Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic: Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies

In fact, it is not that wrong to read the potentialities of McLuhan’s mosaic through the heuristic process of hypertext, especially since the newest theories on digital hypertext have convincingly discussed it as a form wihich enables and even fosters a convergence between technology and contemporary critical theory..

… we must abandon conceptual systems founded on ideas of centre, margin, hierarchy, and linearity and replace them by ones of multilinearity, nodes, links, and networks… Almost all parties to this paradigm shift, which marks a revolution in human thought, see electronic writing as a direct response to the strengths and weaknesses of the printed book, on of the major landmarks in the history of human thought.

McLuhan Was Right: U of Virginia Case for Educating Differently

A study conducted by Dr. Jane Healy concluded that we are rearing a generation of “different brains.” She saw subtle but significant changes in the way children learned.  Such changes put children in direct conflict with traditional methods of teaching.

.. Frank Lanham suggested that hypertext returns learning to rhetoric, that is, as a conversation between computer and student. Teachers are familiar with the use of rhetorical devices to interact with students, but computers would allow far more interactive learning.