people in
    2. Project what they are thinking or doing onto you. If they are thinking of cheating, or cheating they accuse you and become hypersensitive.
    3. If a narcissist has dreams or talks about that you are going to die, you need to leave immediately.
  5. Taking credit for other people’s ideas or taking credit for other’s actions
  6. Outlandish stories
  7. Money: exaggerate their success. Misrepresent their financial status.

Fun With Your Narcissist! How To Beat Them At Their Own Game And Enjoy It

Rough Transcript:

hello YouTube thanks for tuning in so
this is going to be a fun video about
having fun with your narcissist how to
beat them at their own game and enjoy it
so before we get into this material got
to put a few disclaimers out there
number one you must understand that this
person has been doing this for a lot
longer than you they’re much more
skilled they are much more passionate
about accomplishing their objectives so
keep that in mind you’re not dealing
with the novice you’re dealing with
someone who has advanced skill in this
disorder so only engage at your own risk
which leads me to disclaimer number two
if there are any risks involved then do
not do any of the techniques I’m about
to describe these should only be tried
with low-level narcissists where there’s
no real threat to your physical person
there’s no threat to your property and
there’s no threat to your livelihood
and number three disclaimer
you should really only do this when
you’re at the tail end of your healing
or when you have healed completely and
maybe this is just a narcissist you
can’t get rid of for different reasons
legal reasons familial reasons for
whatever reason you’re stuck with this
person and the stakes are very very low
and you are healed completely because if
you’re still caught in codependency
these will not go over well for you
because again remember these people are
very skilled at this it’s almost like
they’ve studied it so they’re better at
it than you are
however if you have a bit of a
rebellious instinct if you are at the
tail end of your healing or you heal
completely and if the stakes are low I
say it’s time to have a little bit of
fun with your narcissist okay so there
are a couple of ways to really get under
their skin and it’s so fun to watch
up until this point the narcissus has
relied on your lack of awareness in
order to operate once you become aware
it’s like somebody turned the lights on
they can’t operate as effectively
anymore because you’re now aware the
mistake most codependents make is they
call the narcissists out immediately
they might even call them a narcissist
to their face this is useless this is
pointless because now they’re just going
to go oh oh I got lazy
let me ramp it back up I’m off my game
so they’re just going to turn their
efforts up to get you back in line so
you don’t really want to call them out
on it because now that you’re aware you
can study them and that’s what’s so fun
about these people because they really
are kind of predictable and that’s why a
lot of the videos you’ll hear on YouTube
everyone is kind of saying the same
thing we all use different examples some
of us use similar examples you’ll get
something out of every video you listen
to every time because we’ve all gone
through different versions of this but
part of the reason it’s also similar is
because these people operate in the
exact same way they do not deviate over
time they become predictable part of the
reason I want to do these videos is
because I want to help you be able to
see them as predictable and once you are
you have so much more power and you’re
so much more empowered so here’s how to
have a little bit of fun with your
narcissist ignore them oh if you really
want to get under a narcissus skin
ignore them and there are more ways to
ignore people than just not answering
the phone and not returning a text
message that’s child’s play if you want
to ignore the narcissist
you don’t necessarily downplay their
accomplishment you neutralize it so
let’s say they got a promotion at work
and they went on and on and on about
this promotion you should say something
like that’s really great
and and leave it at that that’s really
great and they’re gonna go where’s the
fanfare where’s the confetti where where
is the red carpet this person is not as
excited about the stuff is I she he or
she usually is because normally you’re
like oh my god that’s awesome
congratulations you work so hard for the
Hat ah you really overcame that crappy
boss you had let’s go out for drinks
let’s celebrate that’s how you normally
are right so this time when they tell
you about their promotion or whatever it
is you go that’s really great that’s
really great I’m sorry it makes me laugh
because it’s going to catch them
off-guard because you’re still
acknowledging it you’re still giving
them some kind of food you know you’re
not flipping it back to yourself you’re
not going to steal the conversation away
from them like they do to you all you’re
doing is just not giving them the
fanfare that they’re accustomed to so
they’re going to tell you about this
awesome thing and you’re going to go
that’s really great that’s a that’s a
form of ignoring someone in a way
because you’re not really playing up
what’s happening in their life okay the
way you’re not a narcissist about it is
that you don’t then snatch the
conversation and turn it to you you let
them have the floor continually and all
you give them is little snack little
bite-size pieces of confirmation that’s
awesome that’s awesome okay here’s
another way to really get under the skin
of your narc notice okay narcissists
will often take a lot of digs at you big
digs little digs little
passive-aggressive maneuvers and once
you recognize them as a narcissist you
understand that they’re doing it to kind
of tear at your self-esteem to chip away
at it
without being out in the front about it
right without being overt about it so
when you notice their digs if you
normally kind of react or you find
yourself defending yourself or you have
some kind of reaction to their dig
just ignore it or just pretend you
didn’t hear it or here’s one of my
favorites just play dumb oh man
play dumb playing dumb is the equivalent
of playing dead there are lots of
animals in the animal kingdom that when
they are in the face of their predator
they just play dead and the predator
leaves them alone because it’s no fun
because part of the fun for the predator
is the kill the chase and the kill so if
you’re just laying there playing dead
then they’re not going to have any fun
they’re gonna kick around at your feet a
little bit they’re gonna poke you with a
stick when you’re not moving they’re
gonna walk away cuz you’re no fun okay
so play dumb play dead
pretend not to hear it or fake like you
heard something else entirely and
respond to that like they like to screw
with your mind so you screw it there’s a
little bit you know if they’re like oh I
see you’re wearing summer shoes in the
wintertime be like they have this
awesome sale on winter boots did you see
that sale at Macy’s like it it’s funny
to me because you know it really
requires you to stay in the moment and
to maintain a presence of mind about the
whole situation but when you do it it’s
funny because in the RIT here’s why it’s
not evil because someone might listen to
this and go well you’re just acting just
like them
no you’re just returning to them what
they give to you every day you’re giving
to them what they give to you every
single day why is it okay to do little
digs at you why is it okay to showboat
and never let you have have the floor
and never let you have accomplishments
and something that you’re happy about
why is it always their show so when you
do these little things to them it kind
of brings them back to earth and remind
them hey you’re a human being I know
you’re missing the empathy chip I don’t
know what happened I don’t know that’s a
birth injury or something that happened
after you were already here but you’re
missing that and I get that but you’re
still a human being and you have to be a
good person alright
so here’s another technique that you can
use have a little fun with your
narcissist if your narcissist is verbose
meaning they talk a lot and not just
talk a lot they dominate the
conversation it’s usually all about them
and they never flip it back to you it’s
not a reciprocal conversation it’s a
monologue it’s a one-man or a one-woman
show if your narcissistic
the next time they call you and you have
an opportunity to actually speak jump
right in sentence after sentence after
sentence after sentence after sentence
after sentence don’t breathe keep it
going sentence after sentence after
sentence after sentence after sentence
changed the subject change it back
sentence after sentence after sentence
after sentence you’re narcissists will
be so overwhelmed because a they’re not
used to listening to anybody but
themselves talk B they’re trying to like
keep up with all these words and they
can’t they’re getting clustered C
they’re trying to figure out how they’re
ever going to turn it back to them and
if they can’t get it back to them how
they’re going to get off the phone and D
they’re just sitting there wondering
what just happens wait a minute this is
not how this goes he or she must be on
drugs today because normally I’m the one
doing all the all the talking this is my
show wait what happened here
so is if they talk too much you have to
jump in right away because if you don’t
they’re gonna steal the show from you so
as soon as you pick up the phone oh my
god I’m so glad you just called I just
almost got an accident on the highway
but I’m okay now
everything’s fine you know the cops said
that it wasn’t my fault
so they didn’t give me a ticket did you
know that you have to call those kinds
of things into your insurance and I
didn’t know that and it really upset me
and I was on hold for twenty I mean just
go just take off running keep a little
bullet list a little bulleted list in
front of you if you need to in order to
keep the subjects going if you’re not
used to doing that much talking try it a
couple times if you can get through it
without laughing because you’ll probably
start laughing because it’s hysterical
because who does that

The Real Reason Why The Narcissist Came Into Your Life

Rough Translation:

so what deeper truths our gnosis is
showing us narcissus enter our lives
pretending to be the answer to what we
need to heal within us that we may not
even be aware of yet and then seize the
foe support and start to smash these
exact parts making the pain so horrific
that the unconscious parts become fully
conscious the narcissus first appeared
to be the savior of our wounds and then
became the messenger of them instead
so let me grant you my own example I
used to suffer greatly from fears of
abandonment and not being valid and seen
or being good enough to be loved this
was deeply unconscious because it was
all I’d ever known as myself and my
reality like many people who are now
statistically abused I was over
functioning and over compensating for my
inner unconscious traumas and I was
really practically capable I seemed
strong and other people would have sworn
that I had it together he had on the
inside I was battling anxiety and
depression which I had to keep very busy
and achieving goals to overcome
naturally because this is how this stuff
I wasn’t gentle tender or supportive
with these inner parts rather I was
constantly self abandoning my inner pain
not making my feelings important at all
and being incredibly self-critical and
demanding and myself and again this was
my version of normal being only way that
I’d ever known to be with myself and it
was exactly what people in my life had
always modeled to me as well it wasn’t
until narcissistic abuse it these parts
that I’ve been surviving and covering
over came screaming to the forefront so
interesting because the narcissus in my
life initially appeared validating and
approving of me as well as claiming a
full commitment to me so they seemed
like they would never abandon me however
things switched and my fears and gaps
were over time attack with full ferocity
I was rapidly and cruelly abandoned and
invalidated and accused of being a
horrible person regularly my story is
your story because in this way our
stories are all pretty much identical we
see the narcissist as the answer to our
wounds often unconsciously we’re not
even realizing it hence the powerful
unexplainable unexplainable logically
bond to them yet their message to us is
to find and heal these wounds within
ourselves when we awaken and we get very
self honest this is how we know there
are parts of ourselves which are
unhealed we’re still sticking around and
frantically trying to make the
narcissist think and do it differently
we’re clinging on to that person trying
to force them to provide us with the
relief of these traumas get the only way
out of the nightmare is to let go of
these people and attend to those parts
that are screaming out for us deeply
within ourselves if we were a whole and
healed source to ourselves it becomes a
clear-cut thing we say I don’t agree
with your work
warped version and me you’re skewered
version of me and I have no need to try
to change you to have a great version of
myself goodbye see you later
and we are thrilled to discover when
that’s really true for us on the inside
and we actualize it we’re thrilled to
discover that we have zero urge for the
narcissus to provide us with ourselves
anymore and the longing desperation and
the missing ends as does the narcissus
power to hook you and hurt you if you
get the any healing job done well enough
and the narcissus becomes totally
irrelevant and whilst you’re becoming a
force of fearless calm power narcissus
let go and they move on with their life
both selves cannot exist in healed and
whole environments no more than germs
cat in a healthy clean environment
there’s nothing for them to feed off and
you may think that this is glib and
unrealistic I promise you it’s not
absolutely there can be complications
with narcissus that need to be unpicked
and sorted such as custody with children
property businesses and all sorts of air
measurements yet no matter how difficult
these challenges are I really want you
to understand that the greatest or most
deadly binds with narcissus are the ones
we’re suffering emotionally through our
wounds when we heal from these all else
can follow myself and thousands of
others have granted the overwhelming