a16z Podcast: How to Be Original and Make Big Ideas Happen

Successful Originals choose when to present different realities.

Meridith was needed a transducer to create a prototype for wireless power. She learned to reveal her full “why” until after she has given the specs for the how.

Original ideas sometimes seem “insane” to others so they have to be selectively developed.

Elon Must: create a rocket, then consider Mars.

Elon wanted to hire skeptical optimists.

Originalists have less expertise than their peers. They have expertise outside their fields.

  • Einstein was new to physics. Einsteins said relativity was a musical idea.
  • Galileo wouldn’t have discovered mountains on mars without art.

The Inspiration Paradox: Your Best Creative Time Is Not When You Think

Insight problems often involve an “Aha!” moment where the answer comes all at once, rather than via a systematic, incremental calculation.  Here is a classic insight problem: “A dealer in antique coins got an offer to buy a beautiful bronze coin.  The coin had an emperor’s head on one side and the date 544 BC stamped on the other.  The dealer examined the coin, but instead of buying it, he called the police.  Why?

.. Thus, being at your best may be over-rated, at least for people seeking innovative ideas or creative solutions.  To be sure, if your task requires strong focus and careful concentration – like balancing spreadsheets or reading a textbook – you are better off scheduling that task for your peak time of day.  However, if you need to open your mind to alternative approaches and consider diverse options, it may be wise to do so when your filter is not so functional.  You just may be able to see what you’ve been missing.

Foggy Brain? 4 Ways To Better Leverage Your Off Days

Research says you’re at your most creative when your circadian rhythm is off. Yes, you read that right.

.. Studies show that you’re best off solving insight problems, those that require thinking “outside the box,” when you’re susceptible to distraction. These opportunities allow you to consider a broader range of information and access to more alternatives and diverse interpretations. This opens your mind to insight and innovation.

.. Since your creativity is heightened when your brain is foggy, try working on a project that involves your right brain. Writing, designing, photography, and video editing are all great foggy brain activities. Your foggy brain will allow your ideas to flow openly as you work without a filter or limitations.