Roger Federer’s 9 Raquets

 All of P1’s clients are men. Ferguson said that, over the years, he has fielded inquiries from Serena Williams and other female players. “Once I told them the cost, I’d never hear back from them.” He said that the women generally use fewer racquets than the men do so they have less of a need for a full-time stringing service. Also, “Guys care more about their tools—their sneakers, the technical aspects of their racquets,” Ferguson said.

.. In tennis circles, it is widely agreed that no player has benefitted more from advances in racquet and string technology than the twenty-eight-year-old Nadal

How the drag queen Cassandro became a star of Mexican wrestling.

“They say religion is for those who are afraid to go to Hell,” Armendáriz told me. “But spirituality is for those who have already been to Hell. That’s me.”

.. The character who interested me the most was Platanito, the referee. He did a fine job of being diabolical. He would seem to be imposing order, keeping the rudos in line, but then, at a critical moment, he would fail and reveal his weakness, his corruption. A técnico would be getting unlawfully stomped by a three-man tag team, and Platanito would suddenly jump in and join them, unable to resist the fun. Lucha libre referees have complex, only semi-managerial roles. They are much like the Mexican government, only funnier. But it was hard to tell how many people at the Mayan were in on the joke.

India: The Youngest Are Hungriest

This favoritism toward firstborn sons emerges before babies are even born; in fact, the India-Africa height gap is apparent at birth, and remains consistent through childhood. Families allocate inordinate resources — nutritious foods, iron supplements, tetanus shots and prenatal checkups — to a pregnant woman as long as there is a possibility that she is carrying the family’s firstborn son. Once a male heir is born, prenatal investments drop off.

.. Parents will continue to lavish resources on their eldest sons if they see them as their only support in old age. But if we can improve the economic prospects for India’s women, we may be able to reduce the malnutrition of their children.

Why Are There So Many Women in Public Relations?

But the feminization of PR isn’t a product of some sort of mass hysteria (sorry) by female liberal arts majors. It’s very rational. Jobs for public relations specialists are growing at 12 percent a year—about the same rate at which jobs for reporter are shrinking each year. PR people now outnumber journalists three to one.

.. And the typical explanations—that women are better listeners, or more social—don’t hold up, since those skills are also necessary in journalism, where women don’t dominate.

.. Many of the women I spoke to seemed to genuinely enjoy portraying things in a positive light, which is the exact opposite of most journalists I know, who appraise every fact they encounter with the skepticism of an overzealous hall monitor. “Oh a special ranch for disabled ponies? How disabled are the ponies, though?”