Ted Nelson: And that way lies madness?

Ted Nelson’s 70th Birthday Lecture – Part 5 of 15:


  • one is to say what is the real problem .. and that way lies madness
  • and the other is to say, lets just throw in some stuff we have lying around

The issue is that there is no determinate order in which to say things.

What I find most atrocious about Xerox Parc is what they did to cut and past.

The purpose of hypertext was to make visible really complicated documents

Citation analysis of Ted Nelson’s works and his influence on hypertext concept Ming

This study investigates Ted Nelson’s works and the influence of his hypertext concept through citation analysis, including citation counting, characteristics of citing articles on language, document type, citing year, discipline, and citation content. The selection of the Nelson’s works was based on searching Library Literature & Information Science, Library and Information Science Abstracts, Google and Yahoo search engines. The citation data were compiled from the database of Web of Science. The results of the study reveal that hypertext has directly great impact on information retrieval and world wide web; therefore, the concept has had profound influence on information, library and computer science disciplines