fresh-url: clean up URLs

Drop this script on your page and enjoy the freshest of URLs

Include this JavaScript at the bottom of your page:

<script src="//" async></script>


  • Neat-URL
  • URL-Tracking-Stripper:  skipping tracking redirects and removing the tracking parameters from URLs to keep them short and cleaner for sharing, bookmarking, etc.  (trackers)
  • Link Cleaner : Unlike other legacy add-ons like CleanLinks, Link Cleaner doesn’t inject JavaScript into pages to change links. Instead, it listens to main url requests and changes them (if needed to remove redirects or tracking.

    That means it’s doing less unneeded work and consumes less resources (memory and CPU).

What’s the difference between the zero width non-joiner and the zero width space?

In Break it up, you two!: The zero width non-joiner I discussed the purpose of the zero width non-joiner, which is to request that two adjacent characters be rendered without a ligature. Conversely, the zero width joiner requests that they be rendered with a ligature. Of course, it is up to the rendering engine to make the final decision as to how the rendering is done, but at least you can make your intentions clear.

Another character that seems very similar to the zero width non-joiner is the zero width space. Both of them have no width, and both of them break up ligatures. So what’s the difference?

Well, one of them is a space, and the other one isn’t.

The zero width space is used to indicate where one word ends and another word begins, even though there should not be any space rendered at the word boundary. This is significant for languages which have the concept of words, but not of spaces. For example, the Thai and Korean languages use multiple characters to represent words, but traditionally do not insert spaces between words. The words just run together, and readers are expected to use their experience with the language to know where one word ends and the next begins.

Webinar Series: Deploying and Scaling Microservices in Kubernetes

This article supplements a webinar series on deploying and managing containerized workloads in the cloud. The series covers the essentials of containers, including managing container lifecycles, deploying multi-container applications, scaling workloads, and working with Kubernetes. It also highlights best practices for running stateful applications.

How To Back Up and Restore a Kubernetes Cluster on DigitalOcean Using Heptio Ark

Heptio Ark is a convenient backup tool for Kubernetes clusters that compresses and backs up Kubernetes objects to object storage. It also takes snapshots of your cluster’s Persistent Volumes using your cloud provider’s block storage snapshot features, and can then restore your cluster’s objects and Persistent Volumes to a previous state.

StackPointCloud’s DigitalOcean Ark Plugin allows you to use DigitalOcean block storage to snapshot your Persistent Volumes, and Spaces to back up your Kubernetes objects. When running a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean, this allows you to quickly back up your cluster’s state and restore it should disaster strike.

In this tutorial we’ll set up and configure the Ark client on a local machine, and deploy the Ark server into our Kubernetes cluster. We’ll then deploy a sample Nginx app that uses a Persistent Volume for logging, and simulate a disaster recovery scenario.