Contact CiteSeer

Help CiteSeerx Move Forward

Share your observations, concerns and suggestions for CiteSeerx with the intention of improving our performance as a scientific literature digital library. Encouraging words regarding anything that we are doing right will also help us to continue to provide those features you have enjoyed. When the “Proceed to Verification” button is selected, you will be given the opportunity to approve your message before submitting it.

GitHub Ribbons: Fork me on Github

With the rollout of GitHub Pages, why not show the world that you collaborate on GitHub? I’ve prepared these ribbons that you can overlay on your site by copying and pasting the appropriate snippet into your site’s HTML. Make sure to change the URL in the link to contain your username instead of “you”.

If you’re not satisfied with one of the colors here, I’ve provided the PSD files (MIT licensed). Feel free to modify as you please. The font being used is Collegiate.

API Creation: Full Stack Python

Creating and exposing APIs allows your web application to interact with other applications through machine-to-machine communication.

API creation frameworks