GitHub’s CSP journey

We shipped subresource integrity a few months back to reduce the risk of a compromised CDN serving malicious JavaScript. That is a big win, but does not address related content injection issues that may exist on itself. We have been tackling this side of the problem over the past few years and thought it would be fun, and hopefully useful, to share what we have been up to.

Just to get everyone on the same page, when talking about “content injection” we are talking about:

  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS) – Yup, the most common web vulnerability of the past, present, and foreseeable future. Given its prevalence, many developers are familiar with XSS and the obvious security consequences of allowing injected JavaScript to execute on your site.
  • Scriptless attacks – This is a more nuanced issue and is frequently not considered since people are too busy fending off XSS. But, as has been documented by Michal Zalewski in “Postcards from the post-XSS world”, Mario Heiderich (et al) in “Scriptless Attacks –
    Stealing the Pie Without Touching the Sill”
    , and other related work, preventing XSS does not solve all of your content injection problems.

GitHub uses auto-escaping templates, code review, and static analysis to try to prevent these kinds of bugs from getting introduced in the first place, but history shows they are unavoidable. Any strategy that relies on preventing any and all content injection bugs is bound for failure and will leave your engineers, and security team, constantly fighting fires. We decided that the only practical approach is to pair prevention and detection with additional defenses that make content injection bugs much more difficult for attackers to exploit. As with most problems, there is no single magical fix, and therefore we have employed multiple techniques to help with mitigation. In this post we will focus on our ever evolving use of Content Security Policy (CSP), as it is our single most effective mitigation. We can’t wait to follow up on this blog to additionally review some of the “non-traditional” approaches we have taken to further mitigate content injection.

pgsql-http (Github)

HTTP client for PostgreSQL, retrieve a web page from inside the database.

SELECT content FROM http_get(‘’);
{“origin”:”″} +
(1 row)

http_header(field VARCHAR, value VARCHAR) returns http_header
http(request http_request) returns http_response
http_get(uri VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_post(uri VARCHAR, content VARCHAR, content_type VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_put(uri VARCHAR, content VARCHAR, content_type VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_patch(uri VARCHAR, content VARCHAR, content_type VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_delete(uri VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_head(uri VARCHAR) returns http_response
http_set_curlopt(curlopt VARCHAR, value varchar) returns boolean
http_reset_curlopt() returns boolean
urlencode(string VARCHAR) returns text

GitHub Ribbons: Fork me on Github

With the rollout of GitHub Pages, why not show the world that you collaborate on GitHub? I’ve prepared these ribbons that you can overlay on your site by copying and pasting the appropriate snippet into your site’s HTML. Make sure to change the URL in the link to contain your username instead of “you”.

If you’re not satisfied with one of the colors here, I’ve provided the PSD files (MIT licensed). Feel free to modify as you please. The font being used is Collegiate.

Hacking GitHub to build your own wiki

Here at Ably, we have an immense amount of information that needs to be shared among our employees, from the various services we use to the usage of our own system and various company protocols.