What Trump was doing on weekends he didn’t play golf

It was, by our count, the 85th day of his 435-day-old presidency that Trump has spent time playing golf. By now it’s background noise to point out that Trump insisted repeatedly on the campaign trail that he would rarely, if ever, play golf once he became president. That he’s played on average once every 5.1 days seems to undercut that particular bit of rhetoric. (Since it is invariably asked how that rate of play compares with Barack Obama, who Trump regularly maligned for the frequency of his golf outings: Obama played once every 8.8 days while president. Meaning that over the course of 500 days, Obama would have played 57 times and Trump 98.)

.. So what of those 60 days when he didn’t play? They break down like this

.. That leaves nine other days.

.. On those days, he tweeted a combined 56 times.

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If you change the boards of a ship one plank at a time, and replace all boards, is it the same ship?

  • Ship of Theseus, described by Plutarch
    • meriological: identity is sum of its parts
    • Spacial Temporal Continuity: the ship moves smoothly through time.  There is no point in time when you can say you have a new ship
      • but what if you steal the ship piecemeal?
      • the problem is unresolvable, only resolvable by using some external principle