Ken Ham: Literal Genesis is Critical

[My father] was always very adamant about one thing – if you can’t trust the Book of Genesis as literal history, then you can’t trust the rest of the Bible. After all, every single doctrine of biblical theology is founded in the history of Genesis 1-11. My father had not developed his thinking in this area as much as we have today at Answers in Genesis, but he clearly understood that if Adam wasn’t created from dust, and that if he didn’t fall into sin as Genesis states, then the gospel message of the New Testament can’t be true either.

—Ken Ham (2008)[6]


Darwin’s Kids Doodled on Original Draft of “Origin of Species”

Among the twenty-six thousand pages that have so far been digitized are fifty-seven pages of the Darwin children’s drawings—nine of them on the back of the manuscript of “On the Origin of Species.”

What may seem like sacrilege now—turning the only handwritten copy of a seminal work of science into scratch paper—appears to have been normal then. Once Darwin had sent a fair copy of the manuscript off to his publisher, John Murray, he made the rest of his changes to the book directly on the galley proofs, and evidently he wasn’t precious about the originals. Paper being a hot commodity, the children co-opted the pages for themselves.

.. Part of the joy of these images, of course, is what they imply about Darwin—not the stereotype of a tortured, isolated great thinker but the abettor of scientific curiosity in others as much as in himself. Indeed, he often put his children to work on his research. “The kids were used as volunteers—to collect butterflies, insects, and moths, and to make observations on plants in the fields around town,” Kohn said.

Talking to Vaccine Resisters

It’s no mystery why this is occurring: increasingly, a dangerously high percentage of parents are choosing not to vaccinate against a disease that has killed more children than any other in history.

.. While the measles vaccine is overwhelmingly effective, infants don’t receive their first measles, mumps, and rubella, or M.M.R., shot until their first birthday, which means they’re vulnerable during the precise time when a measles infection is most dangerous.