On Health Care, a Promise, Not a Threat

McConnell warns GOP senators they may end up having to work with the Democrats. They should.

The failure so far of Senate Republicans to agree on a health-care bill provides an opening. Whatever happens the next few days, moderates and centrists on both sides can and should rise, name themselves, and start storming through.
.. The party is undergoing a populist realignment, with party donors, think-tankers and ideologues seeing things more or less one way, and the Trump base, including many Democrats, seeing them another.
.. He has impulses and sentiments but is not, as the French used to say, a serious man.

.. Many Republican senators see that the American people are not in the mood for tax cuts to the comfortable and coverage limits on the distressed. Democratic senators, on the other hand, are increasingly aware that ObamaCare is not viable, and in some respects is on the verge of collapse.This gives both parties motives to join together and make things better.

.. Republicans believe they must repeal ObamaCare because they’ve long promised to do so. Keeping promises, especially in our untrusting political climate, is a good thing. But polling suggests America isn’t eager that promise be wholly kept

.. Republican Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said on Fox News Wednesday night: “I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and work with the Democrats.” Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin says it’s a ‘mistake’ to attempt a partisan fix. Democrat Joe Manchin, also of West Virginia, says he’s “ready” for a bipartisan effort. The New York Times reports senators from both parties met privately weeks ago to discuss core issues. Mr. Manchin was there along with Democrats Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota. Among the Republicans were Sens. Capito and Collins, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

.. Every president until Barack Obama knew this. He bullied through ObamaCare with no Republican support, and he did it devilishly, too, in that he created a bill so deal-laden, so intricate, so embedding-of-its-tentacles into the insurance and health systems, that it would be almost impossible to undo. He was maximalist.

.. Here is a thing that would help: a little humility from the Democrats, and a little humanity.

.. ObamaCare has big flaws—always did. It was an imperfect piece of legislation and it’s done some things my party said wouldn’t happen, such as lost coverage and hiked deductibles.

.. The Democratic Party made this mess. It’s on them to help dig out of it. If they show some humility, Republicans would look pretty poor in not responding with their own olive branch.

.. When it’s over, use whatever words you want: “We forced Democrats to admit the bill was flawed and dying.” “We forced Republicans to back down.”

Jimmy Carter Brilliantly Explains How The Establishment Gave Us Trump

The disparity in income feels that they are getting cheated by government and society.



political rights:

  • particularly after Citizens United
  • legal bribery

justice system:

  • 1/1000 before under Carter
  • 7/1000 now

The Establishment failed people for so long and badly.  People were willing to take a chance to try something new.



Shields and Brooks on GOP’s health care bill gridlock, Trump tweet backlash

The basic problem is that this is a bill that massively redistributes wealth to the rich.

Trump’s Super Pac attacked the most vulnerable member of his party

Brooks: It’s more than unhelpful.  Its a corruption of the public sphere.

Shields: He’s more engaged with Morning Joe than with Healthcare Policy

One of the things that may offend people is Mafioso extortionate behavior: using the National Inquirer to take down opponents.

Shields: this adds to the credibility of James Comey

I remember when Republicans got upset with Bill Clinton for not wearing a suit and tie in the Oval Office


AEI: Improving Health and Health Care: An Agenda for Reform

Those Americans without access to employer coverage should be given a refundable, age-adjusted tax credit that is set roughly equal to the average tax break for an employer plan.

.. This rule would protect persons with preexisting conditions from being charged more, or denied coverage, based on their health status so long as they have not experienced long breaks in insurance enrollment

.. States could also boost insurance enrollment by assigning persons who are eligible for the tax credits but have failed to pick an insurance policy to a default insurance plan. The upfront deductibles for these insurance plans would be set as necessary to ensure the premiums for enrollment would be equal to the federal tax credit, thus ensuring no additional premium would be required from a person assigned to a default plan.

.. Reform of Medicaid must start with changing how the federal government pays for its share of total cost. The program should be divided into its two distinct subparts, one for able-bodied adults and their children and the other for the disabled and elderly.

.. Medicare’s rules for paying hospitals, physicians, and other service providers heavily influence how care is delivered to all patients, not just Medicare enrollees. The program would improve if there were fewer regulations and more emphasis on market-based reforms. The starting point should be conversion of the program, on a prospective basis, to a premium support model

.. HSAs should be a central component of health care in the United States. The accounts provide strong incentives for their owners to seek the best value for their health care purchases, and they provide a ready vehicle for providing additional protection against high medical expenses.

.. A comprehensive reform plan should also reform the health insurance benefit for federal employees so that it operates like a defined contribution program.

Principles for Reform

  1. Citizens, not government, should control health care.
  2. Government subsidies should come in the form of defined contribution payments.
  3. Move power and control from the federal government to individuals, families, and states.
  4. Suppliers of medical services must have more freedom to innovate and provide better services to patients and consumers.
  5. Reform must improve the federal fiscal outlook by reducing long-term health obligations.