ICPPUL > Police > Unaccountable
- even if they are fired, they are easily rehired somewhere else despite misconduct
- malignant loyalty: (gang mentality) police collegues, associations, and unions cover for the bad apples and go after the good ones.
- Fellow police rarely step forward to deescalate a rogue officer: charge will be dropped, but the process is the punishment.
- The public is held to a much higher standard than fellow officers.
- charge or threaten unlawful “interference” charges and bait for non-physical interference, such as recording someone else’s detention and gaslight that they are protecting the detainee
- qualified immunity — if there is not an exact precedent, qualified immunity makes police (and judges) above the law. They would not be so cavalier if they could be sued for their actions.
- conflict-of-interest / weak self-investigations
- are intentionally difficult and obstructive of efforts to protest government action
- exclude non-corporate press that is not friendly with them
- no accountability for authoritarian retaliation: handcuffing man for laughing at the idea that he could be arrested and given a 6 month charge for unsigned registration card.
- almost never admit that they are wrong | The exception: enlightened supervisor
- refuse to admit they were wrong. Instead say: “I don’t want to argue“
- Qualified Immunity is so out of hand that a fake police officer was granted qualified immunity because their was no precedent for a government employee impersonating a police officer and detaining someone using a police vehicle
- British police accused of impunity.
- refuse to answer / deflect
- refuse to identify
- try to prevent recording (2) or mute/ obstruct body camera
- Without a warrant, destroy camera, kick-in door. Uses daughter’s name to get cooperation. Don’t respect the withdrawal of consent of homeowner and refuse to listen or take accountability for property damage
- just another example that show our police force has been militarized— they no longer see themselves working FOR the people but actively AGAINST “the people.” They have an “us vs them” attitude, as if they are in a war zone. This is why they have no problem treating us like dirty bugs underneath their boots. Until we end qualified immunity and make officers carry private insurance (like medical doctors must do), this won’t get any better. Right now they face no personal consequences, no matter what they do or how criminal it may be. They MUST start facing consequences. Period.
- try to intimidate or prevent filing of complaints (2)
- Trained not to say sorry because of the legal liability.
- use pretext of “safety” as catch-all excuse, including for authoritarianism
- They engage in Massive retaliation when corruption is exposed (using a honeypot)
- The only accountability is through a taxpayer payout, but the officers are not held responsible and reform is not enacted. Many officers are actually promoted.
- Lie, evade, misconstrue, and never admit fault when deposed, and face no accountability (instead taxpayers pay). (fascism is ok if someone is unusual)
- It takes years for court proceedings in pursuit of accountability