Autistic Theology

I have been asked why having Asperger’s makes being Christian difficult and why 90% of adults with AS are non-religious. This is the best way I can describe it.


Imagine, as it were, a parallel universe much more wonderful than our own. A universe in which emotions were not expressed through facial queues and body language, but through music. Imagine that instead of simply smiling and laughing to indicate happiness, an orchestra played to the tune of your non-verbal communications. Sadness, anger, joy, anxiety, disgust, and any of the other plethora of human emotions were expressed through a music that seemed to ooze out of one’s being.

6 Bad Habits Christians Should Drop

Being Judgmental

Despite this, many Christians mistakenly assume that withholding judgment is a form of accepting, condoning and even affirming sin.

Predicting the Future

Overcomplicating the Love of Jesus

Before posting anything, stop and think: “Is this true, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind?”

 .. Unfortunately, too many Christians talk about Christ’s love without actually being loving. Meanwhile, the rest of world witnesses this obvious contradiction and simply stops listening.


Native and Celtic Spirituality: Initiation


In Native American vision quests, the initiate cannot return to the village until he knows his sacred name and has met the Great Spirit.

.. I wonder if the prevalence of hazing, tattoos, and body piercings is not the secular substitution for what young men once sought by fasting, circumcision, scarification, shaving of heads, and knocking out of teeth.

Original Blessing

Philip Newell writes: “Eriugena, the ninth-century Irish teacher, says that if goodness were extracted from the universe, all things would cease to exist. For goodness is not simply a feature of life; it is the very essence of life. Goodness gives rise to being, just as evil leads to nonbeing or to a destruction and denial of life’s sacredness.”

.. Those who live in close proximity to the natural world seem to come to know the universe as benevolent much more easily, despite its inherent violence and changeability.