Trump: ‘Why am I not doing better in the polls?’

I was in West Virginia, the crowds are massive. And you know, I walked out of one, and I said, ‘I don’t see how I’m not leading,'” Trump said, invoking the size of his crowds.

“We have thousands of people standing outside trying to get in, and they’re great people and they have such spirit for the country and love for the country, and I’m saying, you know, ‘Why am I not doing better in the polls?’ And I’ve noticed the polls are coming up,” Trump said. “But you know, you have to understand, your show, no, but many shows it’s just a constant hit from mainstream media, no matter what you do, it’s always a negative.”

Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Donald Trump’s Bid

Mr. Trump has become unacceptable, perhaps irreversibly so, to broad swaths of Americans, including large majorities of women, nonwhites, Hispanics, voters under 30 and those with college degrees — the voters who powered President Obama’s two victories and represent the country’s demographic future.

.. “In the modern polling era, since around World War II, there hasn’t been a more unpopular potential presidential nominee than Donald Trump.”

.. If Mrs. Clinton somehow loses the Democratic race — unlikely given her delegate advantage — Mr. Trump could fare even worse in a general election against Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who has higher margins than Mrs. Clinton in head-to-head polling against Mr. Trump in most swing states.

.. There are likely to be around 30 million votes in this year’s Republican primary once all 56 states and territories finish voting in June. In the 2012 contest between Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney, about 129 million voters cast ballots.

Trump: ‘The Answer Is There Needs to Be Some Form of Punishment.’

And a majority of Americans don’t like what they see:

Three-quarters of women view him unfavorably. So do nearly two-thirds of independents, 80 percent of young adults, 85 percent of Hispanics and nearly half of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.

Those findings, tallied from Washington Post-ABC News polling, fuel Trump’s overall 67 percent unfavorable rating — making Trump more disliked than any major-party nominee in the 32 years the survey has been tracking candidates.

.. If Sabato’s map comes to pass, 48 of the 50 states will have voted the same way in the past three elections. The only two states that flipped in 2012 were Indiana and North Carolina, shifting from Obama’s column to Mitt Romney’s. In Sabato’s projected map, Hillary wins all of Obama’s 2012 states and wins back North Carolina. This would mean that Republicans will have lost those seven “super-swing states” — Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Virginia — three elections in a row, and raise the legitimate question of whether they are still swing states anymore.

Pew Research: Typology Group Profiles: Disaffecteds


Basic Description: The most financially stressed of the eight typology groups, Disaffecteds are very critical of both business and government. They are sympathetic to the poor and supportive of social welfare programs. Most are skeptical about immigrants and doubtful that the U.S. can solve its current problems. They are pessimistic about their own financial future.

Fully 71% have experienced unemployment in their household in the past 12 months. About half (48%) describe their household as “struggling.”