Jade Helm Military Exercise Ends, With Little Fanfare and Less Paranoia

In the end, the soldiers rumored to be going after people’s guns handed out plaques and offered handshakes. Conspiracy theories of a military invasion, with trains to transport shackled political prisoners and Blue Bell ice cream trucks doubling as portable refrigerated morgues, fizzled as the most controversial Special Forces activity eyewitnesses saw was some service members, on a lake, on Jet Skis.

What is a good way to refute moon landing doubters?

A few years ago, working for the government, I discovered that one of my colleagues believed that we had faked the Moon landing. I asked him for his reasons why he felt it was all staged, and he listed off a range of conditions which he felt made going to the Moon impossible (eg, too much radiation, no test animal ever survived reentry, impossible to beam back images from that far away).

I patiently went through and debunked each assertion; and although he seemed to accept that his arguments were fundamentally flawed, he was still having a hard time accepting the whole position.

So I turned the conversation around like this:

Me: “Okay, we work for the government, right?”

Him: “Yeah.”

“And what would you say of its competence, on the whole?”

[Insert rant about government stupidity]

“Okay, so do you think that this same government was able to pull off a cover-up that involved thousands of people, while opposed by a hostile foreign government with an extensive intelligence apparatus that would jump at the chance to point out our failings, all while literally one billion people watched? Does that sound like something our government is able to pull off flawlessly and keep secret for 50 years?”

Truckin’ around the Beltway

It’s hard to explain what exactly happened during the Truckers for the Constitution Beltway protest on Friday since, as far as I can tell, the organizers themselves didn’t have such a great handle on what the heck was going on.

.. It’s hard to explain what exactly happened during the Truckers for the Constitution Beltway protest on Friday since, as far as I can tell, the organizers themselves didn’t have such a great handle on what the heck was going on.