How to install Celery on Django and Create a Periodic Task

First, we need to choose what is called a Message Broker, required by Celery in order to send and receive messages. Here we will use RabbitMQ, which is feature-complete, stable, durable and easy to install. Moreover, it is the default broker so it does not require additional configuration

Check out how to install it for your particular system here. If you are using Mac OS X you can install it with homebrew (and if you want to install first homebrew… check this post):

Ember.js : Reactive Programming (Spreadsheets)

Reactive Programming (or RP for short) is a programming paradigm that gets thrown around a lot, but its clear that there is much confusion about what it actually is. RP is a general programming paradigm, but is particularly suited to creating reactive user interfaces.

The simplest analogy to understand RP is that of a ‘spreadsheet’ — if you’ve ever dabbled with Excel/Google Spreadsheet formulas, congratulations, you’ve done some reactive programming already!

The promise of asynchronous PHP

From ReactPHP to Facebook Hack’s Async implementation and many more, asynchronous programming has been a ‘hot’ topic lately. But how well does async programming support work in PHP and what can you actually use it for in your projects ? Let’s look at some real-world use cases and how they leverage the power of async to do things you didn’t know PHP could do.