Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death and alleged WikiLeaks contact

Even after Fox News retracted its report, Hannity continued to push back.

“All you in the liberal media, I am not or I retracted nothing,” he said on his radio show Tuesday.

He said that he feels badly for Rich’s family, but added that it’s his “moral obligation” to ask if there’s a DNC whistle blower who leaked to WikiLeaks.

.. On Monday, the Daily Beast reported that several Fox News staffers are “embarrassed” that the network has continued to allow Hannity to promote and give airtime to the conspiracy theory. Hannity tweeted the story and said, “Very interesting. My heart is not troubled in the least.”

For Anyone but the President’s Eyes Only

Keep in mind, last week Vice President Mike Pence, White House press secretary Sean Spicer, and the rest went out before the cameras and insisted that Ron Rosenstein’s memo was the driving force to fire FBI director James Comey… and then Trump told Lester Holt he was going to fire Comey “regardless of the recommendation.” Just last week, Trump declared on Twitter, “As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” The president will insist his surrogates can’t be expected to get everything right, and then a few days later, insist that you trust denials from his surrogates. You can’t have it both ways.

.. The bottom line is that there is absolutely no benefit to the United States to be sharing this kind of information with the Russian government — and if it alienates a friendly government helping us fight ISIS, then it is extraordinarily damaging.

.. It does not help that so many Democrats insist that every administration misstep is justification for impeachment

.. or the insane everyone’s-a-Russian-agent conspiracy theories ..  But the insanity of lefties doesn’t get this White House off the hook. Unless the entire story is made up out of whole cloth, Donald Trump still doesn’t understand his responsibilities.

These Guys Really Like Trump

an unshakable faith in Donald Trump .. the outsider too rich to bribe and too strong to intimidate.

.. “When Joe first told me about Trump, I said no, that guy’s a bragger,” Mr. Paslow said. “Then I started listening to him, and I noticed, he’s a billionaire. If somebody comes along and says, ‘President Trump, I want to keep my plant in China and I want to close my plant here, here’s $50 million,’ he says, ‘I don’t need your money, mister.’ ”

.. They had both been out of work for more than a year, laid off from their jobs in oil and gas exploration with two weeks’ notice, no severance, no pension and no unemployment insurance — like many American workers, they were independent contractors, without the protections of full employment

.. offered them hope. He pledged to the crowd that he would bring back the oil and gas industry

.. They are quick to suspect conspiracy and corruption, in their state and in Washington. They thought even Mr. Trump might have his price — but luckily, it would be too high for most to afford.

.. They dismiss protesters as sore losers, and pundits who attack policy swings as establishment voices bent on sabotage. Where critics point to promises unfulfilled, they see obstacles that are not their president’s fault.

.. When fact checkers pounce, the two men see an insistence on petty detail when they know what their president really meant.

.. Even though Mr. Paslow welcomed the cleanup of a Pittsburgh once so polluted that streetlights went on by noon, he and his friend criticized Obama-era rules they saw as helping scuttle the shale gas boom and putting them out of work.

“There were thousands of rules; you had to wait six, eight months just for paperwork,” Mr. Peterson said. “It cost millions of dollars.”

“You couldn’t drill because the owls were mating,” Mr. Paslow said. Or the bats, Mr. Peterson added.

.. “The things that made this country great are disappearing — factories, jobs, education,” Mr. Paslow said. “Someone could get a job at the mill and live happily ever after. Now it’s Walmart and Best Buy. Come on — a job at Walmart when you could have had a nice life working at a factory?”

.. Mr. Paslow is grateful to have work, but he chafes at all the software he has to use, and misses the secretaries who used to help him input data. “It’s giving me headaches,” he said. “Now we’re typists.”