Trump: ‘I don’t wanna change’

And he boasted of his temperament — his “single greatest strength,” by his account — while knocking Clinton’s disposition in an interview with the La Crosse Tribune.

“I actually think that Hillary Clinton doesn’t have a good temperament. I thinks she’s very unstable in certain ways,” Trump told the newspaper.

.. “I think temperament is one of my greatest assets,” Trump added. “I’ve won all my life. I’ve been winning. I always thought that temperament — I mean I have always felt — and been told — that my single greatest strength is temperament.”

Roger Ailes Is Advising Donald Trump Ahead of Presidential Debates

Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is not being paid.

.. Mr. Trump said Mr. Ailes was not formally involved in his debate preparations, and chafed at the suggestion that he even needed to prepare for them. “I’ll speak with Roger, but this is not a formal thing,” Mr. Trump said. “I don’t have a debate coach. I’ve never had a debate coach.” He insisted that Mr. Ailes had “no role.”

 .. During a prep session, he asked Reagan, who had performed badly in the first debate, how he would handle being asked about his age.
.. He was one of 10 candidates onstage and could often filibuster his way through questions or avoid them entirely as his rivals consumed airtime — an approach that would be untenable in a one-on-one or even a three-way matchup including the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson.

RNC considers cutting cash to Trump

GOP officials lay the groundwork to blame their nominee if Clinton wins.

Publicly, Republican Party officials continue to stand by Donald Trump. Privately, at the highest levels, party leaders have started talking about cutting off support to Trump in October and redirecting cash to save endangered congressional majorities.

.. Since the Cleveland convention, top party officials have been quietly making the case to political journalists, donors and GOP operatives that the Republican National Committee has done more to help Trump than it did to support its 2012 nominee Mitt Romney, and that therefore Trump has only himself and his campaign to blame for his precipitous slide in the polls, according to people who have spoken with Republican leadership.

Pence: I’m not Trump’s ‘clean-up crew’

Asked by Fox host Chris Wallace whether the campaign would lift that ban, Pence responded, “I don’t think Donald Trump is having any problem getting press at this point. He gets a lot an awful lot of attention.”

.. Asked whether stylistic differences like Trump’s statements about Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a slain American soldier, after they criticized him during last month’s Democratic National Convention, or Trump’s remarks questioning NATO’s mutual-defense commitments give Pence pause, the governor reiterated that he’s honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump.

“Look, he’s not someone that spent a lifetime in politics. He speaks his heart and he speaks his mind,” Pence added. “And I truly do believe, this good man is going to be a great president of the United States.”