“Star Wars” Is Really About Feminism. And Jefferson. And Jesus.


Anakin Skywalker is the product of a virgini birth. He has no human father. He turns out to be a Christ-like figure, dying for humanity’s sins, which he incarnates and symbolizes. Star Wars is an imaginative reconstruction of Jesus’s life, in which the Jesus figure is the sinner — unable to resist Satan until the very end, when he sacrifices everything for his child, and symbolically for all children.

George Lucas nearly wrote a perfect prequel trilogy. He just didn’t notice

You see Star Wars has always been about binary, black-and-white morality. In the Original Trilogy, that works just fine. The good guys are plucky underdogs, and the bad guys are a fascist galactic empire who think nothing of blowing up a populated planet for shits and giggles. In the wider, more complicated world of the pre-Empire days though, things are, and should be, more nuanced.