The Republican Hypocrisy Hall of Fame

The security clearance of any officer or employee of the federal government who has exercised extreme carelessness in the handling of classified information shall be revoked.” — Senate Bill 3135, co-sponsored last year (to shame Hillary Clinton) by 16 Republican senators: Cory Gardner, John Cornyn, Shelley Moore Capito, Tim Scott, James Risch, Pat Roberts, Dean Heller, Kelly Ayotte, John Barrasso, David Perdue, Johnny Isakson, Thom Tillis, John Thune, David Vitter, Mike Rounds and James Inhofe

“Those who mishandled classified info have had their sec clearances revoked, lost their jobs, faced fines, & even been sent to prison.”

— Reince Priebus, tweet, July 6, 2016

Trump Uses and Betrays His Collaborators

Spicer was determinedly dour and looked miserable. He was puffy, pinched and pale. And little wonder: Trump has sucked the lifeblood out of him.

.. Washington is abuzz with speculation about when Spicer will be shown the door, but it doesn’t really matter. His credibility, and his dignity, have already been defenestrated.

.. Trump has a long history of walking out of disasters unscathed. It’s those around him — the Spicers of the world — who are destroyed.

  • Trump entities filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Investors, lenders and workers took hits — and Trump moved on.
  • Trump was caught on tape boasting to Billy Bush about sexually assaulting women — and Billy Bush lost his job.
  • Corey Lewandowski and
  • Paul Manafort poured themselves into Trump’s campaign and were unceremoniously dumped.
  • Michael Flynn is out and potentially in legal trouble.
  • The FBI’s Comey arguably handed Trump the election — and learned of his dismissal from TV.
  • Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tarnished his sterling reputation in just two weeks.
  • Vice President Pence has been “unflagging in his loyalty,” only to be made “the public face of official narratives that turn out to be misleading or false.”
  • Trump humiliated Steve Bannon by publicly downplaying their association.
  • Trump repaid House Speaker Paul Ryan’s loyalty by winking at calls for Ryan’s ouster.
  • Attempts to defend Trump by aides Reince Priebus and Kellyanne Conway and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have left them sounding clownish.

.. avoided answering questions by saying no fewer than 22 times how very “clear” he or Trump had been about this or that.

.. And, as many a Trump loyalist has discovered, you are useful to Trump until you are not — and then you are cast aside.

Judas, Tax Cuts and the Great Betrayal

the two leading Republicans in Congress are apparently O.K. with that cover-up, because the Trump ascendancy is giving them the chance to do what they always wanted, namely, take health insurance away from millions of Americans while slashing taxes on the wealthy.

.. For generations, Republicans have impugned their opponents’ patriotism.

.. circumstantial evidence that a hostile foreign power may have colluded with a U.S. presidential campaign, and may retain undue influence at the highest levels of our government. And all those self-proclaimed patriots have gone silent, or worse.

.. revival of the term “America First,” the name of a movement opposed to U.S. intervention in World War II. What isn’t often mentioned is that many of the most prominent America-firsters weren’t just isolationists, they were actively sympathetic to foreign dictators; there’s a more or less straight line from Charles Lindbergh proudly wearing the medal he received from Hermann Göring to Trump’s cordial relations with Rodrigo Duterte

The Daily 202 The Daily 202: Why is Paul Ryan really defending Trump firing Comey?

he went on Fox News last night and offered support for Trump’s decision. “It is entirely within the president’s role and authority to relieve him, and that’s what he did,” Ryan said. “The president made a presidential decision.”

The Ohio events offered a revealing window into the 47-year-old’s thinking. He explained that there is currently “a once-in-a-generation opportunity” to simplify the tax code and cut rates for corporations. The last time the system got overhauled, he noted, was the year he got his first driver’s license. This has been his dream since coming to Congress two decades ago, and unified Republican control of the government has created a window to get it done. Left unsaid was that the Russia-Comey story, if allowed to get legs, threatens to prematurely close that window and stop him from getting what he cares about most.

.. “This scandal is going to go on,” McCain (R-Ariz.) told a group of security experts after the Comey news broke. “This is a centipede. I guarantee you there will be more shoes to drop. I can just guarantee it. There’s just too much information that we don’t have that will be coming out.”

.. “The only thing that is guaranteed right now is that the sense of chaos will continue, not only in law enforcement but also in Congress,” GOP strategist Kevin Madden

.. “Comprehensive tax reform just got an awful lot harder, as did nearly every other challenge facing the nation, both foreign and domestic: infrastructure, health care, immigration, trade and others,” Michael Bloomberg