Getting Started With Gutenberg By Creating Your Own Block

The plugin in question — the one we are going to go through is already published to the WordPress repository.

Please install the Testimonials Slider Block plugin to your local WordPress instance so that you have a feel for how the plugin works.

You can also fork or clone the project from GitHub.

After activating the plugin, you can go to your Gutenberg Editor and add a Testimonials Slider to your content:

New Block Lab Plugin Makes it Easy to Create Custom Gutenberg Blocks

Block Lab is a new tool that provides an admin interface and a templating system for creating custom Gutenberg blocks. Rob Stinson, Luke Carbis, and Rheinard Korf, all employees at XWP, kicked off the project in their own time with the goal of removing the relatively steep barrier to block creation. The plugin is now available on and Stinson said their target audience is WordPress developers ranging from junior to experienced.