Accept-Encoding: It’s Vary Important

When browsers make a request, they include HTTP headers for the server to decide what to send back (Is this a mobile client? Can it handle compressed content? Does it need a certain language?).

That’s great for direct access, but modern networks use intermediate caches and CDNs. And there’s the problem: how does the cache use headers to decide what to send back? How can it replicate the server’s decision-making logic?

Vary to the rescue. The Vary header describes what information “uniquely” identifies a request — caches should only be used if the incoming request matches the Vary information in the cache.

<span class="hljs-attribute">gzip_vary</span> <span class="hljs-literal">on</span>

What is Redis Object Caching and How to Use It for Your WordPress Site

Redis and object caching can vastly speed up your WordPress page load times with each subsequent visit. It’s also used by many popular websites like GitHub, Pinterest, StackOverflow and many others.

Remote Dictionary Server (Redis) “is an open source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker.” It’s a key-value store which is often called a NoSQL database.

It’s best used on dynamic websites such as WordPress sites when it comes to object caching, which caches repeating query results.

Today, I’ll share more detail on object caching, its benefits, and how to install and use Redis for object caching on WordPress websites.



Plugin: redis-cache

GitHub WordPress Plugin:

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