pycurl CurlMulti example

import pycurl
from cStringIO import StringIO

urls = [...] # list of urls
# reqs: List of individual requests.
# Each list element will be a 3-tuple of url (string), response string buffer
# (cStringIO.StringIO), and request handle (pycurl.Curl object).
reqs = [] 

# Build multi-request object.
m = pycurl.CurlMulti()
for url in urls: 
    response = StringIO()
    handle = pycurl.Curl()
    handle.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
    handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write)
    req = (url, response, handle)
    # Note that the handle must be added to the multi object
    # by reference to the req tuple (threading?).

# Perform multi-request.
# This code copied from pycurl docs, modified to explicitly
# set num_handles before the outer while loop.
num_handles = len(reqs)
while num_handles:
    ret =
    if ret == -1:
    while 1:
        ret, num_handles = m.perform()
        if ret != pycurl.E_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM: 

for req in reqs:
    # req[1].getvalue() contains response content

To Write Better Code, Read Virginia Woolf

Fresh out of college in 1993, I signed on with a large technology consultancy. The firm’s idea was that by hiring a certain lunatic fringe of humanities majors, it might cut down on engineering groupthink.

.. I’ve worked in software for years and, time and again, I’ve seen someone apply the arts to solve a problem of systems. The reason for this is simple. As a practice, software development is far more creative than algorithmic.

.. But in my experience, programming lends itself to concentrated self-study in a way that, say, “To the Lighthouse” or “Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction” do not. To learn how to write code, you need a few good books. To enter the mind of an artist, you need a human guide.

.. How much better is the view of another Silicon Valley figure, who argued that “technology alone is not enough — it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”

His name? Steve Jobs.

TIVIX: Silicon Valley Consultants create Django Apps

Since the introduction of django-rest-framework, Django apps have been able to serve up app-level REST API endpoints. As a result, we saw a lot of instances where developers implemented their own REST registration API endpoints here and there, snippets, and so on. We aim to solve this demand by providing django-rest-auth, a set of REST API endpoints to handle User Registration and Authentication tasks. By having these API endpoints, your client apps such as AngularJS, iOS, Android, and others can communicate to your Django backend site independently via REST APIs for User Management. Of course, we’ll add more API endpoints as we see the demand.