Celeste Holm bio: acted with Frank Sinatra

“All the producers I met”, she said, “were like Darryl F Zanuck — deeply humourless flesh-grabbers, who only understood about virgins and whores. If you happened to be neither, they went into a state of total confusion and didn’t know how to cast you.”

.. Her comeback movie was The Tender Trap (1955). MGM did not want her in the film, considering her largely forgotten, but her co-star, Frank Sinatra, insisted and who was studio head Dore Schary to argue with him?

An old/new way of seeing hypertext — Ted Nelson at SHDH 42, part 2

If you want to read non-hierarchical writing, read the New Yorker.

Why can’t you make annotations on the web?  Because Tim B., et all didn’t think you would need it.

  • edl: list of pieces to concatinate
  • odl: list of links to apply to document, comments

Autodesk failure ($5 million)

This is the biggest issue in Civilization.  More important than global warming. (last 30 sec)

This would be good for the University Presses (Part 3, 4 min)

Histomap: parrallel history (Part 3, 6:20)

Why we are all standing on the shoulders of tech’s giants

But I worry that for most people PLATO is one of those parts of our shared history that we seem to be losing. We’ve mostly forgotten that it was PLATO that inspired Ted Nelson to write his pair of books Computer Lib and Dream Machines that led to his work on the failed Xanadu hypertext project that helped inspire Tim Berners-Lee’s work that gave us today’s World Wide Web.

.. How can we protect that history, in an industry that seems to reinvent itself every decade or so? We can support the work of organisations such as the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley, or the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park in the UK.

.. It’s a fun read, full of laugh-out-loud anecdotes and cute stories (did you know the cover over the power switch on a rack of computers is called a Molly Guard, after the two year old daughter of an early mainframe operator who managed to shut down a major research centre with a flick of her finger?).