Hamas Gambled on War as Its Woes Grew in Gaza

At first, when Hamas rockets were being intercepted mainly by Israel’s Iron Dome system as Israel hit Gaza with devastating force, the group strove to persuade its supporters that it was having enough impact on Israel to wrest concessions: Its radio stations blared fictional reports about Israeli casualties.

.. But as the recent fight with Israel has revealed, Hamas was importing tons of cement — desperately needed for Gazan schools and houses and construction jobs — to reinforce the tunnels it built to infiltrate Israel and hide its weapons.


Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions too easily commandeered by anti-Semites

The stated aim of the B.D.S. movement is in fact to end the occupation, recognize the rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality, and fight for the right of return of all Palestinian refugees. The first objective is essential to Israel’s future. The second is laudable. The third, combined with the second, equals the end of Israel as a Jewish state. This is the hidden agenda of B.D.S., its unacceptable subterfuge, and the reason I do not trust it.

B.D.S. can too easily be commandeered by anti-Semites posing as anti-Zionists who channel the quest for peace in a direction that ultimately dooms Israel as a national home for Jews.

A Palestinian Student Defends Her Visit to Auschwitz

“It is impossible for me to make believe that there was no human tragedy perpetrated against millions of Jews and non-Jews.”

.. And those who argue, as student-critics of our trip wrote on Facebook, that the injustice Palestinians currently face is of the same magnitude as what happened to Jews in Nazi-controlled Europe are wrong, too. However degrading and unfair our situation in Palestine is today—and yes, it is degrading and unfair—it pales in comparison to the dehumanizing horror, depravity, and evil conceived and implemented by Nazis and their collaborators.

Where is the Kerry Plan for Peace

More than a quarter of Israelis tell pollsters they would like to see Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir, pardoned.

.. Kerry must have known that he never had a chance to persuade this government to give up on Greater Israel any more than his boss had the chance to win the House over to a steep increase in income taxes. Settlement construction is not just an obstacle to negotiations; it gestures toward a maximal, neo-Zionist vision. If Kerry was not prepared to confront that vision and to help marginalize its advocates, he should not have undertaken this diplomacy in the first place.

.. Sheldon Adelson, the casino magnate, is thought to have bought the newspaper Makor Rishon to keep Economy Minister Naftali Bennett, a national Orthodox leader, from using it to attack Netanyahu. Clear?