Sidney’s Powell’s Intelligence Source claims to have 8 degrees


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Your own attorney general who defended you and you praised lavishly says he couldn’t find evidence of election fraud.

Who does he think he is to call the Supreme Court incompetent and weak?  Especially given that 6 of the 9 were appointed by Republicans and 3 appointed by Trump himself.

In Wisconsin, a Trump appointee demolished Trump’s claims, upholding another Trump appointee’s claims.

No one has lost more, so quickly, than Trump.

Sidney Powell’s claims to have a secret “intelligence source” whose affidavit exactly mathes a Trump podcaster, who served less than a year in the Navy two decadess agaon and claims to have 8 degrees, including a Ph.D and a MBA, and M.D.   The North Dakota attorney general is accusing her of running a fake charity and spending the money on McDonalds and QVC.

What if Sidney Powell is right about Democratic Voter fraud?

If she could, she already would have done so don’t you think?

But wait! She claims she that that software was demonstrated to Hugo Chavez in Venezuala, and it’s the same software that was used to manipulate the 2020 elections in the United States. Hugo Chavez died in 2013, so this software had to be developed no later than that. So, it might have been also used in the 2016 U.S. election, which Trump won because the Republicans used it to manipulate the vote!! The Democrats were just too dumb to figure it out. How’s that for a conspiracy theory?

Ms Powell is peddling monkey dung……