Donald Trump’s Crucial Pillar of Support, White Men, Shows Weakness

“If you set out to design a strategy to produce the lowest popular vote possible in the new American electorate of 2016, you would be hard-pressed to do a better job than Donald Trump has,”

.. Two national polls conducted this month have Mrs. Clinton catching up to Mr. Trump among men over all. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal pollshows Mrs. Clinton with 43 percent support among men to his 42 percent.

.. If Mr. Trump is only doing as well or worse than Mr. Romney did with white men, he will never make up the votes he is losing among women and nonwhites.

.. The data reveal a huge gap in those who have a college education and those who do not.

.. In fact, even if virtually all of the white, non-college-educated men eligible to vote did so, Mr. Frey found, Mrs. Clinton would still win the popular vote by 1.1 million.

.. And if Mr. Trump keeps alienating more of them like Gary Williams, a lifelong Republican and small-business owner from Lexington, Tenn., his base will continue to shrink. “He cusses in front of women and children and everybody else. He’s not a Christian. Everything about him makes me sick,”

Sure, These Women Are Winning Olympic Medals, but Are They Single?

the word “man” has generally been used roughly three times as much as the word “woman” in sports-related coverage, despite the fact that women make up some 45 percent of athletes competing.

.. female athletes received 58.5 percent of prime-time media coverage during the first half of the Games, compared with 41.5 percent for men.

.. The increased media coverage might be the reason for the increased scrutiny on why the words used to describe the women are still very different from those used to describe their male counterparts.

“We found things like men being described as fastest, strong, biggest,” Ms. Grieves said. “For women, it’s unmarried, married, references to their age.

.. Mr. Inverdale mentioned that Murray was the first person ever to win two Olympic tennis gold medals. Murray corrected him by citing the Williams sisters: “I think Venus and Serena have won about four each.”

.. journalists who are brought out every two years to cover women’s Olympic sports are out of practice because of the general lack of prime-time demand for sports that feature women: “It’s like asking an athlete to go on a field and demonstrate technique without practicing.”

Gymnastics, Ideal Girls, and the Signal of Makeup

It’s worth noting here that gymnastics is one of the few sports where, absent a gender modifier, the athlete is presumed to be female.

.. I did notice that she didn’t put her hand over her heart during the national anthem; I did notice that she wasn’t visibly rushing to congratulate teammates who had fared better than she in these Olympics. I didn’t draw conclusions about Douglas or her character by it, but I noticed. And the reason I noticed was because she was different than the other competitors. More reserved, less bubbly. More observant, less indulgent. More—forgive me, but this is the word that comes to mind—womanly, less girlish

..  I don’t think Gabby Douglas would be facing this vitriol were she, say, a track and field competitor. It’s the image of the contemporary gymnast that’s at issue here, and to me, that’s where the makeup comes in too.

.. Makeup in the realm of gymnastics doesn’t just “soften” the incredible athletic power of American gymnasts, though. It reinforces their girlish, bubbly image

.. If we truly required all our female athletes to use makeup as an apology for their strength, shot putters would “need” that styling even more than gymnasts because of their incredible power and heft.

.. The expectation of feminine expression is different for each type of sport, and that expression remains even when makeup is taken out of the equation. Douglas’s looks didn’t escape rebuke, of course, but those who vilified her primarily did so because she didn’t behave like the ideal girl.

.. I mean, here they are, competing against one another for something they’ve been dreaming about since second grade, and you tell me they’re always full sweetness and support?

Fox Faces Its Uncertain Future: The Minor Murdochs Take Command

After all, a business can be going along fine, and then—BOOM!—it hits a iceberg and you start flooding below the waterline. It can happen, and it does happen. Remember Circuit City? Bear Stearns? Lehman Brothers? Sports Authority? Once, all were billion-dollar companies—then gone in a moment. The fatal problem might be fraud or corruption, but more often, it’s simply that management didn’t see “over the other side of the hill.” Tastes, demographics, technology all change–rapidly and without warning–and so if the captain isn’t on watch, well, nemesis is dead ahead.

Here at Breitbart Newswe see ourselves as a small yet up-and-coming competitor to Fox. Yes, you read that right, Breitbart is on the rise, and Fox is in decline.

.. the meaning is clear: The Murdoch sons, aka the Minor Murdochs, think Fox is too conservative, too Roger Ailes-like, too Middle American. And they have a plan to fix that.

.. Third, Megyn Kelly’s July 29 hissy fit aimed at guest Mike Huckabee, which Breitbart headlined as “Megyn ‘Eve’ Kelly Has Meltdown Over Trump Muslim Ban—Is Rebuked By Huckabee.” Actually, come to think of it, Kelly’s performance was more like a hissing fit. Huckabee, always the gentleman, had no choice but to sit back and let Kelly’s venom-spittle fly.

.. Wolff identified James Murdoch as the lead hit-man; he indirectly quoted him as saying that since the 76-year-old Ailes couldn’t stay in the job that much longer anyway, “Why not turn lemons into lemonade and get credit for kicking him out for being a sexist pig?”