Ultimate PostgreSQL Slug Function

What is a slug?!

If you’re reading this, you probably know, but a slug is a URL/SEO friendly representation of a string. If for example you wrote an article:

The World’s “Best” Cafés!

You’d want a slug function to create a representation that looks a bit like:


Granted browsers can probably handle the accented “e” but it’s good to be over conservative for backwards compatibility.

PostgreSQL slug function

The most comprehensive slug function I’ve seen for Postgres (and in general) is by ianks on Github. Slug functions are one of those things that never seems to have a definitive “best and final” version, but this has been very reliable for me.

Code of Conduct Committee: 2018 Annual Report

The PostgreSQL Community Code of Conduct Committee was formally established by the PostgreSQL Core Team on September 14, 2018. The Committee members selected by the Core Team are:

  • Stacey Haysler, Chair
  • Laetitia Avrot
  • Ilya Kosmodemiansky
  • Jonathan Katz
  • Vik Fearing

In the period of September 14, 2018 through December 31, 2018, the Committee received the following reports:

  • Sexual harassment: 2
  • Threats of violence: 1

The results of the investigations:

  • Education and coaching: 1
  • Permanent ban from community resources: 1
  • Investigation ongoing as of December 31, 2018: 1

We would like to thank the Core Team and the community members who have supported the adoption of the Code of Conduct, and who continue to uphold the professional standards of the PostgreSQL Community.


Run a query in psql and output the result as CSV.

$ psql2csv dbname “select * from table” > data.csv

$ psql2csv dbname < query.sql > data.csv

$ psql2csv –no-header –delimiter=$’\t’ –encoding=latin1 dbname < SELECT *
> FROM some_table
> WHERE some_condition
> LIMIT 10
> sql

PostgreSQL Features You May Not Have Tried But Should

Range Types

Ever worked with temperature ranges, calendar scheduling, price ranges and the like? Working with intervals are one of those deceptively simple things that gently lead you into hair-pulling and late night debugging.

Here’s a table with a range column, and some values:

    item  text,
    price int4range -- int4range is a range of regular integers

INSERT INTO prices VALUES ('mouse',    '[10,16)');
INSERT INTO prices VALUES ('keyboard', '[20,31)');
INSERT INTO prices VALUES ('joystick', '[35,56)');

The numbers in the mismatched brackets represent a half-open interval. Here is the query to find all items that are in the price range $15 to $30, using the && operator (range overlap):

test=# SELECT * FROM prices WHERE price && int4range(15,30);
   item   |  price
 mouse    | [10,16)
 keyboard | [20,31)
(2 rows)

If you are not impressed, try writing the query without ranges. (No really, just try it.)

Range types are quite powerful – there are more operatorsfunctions, you can define your own range types, and even index them.

To learn more about ranges, try this presentation, and the docs.


Array Types

PostgreSQL has supported arrays for a long time. Array types can reduce the amount of boilerplate application code and simplify queries. Here is a table that uses an array column:

    title text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    tags  text[]

Assuming each row represents a blog post, each having a set of tags, here is how we can list all the posts that have both “postgres” and “go” tags:

test=# SELECT title, tags FROM posts WHERE '{"postgres", "go"}' <@ tags;
               title               |          tags
 Writing PostgreSQL Triggers in Go | {postgres,triggers,go}
(1 row)

The usage of the array type here makes for concise data modelling and simpler queries. Postgres arrays come with operators and functions, including aggregate functions. You can also create indexes on array expressions. Here is an article on using arrays with Go.



pg_stat_statements is an extension that is present by default in your PostgreSQL distribution, but is not enabled. This extension records a wealth of information about each statement executed, including the time taken, the memory used and disk I/Os initiated. It’s indispensible for understanding and debugging query performance issues.

The overhead of installing and enabling this extension is small, it’s very simple to use, and there is no reason NOT to run it on your production servers! Read the docs for more info.

Hash, GIN and BRIN Indexes

The default index type in PostgreSQL is the B-Tree, but there are also other types, that are documented here. Other index types are very helpful in cases that aren’t actually uncommon. In particular, setting up indexes of the hash, GIN and BRIN type might just be the solution to your performance issues:

  • Hash: Unlike B-Tree indexes which have inherent ordering, hash indexes are unordered and can only do equality matches (lookup). However, hash indexes occupy much lesser space and are faster than B-Trees for equality matches. (Also, note that prior to PostgreSQL 10 it was not possible to replicate hash indexes; they were unlogged.)
  • GIN: GIN is an inverted index, which essentially allows for multiple values for a single key. GIN indexes are useful for indexing arrays, JSON, ranges, full text search etc.
  • BRIN: If your data has a specific, natural order – for example, time series data – and your queries typically work only with a small range of it, then BRIN indexes can speed up your queries with very little overhead. BRIN indexes maintain ranges per block of data, allowing the optimizer to skip over blocks that contain rows that won’t be selected by the query.

About pgDash

pgDash is an in-depth monitoring solution designed specifically for PostgreSQL deployments. pgDash shows you information and metrics about every aspect of your PostgreSQL database server, collected using the open-source tool pgmetrics.