Business Genius Trump Lost $1 Billion, Claims It’s “Strategy”

–A blockbuster report from the New York Times looking at Donald Trump’s taxes from 1985-1994 exposes that Trump lost more than $1 billion over that 10 year period


years those are flat-out lies and in
fact a lawyer for Donald Trump put out a
statement saying that what the New York
Times is claiming about Trump is quote
demonstrably false but when that lawyer
was asked well what’s an example of
something that’s demonstrably false if
it’s demonstrably false demonstrate that
it’s false and Trump’s lawyer was unable
to actually cite a single specific claim
that is demonstrably false so what we’ve

that is demonstrably false so what we’ve
learned here is that Donald Trump’s tax
avoidance during these specific years
was not this enlightened proactive tax
strategy it was indicative of an
unstable and poorly run business that
was losing actual money period
income tax this morning Trump clearly
rattled by this put out a tweet actually
a to tweet word salad which read quote
real estate developers in the 1980s and
1990s more than 30 years ago were
entitled to massive write-offs and
depreciation which would if one was
actively building show losses and tax
losses in almost all cases much was
non-monetary sometimes considered tax
shelter you would get it by building or
even buying you always wanted to show
losses for tax purposes almost all real
estate developers did and often
renegotiate with banks it was sport
additionally the very old information
put out is a highly inaccurate fake news
hit job. Almost everything he said in
there was not true. The sort of common
nature of what was revealed in Trump’s
tax filings is not actually common. The
idea that Donald Trump’s losses were
only on paper losses for the reasons
he’s citing is not true. I mean none of
this is true. It’s certainly not fake
news and it’s actually been confirmed by
looking at the tax filings of his dad
Fred Trump at the time they were
involved in a lot of the same projects
financially and everything absolutely
matches up.