What is Redis Object Caching and How to Use It for Your WordPress Site

Redis and object caching can vastly speed up your WordPress page load times with each subsequent visit. It’s also used by many popular websites like GitHub, Pinterest, StackOverflow and many others.

Remote Dictionary Server (Redis) “is an open source, in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker.” It’s a key-value store which is often called a NoSQL database.

It’s best used on dynamic websites such as WordPress sites when it comes to object caching, which caches repeating query results.

Today, I’ll share more detail on object caching, its benefits, and how to install and use Redis for object caching on WordPress websites.


More: kinsta.com

Plugin: redis-cache

GitHub WordPress Plugin:

Full-Site Delivery with Cloudfront

Cloudfront is a CDN designed for global content delivery. However, recent improvements allow it to act not only as a CDN, but also as a cache similar(ish) to Varnish.

People originally had to use Cloudfront by uploading their media to Amazon S3. Cloudfront then served those static assets from the S3 bucket. This means that within a coded application, developers needed to upload assets to S3 and then point URLs within their HTML (and perhaps in user-generated content) to a Cloudfront URL.

.. For instance, if you have a file example.com/css/styes.css, your Cloudfront URLabcxyz.cloudfront.net/css/styles.css will grab example.com/css/styes.css and then serve a cached version of that stylesheet for future visitors.

Within your own HTML, of course, you set the URL of styles.css to be your Cloudfront URLabcxyz.cloudfront.net/css/styles.css.